This endless world

Chapter 221 Saving what can be saved

When manpower is exhausted...

Yang Yun closed his eyes gently. What No. 10032 said was such a simple truth. Although the fourth-level experts are powerful and the natural weapons of civilization are wonderful, but if the scope is expanded to the multiverse level, this will It’s nothing. No one can save everyone, not No. 10032, not Xin Bian, not even Taoist Sanqing, not even the Human Emperor himself...

"Saving everyone is the most perfect ideal state. It is a scene that can only appear in fairy tales and novels, but the reality is cruel."

No. 10032 narrated this truth plainly, as if talking about what to eat tonight: "Most of the time, we have to make a choice. Should we choose to abandon the lives of five people to save the lives of ten people? Or? Do you choose to save the life of a scientist and abandon the life of a ruffian?"

"Should I choose to spend one hour rescuing one person, or should I choose to spend two hours rescuing ten people?"

Xin Bi'an didn't speak, but her right hand had been clenched into a fist unconsciously, and her beautiful palm was pinched with five bloody marks. No. 10032 glanced briefly and then continued: "Xin Bi'an, this has nothing to do with us. Any mission we have carried out before is different. In the previous mission, we may only need to obliterate the weirdness and eliminate the ghosts. Even if we kill those human beings whose minds are polluted by sin and are hopeless, in your opinion, it is only It's just killing those 'inhuman beings'."

"With psychological preparation, you can take the lives of ten people without any hesitation, you can take the lives of a hundred people, you can take the lives of a thousand people. But if you increase this number to hundreds of millions, The unit rises to the level of planets and planes, so unless you are a person like me who is born with a lack of emotions, then you will feel hesitant and find it difficult to make a decision, which is actually a very normal thing."

"Kindness is not a mistake."

"No. 10032, you..."

Xin Bi'an originally thought that there was a turning point in No. 10032's words, but before the joy appeared on her face, No. 10032 ruthlessly shattered her hopes: "...but the weak are the ones."

——I understand that you are very strong. You have the strength of a demon king and a golden elixir level cultivator. You are still practicing the Shangqing Immortal Killing Technique, which is famous for its actual combat. Otherwise, he would not have been assigned to be the leader of the fourth regiment.

——It’s just that you are not strong enough, because the Demon King is not invincible at the beginning. At least he is still unable to deal with Ashiya Michitoshi, and it is impossible to save everyone in this plane. If you can really do this If there is a problem, then at least one of the two deputy commanders must come in person.

These are the words that No. 10032 has not yet spoken, but she understands that Xin Bi'an should also understand these truths: "Xin Bi'an, since you are in this position, you must take on the corresponding responsibilities and make the corresponding decisions, just like a tram As the person holding the track joystick in the puzzle, there are only two paths you can choose.”

"You can't stop the train, you can't destroy the track, you can't make the tram make a handsome drift and stop at the last moment; you can't save the victim tied to the track in advance at the critical moment. There are only two things you can do. Choose one, let the trolley run over five people or run over one person's body."


Xin Bi'an repeated these two words. She had never felt that these two simple words were so heavy: "But even so, we are here to save them, not to be the destroyers and executioners of a plane... …”

"Naive, every time we save the world is a brand new chess game, and sacrifice is inevitable. If we want to win in the chess game to the end, we must treat everything coldly and equally, and use all the power we have , whether it is people, objects, or even you and me, they are all placed on the chessboard."

"But none of this is a chess game!" Xin Bi'an retorted fiercely: "And life is definitely not a chess piece that can be manipulated by others!"

"It's just a chess piece."

No. 10032 refuted Xin Bi'an's words, she said: "Life is never equal... The life of a scientist is more valuable than the life of a gangster, the lives of ten people are more valuable than the lives of five people, our fourth group The lives of our soldiers are more valuable than the lives of the people in this plane, and the lives of the two of us are also more valuable than the lives of anyone in the fourth regiment."

"As the chief and deputy commander of the Fourth Regiment, everyone's lives are almost in our hands, and since we are in this position, we should become even more ruthless."

"Compassion does not command troops, that's how it is."

