This endless world

Chapter 214 The Story of a Young Man

Let’s talk about a young man’s story.

It was an ordinary day. A new life was welcomed in the delivery room of a certain hospital. This meant that a newlywed couple welcomed a new member of the family.

Like countless ordinary families across China, the couple regards their children as treasures and place great expectations on them, hoping that their children will become promising people in the future.

Therefore, children are taught from an early age to be friendly to others, to be humble and courteous, to be helpful, and to make more friends. As long as you treat others sincerely, you will be able to get others to treat you sincerely.

However, the good times did not last long. The couple died accidentally in a traffic accident. The child survived because he had previously stayed at his grandma's house and had no companions. The perpetrator paid a large amount of compensation, but how to take care of the children how old they are is still a problem. After discussion, the parents of the couple decided to take turns taking care of the children.

In this way, many years passed in the blink of an eye. When the children grew up, they studied hard under the care of their grandparents and were admitted to a good undergraduate university in the province, becoming a source of pride in their eyes.

The traumatic experience in childhood did not leave a shadow. Although the voices and smiles of the parents can only be remembered through photos, the children kept in mind the teachings of their parents back then and hoped to become the person their parents expected, and hoped to live in harmony with everyone. Can be liked by everyone.

He succeeded, and as the boy grew into a young man, he became a very popular man. Because he always treats the relationship with the people around him equally and always makes the people around him feel like a spring breeze.

——He always trusts the people around him.

He can empathize with others. When he sees the happy smiles of others, he will also smile sincerely and be sincerely happy for others; if others are sad because they have encountered something bad, he will also feel genuine He is sad and does everything he can to comfort that person; he is also not good at rejecting others, so when others ask him for help, he always does his best to provide support.

But one day, he realized one thing: not everyone can understand and agree with each other. Not only differences in personality, social environment and growth experience will cause some people to diverge and go in different directions, because their ideas are destined to be irreconcilable.

Even if they can coexist peacefully for a while, the rift has been planted and the two will eventually part ways.

It was a seemingly inconspicuous thing. There was friction between two female friends who had been friends with him for several years. The conflict escalated as time went by, from complaining to verbal abuse to each other, and finally even the young man did not respond. When we came here, it was in an extremely bad situation.

The young man caught in the middle did not understand this fact, nor did he understand why things had developed to this point. He just followed the way he had dealt with the problem before and persisted in what he had always done, trying to mediate the contradiction between the two parties and try to resolve the conflict through Communicate to resolve misunderstandings.

But the young man failed. He worked hard for a long time to no avail. Perhaps he thought that he and the other two were friends and that everyone could sit together and talk peacefully, but the parties involved did not seem to think so. The reality is that his two female friends have become incompatible enemies, and he is caught in the middle like cheese sandwiched between two sides of bread. Both sides feel that he is on the other side, and in the end he is the only one. Being criticized on both sides.

Even though he was treated like this, the young man did not give up. He tried to investigate the cause and course of the incident, and what caused the two of them to get into this situation. He asked other people who might know, and even spent a lot of effort to read materials in the library to study psychology... Finally, he discovered the root of the matter.

In fact, it was just a dispute caused by a trivial matter, no matter how trivial.

The young man was very happy. Although he spent a lot of time and energy, he did find out the truth of the matter. So he made an appointment with the two women, presented the facts and reason, and bit by bit, everything about them was revealed. The story, as well as the guesses as to why they got to this point, were all told.

The young man's mouth went dry as he spoke. He thought he could solve this problem perfectly, but he didn't expect that the two women just regarded his words as farts. Because their relationship has gradually fermented over time, and even the young man's mediation had the opposite effect, causing the atmosphere of the conversation to drop to a freezing point.

The young man's wishful thinking failed completely. Before leaving, one woman poured water directly on his face, while the other woman ruthlessly revealed the truth that he had not discovered until now.

"Instead of naively thinking that you can be a peacemaker, it is better to open your eyes and take a closer look to see how hypocritical the people around you many people pretend to be pitiful, but treat them like You use them like a tool to satisfy their selfish desires!"

The young man didn't want to believe it, but the woman's words were like a thorn, piercing into his heart so deeply that he couldn't help but think about it while eating and sleeping. And he did remember it through memories. Many details that have been overlooked.

Although very reluctant to doubt his friend, the young man launched an investigation.

The young man is not stupid, nor is he a fool without means. He is just too trusting of others. After this investigation, the truth naturally emerged, and he saw for the first time the ugliness of selfishness and greed.

Most of those who usually cry to him when they are drunk are just philistines who take the opportunity to express their emotions and eat and drink; those who claim to be in trouble at home and ask him to borrow money are actually using his help to live and drink. A greedy person; the most egregious thing is that the friend with whom he had the best relationship secretly used his ID card to apply for a credit card without telling him to use it as an overdraft when he rushed home to visit the sick old man. When he went to the bank to check his accounts, he discovered that he had a lot of debt.

Young people no longer dare to trust others.

The young man's worldview is shattered. The education he has received since childhood and the things he has experienced seem to be shattered. He wants to cry, but cannot shed tears; wants to howl, but cannot find the place; wants to cry to others. Telling, but now that my parents have passed away and the elders in the family are getting old, I can't find anyone to talk to, so I can only keep everything in my heart...

The young man silently cut off contact with his "friends". He resolutely took up legal weapons to protect his rights and sent his "good friend" to prison, but the debts that had already settled on his head were But it cannot be reversed. So he began to hide it from the elderly at home, dropped out of school, worked to pay off debts, and even ended up selling blood...

