This endless world

Chapter 213 The blood flows like black iron, and the heart is as fragile as glass

"I didn't expect that you would dare to enter the seal directly..."

On a bloody battlefield covered with mutilated limbs and bones, there was a huge pure black ball of light hanging in the air, about several hundred meters in diameter, like a dark and deep black sun, from which a sweet and sweet light emitted. The venomous male voice came: "Such an unwise move, are you who came from outside the void thousands of years ago to hinder my good deeds, and today's surviving people are the last to resist!"

"Looks like I got here just in time."

Liuli stood on the blood-red ground and looked around. When she didn't find Yang Yun's figure, her eyes couldn't help but droop slightly. However, this action lasted less than half a second. The determined Valkyrie resolutely looked up at the black sun in the sky and responded coldly: "At least hurry up before you send all your power out and completely destroy the seal. Here we are...and now, because the power has been distributed outside the seal, it is no longer the strength it once was."

"It is true! The poor monk may have become weaker, but this does not mean that you who stand in front of me a thousand years later have become stronger!"

Hei Ri obviously saw Liuli's subtle movements, and his tone couldn't help but become a little happier: "Do you really think that the poor monk would not do anything and just let you invade the core area of ​​the seal! Although it seems that you There is some kind of treasure to protect the body, but the little guy who came with you has long been trapped in the curse and illusion set by the poor monk!"

"Presumably, it won't be long before he meets his tragic end!"

"Unfortunately, I am different from you, a loser who was suppressed by Abe Seimei at every turn and finally chose to join the darkness. Believing in the partners you came with is the most basic trust." Liuli was not moved at all, she faced the hanging The black sun on the horizon said calmly, as if describing a time-tested truth: "No matter how dangerous the trap he fell into, I think that the man who said those words and reawakened the courage hidden in our hearts will not Just disappear into the darkness.”

"I don't know the light that the human heart can shine. This is the reason why you failed thousands of years ago, Ashiya Michimitsu."

Hei Ri, who was called out about his true identity, paused for a moment, and then said angrily: "Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh... I'm not happy! Very unhappy! But because these words are facts, they are well-deserved truths. A record engraved in the river of life, so that the poor monk is completely unable to refute it!"

"It was like this one thousand five hundred and seventy-three years ago, and it will still be like this after one thousand five hundred and seventy-three years! Why do you guys who claim to be the messengers of justice always come to hinder my good deeds at the last moment and prevent me from stepping forward again? The steps to ascend to the level of God!”

"Maybe it's because those 'good things' will cause thousands of people to die." Liuli replied coldly. After hearing that one thousand five hundred and seventy-three years later, her body overflowed with tears that she could not hide. The murderous intention: "The 'god-level' you just mentioned will lead to the complete collapse of this plane. Whether it is a living person or a dead person, all souls will become your fuel and turn into the most basic The energy of the spirit son is absorbed by you, and it will never be reincarnated forever... We will never let this kind of future come."

"Then let's give it a try! Let's see what you, the woman standing in front of me, can do!"

Ashiya Michimi shouted crazily: "I failed last time, I won't fail this time! I will suck your soul dry and ravage all the living beings that you people value for you to see!"

"You won't get what you want." Liuli's plain narrative contained undoubted firm will and determination: "Because I will stop you again, crush your ambitions, and complete the unfinished task last time."

"Only you? Do you want to accomplish the task that even the woman named Xin Bi'an failed to accomplish just by relying on you alone?"

Ashiya Michimi sneered disdainfully: "You also saw her leaving the weapon to suppress the skull of the poor monk outside, right? That long sword was transformed by the light of her soul. It must not be long before it will be Completely eroded, and the last traces she left in this world will also be included in the palm of the poor monk!"


Even Liuli couldn't help but hesitate for a moment when she heard Xin Bi'an's message: "You said that was the light of the leader's soul..."

"You can take advantage of the opportunity! Go to hell!"

Liuli's momentary hesitation became a flaw. In an instant, four dark lightning beams burst out from the void around the black sun. The attack came quickly and urgently, without any warning before, and directly enveloped Liuli in it. And Ashiya Michimi was still shouting crazily: "Come and taste the pain your leader has suffered day and night! I tell you, in a short time, the only remaining light of her soul will be destroyed by me. After all the contamination, I will use my sins to re-create a 'her', holding my own weapons and becoming my most loyal slave!"

"Let the positive character who wants to protect the world turn into the villain who destroys the world. Let her hands be covered with blood. It is exciting to think about it... Trampling on things like dignity and faith is the highest level of a poor monk. of bliss!”

"The blood flows like black iron, and the heart is as fragile as glass..."

Just when Ashiya Michitoshi was laughing crazily, he heard a low and hoarse voice coming intermittently from the lightning beam: "Open the database to access combat data, activate the thinking synchronization combat mode, the light of the soul The amplification device is activated, the permissions of the portable small causal law healing device are opened, and the Nether core is released at full power..."

The voice was low at first, and then became high-pitched. A silver light flashed, and four lightning beams falling from the sky were cut into two parts. Where Liuli was, a heroic Valkyrie appeared there, holding a gun in her right hand and a shield in her left hand. Under her body was an extremely handsome eight-legged giant horse, with moving eyes like a living creature. .

"The current situation is exactly in line with the legend of the battle recorded in the data. The Human Emperor faced the hand of God alone. Therefore, I was able to borrow that power and use this unlimited battle system. However, due to the information about that time in the database There are many missing records, and only a few fragments of the legend remain. It is still impossible to fully reproduce this move using the Nether Core... Only the Eternal Spear Gangnir, Odin's Shield and Eight-legged Pegasus can be reproduced. Repnir.”

"However, I can't ask for more."

Liuli murmured to herself, her body was flashing with countless data streams, and this data stream turned into silver plasma, covering her whole body. When the light disappeared, Liuli's body had been replaced by a layer of silver armor.

Different from the battle armor Liuli wore before, and different from the soul-armed battle armor worn by everyone in the fourth group, this battle armor is integrated, streamlined, covering the whole body, shining with silver arcs. At first glance, it looks like he is wearing a whole ball of tumbling silver thunder and lightning on his body, and the surface of the armor has runes that light up from time to time, and each rune flashes with silver thunder and lightning.

Liuli's figure was originally of the Nordic race, with tall chest and long legs that took up almost half of her body. Putting on this armor, coupled with the spear in his hand and the eight-legged Pegasus on his crotch, he looks like a king who has stepped out of mythology, with an aura of a king all over his body... just like the king in Nordic mythology. Odin, the King of the Gods, reappears after changing his gender!

"Come on, Sleipnir."

Amidst the thunder and lightning, the cape behind Liuli rustled, and her blond hair couldn't stop fluttering in the wind, like a lion's mane under the helmet. And in that cold tone, there was an unconcealable fighting spirit and vengeful anger.

"It's time to finish the battle that happened one thousand five hundred and seventy-three years ago."

Then, the King of Gods launched a decisive charge towards the black sun.

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