Xin Bi'an looked at No. 10032 in disbelief. This woman, who had been coordinating most of the affairs of the Fourth Regiment as deputy commander and staff officer for a long time, now revealed a side that was so unfamiliar to her. Although I thought the layout of No. 10032 was a bit unhuman before, but...

Suddenly, the virtual screen in front of No. 10032 flashed a red light, and then the data representing the concentration of sin began to rise crazily, and the black mist that had permeated the Japanese island nation also began to quickly spread around.

"We don't have much time."

Seeing the crazy fluctuations in the data, No. 10032 said directly: "Ashiya Micheman has accelerated his speed and begun to spread his sins to other areas. The pollution of the River of Life is gradually expanding."

"According to calculations, sin will permeate the entire planet in three hours, and we cannot stop it with our current manpower... Make your decision, your choice."

No. 10032 looked at Xin Bi'an, who was standing silently, but Yang Yun, who was also standing behind him, had some kind of premonition. His eyes were also looking at the person accepting this memory more than 1,500 years later. of myself.

——Yes, although I knew from 10032-2 and Liuli what Xin Bi'an's ending would be and what decision she would make, what was she thinking at the time?

——The leader of the fourth regiment of the Human Emperor's 10th Legion, a demon king-level soul cultivator, a golden elixir-level cultivator, and the inheritor of Tongtian... If it were her, what kind of words would she say?

Yang Yun closed his eyes gently, and Xin Bi'an's memory flashed before his eyes. His emotions were resonating, and the fire in his heart was burning, because of this difficult choice and his powerlessness against the current situation.

The surging emotions broke down the dam, and the obstacles I once thought were no longer obstacles.

Breakthrough has never been so simple in the future.

Is it a matter of course, or is it a matter of accumulation? Yang Yun didn't know, and he didn't need to know. The only thing he knew was that his third-level gene lock was quietly opened at this moment.

——If, I am Xin Bi'an, if I am Xin Bi'an, if I am Xin Bi'an!

Thinking is accelerating, simulating, and generating. And Yang Yun, at this moment, seemed to overlap with Xin Bi'an's figure, opening his mouth to pick up the words of No. 10032: "Those ordinary people who clearly did nothing but were going to be destroyed, what did they do wrong?"

"They did nothing wrong."

After asking and answering his own questions, Yang Yun continued: "Obviously it was because of Ashiya Michitoshi that they became innocent victims, but we want to regard them as evil and destroy everything together because of this?"

"There such thing in the world!"

Yang Yun lowered his head and said word by word: "I don't understand those big principles, but I also know that if I choose to give up on them and these innocent people at this time, then there will really be no one." We are here to save them. In times of crisis, there is only responsibility. Before that, someone must stand up, fight, and then die."

"So, I want to save them!"

"Is this your answer? Even if this choice may cost you, and all of us?"

Across the curtain of time, No. 10032 looked at Yang Yun calmly - this is not surprising. Since Xin Bi'an can survive in the form of spiritual light, as Chu Xuan's half-sibling, No. 10032, who had arranged the next thing in advance, naturally had corresponding means.

"No, this is Xin Bi'an's answer."

But to the surprise of No. 10032, Yang Yun shook his head: "I am not a general who commands thousands of people, and my contact with Xin Bi'an has only been for a short moment, so I can only activate the third-level gene lock to simulate some of her thoughts. , and then work backwards from the conclusion.”

"It's just that even if the experiences are different, people can still understand each other through emotions and hearts. Because human feelings and those beautiful things are always connected."

"So, what's your answer?" No. 10032 couldn't hear the emotion or anger in his tone, but he asked calmly.

"I won't say more if it's unnecessary, because if it were you, you would definitely leave corresponding backup plans in the core control room of Lungominiad. When Liuli arrives in this space, you will know the corresponding backup plan. message. Just like you stand in front of me now and choose to show kindness to me."

"Then, what I want to answer you is... I may not be able to save everyone, but I can save those that I can save, and I will do what I can do."

Yang Yun raised his eyes, calmly met No. 10032's eyes, and said the last words.

"That's why I'm here."

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