This endless world

Chapter 223 Despite nine deaths, he still has no regrets

"...So, your choice is to put your life on the scale together with ordinary people?" No. 10032 answered in an indifferent tone, and Xin Bi'an, who was familiar with her, knew that this was his deputy leader. A way to express extreme dissatisfaction.

"Yeah, that's right."

Normally, Xin Bi'an would laugh and joke, trying to calm the deputy captain down. But at this time, the determined leader just showed a determined smile: "In the eyes of me, a person who was saved as an 'ordinary citizen', everyone's life is equal. Human life is worth more than other people’s lives, so this time…”

"I choose to die and bring life to the innocent people in this plane!"

At some point, a strange purple light appeared on Xin Bi'an's body. This light is so pure that it is almost transparent, but it is not the same as pure transparency. At first glance, it does not look like anything ordinary. That is the determination to fight to the end, that is the consciousness of sacrifice, that is the unyielding heart that cannot be ended even by death, that is the bright light that bursts out from the deepest part of the soul that cannot be covered up by the boundless sea of ​​suffering...

"Purple is the clearest, purple is the most expensive, it can be said to be the most pure..."

No. 10032 obviously recognized the true identity of this clear purple light, and her eyes were no longer the same as before: "This clear and clear purple thunder and lightning is very similar to the one in the record. Xin Bi'an, you..."

"Perhaps this is because of God's will. The reason why the professors asked me to practice the Supreme Purity Killing Immortal Art back then was probably because they saw that I had the potential to reproduce that person's grace."

Xin Bi'an stretched out her hand and held a trace of purple light. When this light reached her hand, it instantly turned into a clear and pure purple thunder and lightning. A very strong aura of explosion and destruction came.

Feeling the touch in his palm, Xin Bi'an raised his head: "Now that the light of the soul has awakened, the improvement in subtle aspects only requires continuous practice. If I concentrate on meditation for ten years, I will be able to formally master the light of the soul and steadily Standing at the intermediate level of the Demon King. Given time, I am afraid that there is even a slight possibility of achieving the Demon King as a high-level one... But now, there is no such time."

"I'm sorry. I know that this trip is extremely dangerous. It's not an exaggeration to say that I'm going to the end of hell for a while. It's very likely that I'll never come back. And in order not to let you stop me, I can only ask you to be quiet for a while. …Just consider this as my choice as the leader.”

Saying this, Xin Bi'an looked at No. 10032, and the lightning in her hand also solidified in an instant, turning into a brick. She was ready to hit No. 10032 on the head.

Seeing this, No. 10032 just sighed slightly and said: "Really, to say such things... In this case, I can only accompany you to the end of hell."

Hearing this, the lightning bricks that Xin Bi'an was about to smash suddenly stopped. The purple-haired elder sister who had just said a very handsome line suddenly showed a silly expression and said blankly: "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Since the establishment of the Fourth Regiment, when has it ever happened that the leader of the regiment fought alone while others stood by and watched?"

Although the tone of No. 10032 is cold, there is a heart-warming power in his words: "Our fourth regiment is a whole, a partner who can depend on each other in life and death, and a comrade who can fight side by side. We will all be prosperous and suffer. , and now you are going to face Ashiya Doman alone, where will you put us?"

"Michimit Ashiya has turned the entire island nation into his own devil's cave. If you want to invade the River of Life, you must break through the obstacles he has set up. Are you planning to kill the entire defense line by yourself? You are indeed an idiot. Ah...even if you can really do it, when you really kill him, you won't have much light left in your soul."

"Yes, Captain, how can we let you face the enemy alone?"

"Our Fourth Regiment has been established for so many years. When have we ever been afraid of sacrifice?"

"Captain, lead the brothers and charge again!"

Suddenly, dozens of chaotic sounds rang out from around the walls of the core control room. When Xin Bi'an looked up in surprise, he found that the figures of his comrades were displayed on the screens. Number 10032 added: "When I asked you for the answer, I shared what happened here with everyone in the Fourth Regiment. No matter what decision you make, we will follow it to the end."

"Because you are the leader."


After Xin Bi'an was briefly surprised, he was ecstatic. She scattered the purple thunder bricks in her hand, wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes without leaving a trace, and laughed loudly: "It's my fault that you were thoughtful, so now the only worries are gone... Then Let us face it together!"

"Save the world, just like we did before, just one more time!"

Then, there was a series of bloody battles, breaking through the opponent's defense line, making sacrifices, and comrades fell one after another, until they broke into the final subspace and faced Ashiya Michitoshi...

"He is really strong."

The scarred Xin Bi'an half held the Purple Thunder Sword, looking up at the black sun floating in mid-air, and the figure with half of his body pierced into the black sun: "Obviously he is an intermediate level Demon King like me, but the light of his soul has never been seen. He can understand it, but he can use the infinite energy of devouring souls to restore himself, and he can even draw blood from the origin of the world. I really can't use him up..."

"Hehehehehe, useless, useless, this is the difference between you and the poor monk."

Standing in the air, wearing a high hat and an onmyoji costume, Ashiya Michito had a cruel smile on his face, and all the components of his body were filled with dark sin: "The so-called limits of human beings are too small. , and it is precisely because of abandoning human morality and bottom line that the poor monk was able to trample under his feet the hateful Abe Seimei and you group of obstructionists from the void outside the territory!"

"Tsk, that's why I hate these villains who talk to themselves. They always look self-righteous and can't communicate at all..."

Xin Bi'an spit out his broken obsession with disdain, turned to No. 10032, who was also covered in scars, and asked: "Is there any good way?"

"There is only one way. I must have thought of it since you awakened the light of the soul." No. 10032 replied calmly. As she spoke, the deputy leader's body gradually turned into spiritual energy. Integrated into Xin Bi'an's body: "Fortunately, I have chopped off three corpses before, separated my own consciousness, and transferred Lungominiad's authority to them... And they will also finish us off. Unfinished business.”

"That's it." Xin Bi'an smiled: "Then there will be no worries."

"The information in the database only contains one Lin Pianyu, and it is impossible to fully reflect the elegance of that person back then. Therefore, most of the power to trigger the 'miracle' depends on the light of your soul and the Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder..." …”

Within a few words, 10032's body had almost completely turned into nothingness, leaving only one sentence floating in the air: "Do you... regret it?"

"There's no need to answer this kind of thing at all."

Xin Bi'an stood up, held the purple thunder knife again, and faced the black sun in the sky with a fearless smile.

"I wish that I could use my body to fight the evil in the world to the death, and even if I die nine times, I still have no regrets!"

The next moment, where the sword light started, eight thunder and lightning dragons rose up, covering the entire field of vision.

That day, thunder and lightning volleyed in the sky. After a bloody battle that no one knew about, Ashiya Michitoshi was finally sealed in this space, leaving only the endless thunderstorms in the space...

...And, a purple thunder knife thrust into the ground.

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