This endless world

Chapter 222 Past

——I am not a leader, and the environment I am in is also different from Xin Bi’an.

——But this does not prevent me from making the same choice as those people in history thousands of years later.

The shackles of the brain were opened, and the power of the third-level gene lock surged in the body. It was as if his mind had wings and began to spontaneously operate in an orderly manner according to the calculation methods taught by Xin Bi'an. The large and complex memories and surging emotions no longer constituted an obstacle to Yang Yun.

Knowing, understanding, applying, thinking simulation, emotional resonance, and in this world composed of consciousness and memory, Yang Yun can intuitively feel the huge power hidden in it.

"Is this growth? It's so dazzling, so eye-catching. No matter how many times I look at it, I can't bear to look away... It seems that you have roughly understood the meaning of 'miracle'."

Looking into Yang Yun's eyes, No. 10032 seemed to be aware of his current state. He couldn't help but twitch the muscles at the corners of his mouth, revealing a slightly weird expression. But paired with her iceberg-like face, there was something to be said Unmistakable sense of humor: "Then, let's finish reading this last memory."

——Then time started to continue flowing.

"...Actually, I understand that I can't save everyone."

Just when No. 10032 was about to start Lungominyad's jump procedure, Xin Bi'an's hand held down her arm.

At this time, the leader of the fourth regiment took off his purple long knife from behind, and seemed to be talking to No. 10032, and seemed to be muttering to himself: "I understand this, but just understanding does not mean that I can accept it, because that person told me so before leaving..."

Xin Bi'an straightened up bit by bit, and her voice became louder and louder, even tiny arcs appeared on the surface of her skin, making the virtual screen crackle: "The so-called interception of teaching is It is to intercept the glimmer of life between heaven and earth...that is to say, do not give up on anyone who can be saved, even when you are at your lowest!"

Xin Bi'an almost shouted these words. At this moment, an awe-inspiring and domineering aura emanated from her body, and then turned into a substantial purple armor, with a flying dragon glaring at the chest. It opened wide, as if it was about to fly straight out of the armor.

For Xin Bi'an who had completely liberated her aura and materialized it, No. 10032 could not help but take two steps back. A white light also emitted from her body. After offsetting part of the awe-inspiring aura in the air, she said: " It seems that your strength has improved since the last physical examination. However, for rational reasons, as a key leader, you should choose to pay more attention to your own safety..."

"You said something wrong, number 10032."

Xin Bi'an directly interrupted No. 10032: "This is a right choice, but we can't always choose, because after getting used to choosing, getting used to sacrificing, and getting used to abandoning, our hearts will become unwavering, even when facing When in trouble, the first thing you will think of is abandoning the weak one instead of considering another path..."

"And now, it's time for me to step up, like I always have."

Regarding Xin Bi'an's words, No. 10032's expression showed obvious fluctuations for the first time: "What are you going to do? What I said should be very clear."

Xin Bi'an smiled slightly and said: "I understand that what you said is rational and reasonable. It is the best choice you judged under the current situation. I should listen to you... However, this goes against my original intention. ah."

"No. 10032, you should know my information, right? I was born in a plane similar to this one. With the erosion of Dark Gaia, countless ghosts and monsters continued to appear in the world. The world fell apart in an instant, and countless people Cry and die..."

As he spoke, Xin Bi'an showed a painful expression on his face: "But there are some things that are not recorded in detail in the data, right? I was only eight years old at the time and lived with my grandma in a small village in the countryside. Most of the young adults, including my parents, went out to work. At that time, the people left in the village were basically older people and children like me. My grandparents were very kind to me and let us fight every day. Just having fun..."

"The village chief's grandfather served as a soldier in the early years. When the disaster broke out, he immediately gathered everyone and hid in the air-raid shelter built in the mountains in the early years. Since the countryside is vast and sparsely populated, we I have escaped the first wave of ghost attacks, but no one knows how long this doomsday scene will last. Food is gradually running out. Some grandparents went to look for food but never came back. But I didn’t understand anything at the time. I only know how to cry, and when I’m tired of crying, I go to sleep, and when I wake up, I…”.

"Later, for some reason, there were fewer and fewer old people in the air-raid shelter. I also asked my grandma where they had gone, but the grandma who came back just shook her head and whispered to me not to talk loudly. It wasn't just her, the old people were all there. In this way, even the youngest and most favored me is not allowed to make a loud noise. I only remember that everyone's eyes are dimming day by day..."

As she spoke, tears flashed in Xin Bi'an's eyes, but her tone was also filled with sadness: "Two months later, there was no food left in the air-raid shelter. There was no other way, so the two old men with the strongest physical strength took care of it. The children covered their mouths and could only move a little bit outside the air-raid shelter. Only a group of old people who could no longer walk and were on the verge of death due to malnutrition were left, including my dearest and dearest. My beloved grandma...she told me softly that we, the children, should follow the village chief to find food and saviors, and come back to help the old people who can no longer leave. We will be the heroes who save everyone."

Even now, Xin Bi'an's voice is extremely low when talking about his tragic past: "Not far away, we saw ghosts. That's why we haven't been able to speak loudly. A headless person still held a A monster that moves with a notched machete and can only judge and attack people by their sounds, a ghost story that only exists in the mouths of old people and fools playful children...".

"At that time, if we were abandoned as a group of children who knew nothing, the village chief grandfather would have a chance to survive... Even though he is old, he has always been the healthiest old man in the village, but he chose to let me and Let us survive, choose to actively make noise, and run in the other direction to attract the ghosts. Not long after we ran out, the soldiers of the human city came to this plane and discovered us..."

No. 10032 quietly listened to Xin Bi'an recounting his past. The leader of the Fourth Regiment, a strong woman who could still smile and chat with her comrades even if she was seriously injured. At this time, her words were filled with emotion. Choking: "Choice, this is also a choice. They chose to let me live, and they chose to let themselves die..."

Even now, Xin Bi'an's voice is extremely low when talking about his tragic past: "I didn't understand it when I was a child. Only when I grew up did I understand what that experience in my childhood meant. After that, even though I was often awakened by nightmares, my hands had already been tightly covering my mouth... Why was it that I was the one who survived?"

"It wasn't until I entered Sanqing Academy and learned that I had the talent for cultivation that I realized that this must be to prevent thousands of ordinary people like me from crying, sacrificing, and being given up. !”

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