Until, when he was weak from hunger and desperate in a shabby rental house, he took out his mobile phone and found a dialog box that looked like virus software.

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life?

"Do you want to...really live?"

It was like having a long dream.

——Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, I relived an experience I had before entering the Lord God Space.

Yang Yun opened his eyes and smiled bitterly - although there was still darkness in front of him, he could clearly understand that he had opened his eyes, but there was not even a trace of light in the dark space he was currently in.

That was indeed Yang Yun's past. It was precisely because he had experienced those deceptions and betrayals that the young man felt despair and saw that dialog box entering the main god space. His behavior during the biohazard crisis and the six dimensions lower than ordinary people after returning to the main god space represent his long-term overwhelmed body and devastated heart.

Everything you see are memories; everything you think about is the past; everything you see is regret. Yang Yun's past before entering the main god's space cannot be said to be warm.

--Very painful.

Different from being almost killed by the Alien Queen, and different from dying when his life force is about to be exhausted, this pain is not physical pain, but mental pain. Not only from reliving his past, but also from malice, sins and curses coming from all directions. At this moment, these surging negative emotions and energy have broken through the defense of the super electromagnetic soul armor and eroded deep into the body.

"Fortunately, I am not alone now."

In this bottomless darkness, Yang Yun said to himself: "I have found a partner I can trust again, as well as those precious memories."

——At first, it was Zheng Zha.

"We are partners, isn't it the most basic thing to help each other?"

This is what he said after returning from Resident Evil. According to that man's character, saving me twice was not a big deal at all. It's as if humans help each other and support each other, which is what they should be.

"Trust is mutual, Yang Yun, I believe you once. But you also remember, I don't trust you now, but I trust you who worked hard to survive in the laser channel, who saved me among the aliens. Fate, you who fought the Alien Queen in a bloody battle were the one who grieved with me for the death of Chu Xuan in the curse..."

This is what he did in Harry Potter, even though he knew there was a secret hidden in me, he still chose to believe in my plan, led his teammates to face the enemy in a team battle, and left Hogwarts's Things were left to me.

That guy who was so naive that he was even a bit like a virgin was definitely not a hypocrite, but a partner worthy of life.

——After that, it’s Chu Xuan.

"Since I have chosen you, it means there must be something in you that makes me believe. I believe you can complete this task... and you must also believe in yourself."

"Believe in yourself, break the future that originally belonged to us, and open up a new future that belongs to you and belongs to us."

No matter what that god-like wise man was thinking, or whether there was any other deep meaning in choosing to die, judging from the results, he paved the way for me with his own life, gave me the opportunity to change the future, and gave me the opportunity to change the future. Put your trust in me.

That guy who was so cold and suffocating, apparently emotionless, actually just couldn't express it. The feelings in his heart were perhaps hotter than anyone else's.

——Then, there is Zhang Jie.

"Companion, can I stand side by side with you? Even if I am no longer in Middle-earth, not by your side?"

"Yang Yun, since you want to trust your teammates, don't keep too many things in your heart. You should take the initiative to tell them and trust them in all aspects!"

The guy who had to stand on the opposite side of the Central Continent team because of the main god and the pros and cons, and was the second best man in the entire reincarnation world, made me realize again that I actually didn’t trust my teammates wholeheartedly... and until now, he is still with me Side by side, I fought fiercely with that mountain-like giant in the outside world.

Besides, his problems still need to be solved by me.

——Finally, there is Liuli.

"The process of finding answers is also something we have never experienced before. Instead of relying on the powerful computing power of the Nether Core, we rely on our own hearts to find answers, and our own hands to touch and understand..."

"Fortunately, during this slightly long period of time, I finally found my own answer, my own 'truth'."

One thousand five hundred and seventy-three years of waiting, one thousand five hundred and seventy-three years of trust, finally came to fruition.

Thank you. If it weren’t for your words and your “trust” aura, I wouldn’t have been able to pick up my own past again.

"So I can't stay in this darkness for too long."

Even though I had fallen into an illusion just now and relived the most profound and terrifying nightmare; even now, there were still various curses eroding my body, as if my nerves and senses were magnified dozens of times and then pricked with needles and burned with fire. So much so that he had to fight with all his life energy to slightly relieve the bone-deep pain. Yang Yun still used all his strength to move the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Because he knew that those were all attacking his soul, making his will sink, and making his nerves give in.

——But as long as my heart never gives in, then I will never lose.

"There is still some unfinished business."

There seemed to be a firelight.

This fire warms the heart, dispels curses, burns away sins, and soothes the spirit.

Putting his hand on his chest, Yang Yun took out something and placed it gently on the ground, illuminating a small area around him.

That is the fire of hope called "trust" - a fire that will burn brightly even if it is betrayed or plunged into despair. Even if the memories of the past are all false, there are still countless sparks hidden in the painful past and burning despair that can start a prairie fire.

Hope will not be wiped out, and the young man will not be completely defeated by despair. Even if he is confused for a moment, he will eventually find a partner who can truly trust him and trust him without reservation.

"Burn yourself to illuminate the future... This time, is it my spirit or my soul that is burning?"

Yang Yun stared at the fire in front of him, shook his head and smiled: "Forget it, it doesn't matter... Anyway, since I developed 'Overload', I am destined to go further and further on this road."

The next second, the flames burned brightly.

Until it lights up the world.

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