This endless world

Chapter 212 I’m with you, Chu

Chapter 212 I’m with you, Chu...

Astral projection is essentially a skill similar to an out-of-body experience. Even though Zhang Jie has practiced it to the point where it can be teleported through space, tracing back to its roots, it is still a B-level skill that is based on the soul. The strength of the soul has very high requirements.

Zhang Jie can cross this boundary with his micro-level telekinesis, Liuli can avoid the sequelae with his true demon-level soul strength, but Yang Yun cannot.

So when Yang Yun landed, he felt as if his whole body had been stuffed into an extremely small box, and then released through a series of rough logistics. He felt dizzy from the depths of his soul. He couldn't help but kneel down and gasp for air. It wasn't until he used his life energy to circulate in his body twice that the feeling got better.

When Yang Yun fully recovered, he was able to look at the surrounding scene. At this moment, he was in a space that was obviously forcibly opened up. The void around him was like fragile porcelain, and from time to time something fell from the top. The tiny fragments gave off a dark smell of sin.

——It seems that Zhang Jie did send us to the destination we should go to, and these sins were leaked from this space.

The spiritual chain had been broken. Yang Yun briefly glanced at this unstable subspace, and soon found his companion who was teleported in with him. Not far from him, Liuli was standing in a daze in front of an object shining with purple light. When Yang Yun got closer, he realized that the object shining with purple light was a long knife.

Even after more than 1,500 years, Yang Yun could still tell that the long purple knife stuck diagonally on the ground was the weapon used by Xin Bi'an in the information 10032-2 showed them before. ...It’s just that the current appearance of this weapon is very different from the appearance in the data.

If the purple long sword in the information is the orthodox style of the East, and the lightning flashing on the blade is also pure purple, representing the orthodox thunder and lightning that destroys evil, and is full of wild and ancient atmosphere; then the purple long sword in front of you is integrated into it. Some unique styles. Not only did the position of the hand guard change from flat to downward curved, it looked like the horns of the devil in myths and legends at first glance. At the same time, the thunder and lightning on the blade also turned into a slightly eerie purple-black color. , full of a sense of evil and darkness.

"This is Captain Xin Bi'an's Purple Thunder Sword... but it has been contaminated by sin." Liuli said solemnly: "Now the thunder and lightning power attached to it has been distorted and eroded. It is better to say that it is a Purple Thunder Sword than a hell." Thunder Knife is more appropriate.”

——As expected, the meaning of the seal is to be destroyed or eroded.

Although he knew it was inappropriate, Yang Yun couldn't help but have this idea pop up in his mind. But now was not the time to think wildly, he quickly looked at the Hell Thunder Knife stuck diagonally on the ground.

Upon closer inspection, Yang Yun discovered something was wrong... Just at the tip of the knife, there was a skeleton that was split in two. The dark smell of sin was constantly emitting, eroding from the hell thunder knife, and the knife The thunder and lightning on his body kept fighting. Although the purple thunder arc is constantly annihilating the jet-black sins, the jet-black sins are also slowly devouring and assimilating the purple thunder arc.

"That should be the remains of Ashiya Michitoshi during his lifetime." Liuli naturally discovered what Yang Yun was looking at and added: "Based on the reconstruction and modeling of craniology, this skull has the same appearance as Ashiya Michitoshi's during his lifetime. They are 99.7% similar and can basically be identified as the same person."

"Isn't he a practitioner of the soul obsession system? Why does he still keep his original body?" Yang Yun asked strangely. Logically speaking, those who embark on the path of the soul obsession system are abandoned after death. If he loses his physical existence, then his skull..."

"According to records, he forged his own skull into a natural weapon with his own true name, and used it to control the ghosts under his command." Liuli carefully looked at Ashiya Doman's skull that was split in two, and said in a deep voice: "And In the human city's historical records of the Third Era, there is a similar item, which seems to be called the Skull of Gul'dan... It is also a powerful natural weapon with its true name."


Yang Yun does know that due to the human destiny resonance plan, the historical development of the negative universe is quite similar to that of the positive universe. For example, the second era is similar to the painting style of prehistoric immortals, with the Three Pure Ones and the Twelve Ancestral Witches. of.

The Third Age basically replicates the game plot of World of Warcraft, except that the ending of this story line seems to be that Sargeras successfully seizes Medivh and enters the destruction of Azeroth. In the end, the Dark Titan and The last guardians both fell into the hands of gods... I just don't know what role Fuxi played in it.

"So the current situation is that the Purple Thunder Sword was inserted into Ashiya Doman's skull as a seal, but it has been continuously corroded by sin during these fifteen hundred years, so that it turned into a Hell Thunder Sword..."

Yang Yun looked at the skull that was still emitting black gas: "And the essence of his soul is hidden in this skull, right? Then we can just destroy the skull here, right?"

"It's not as simple as you think." Liuli shook her head and denied Yang Yun's statement: "You come from the main god space, and you may not know much about the soul obsession system. If you can't erase the soul essence of Ashiya Michitani, Then destroying the skull will unlock the seal, allowing him to break out again."

"Then your plan is..."

"We need to directly enter the inside of the skull, have a battle with Ashiya Michitoshi inside the seal, and completely erase the essence of his soul. I am standing here for this purpose." Liuli said without hesitation.

"Wait a minute, did I hear you correctly? We want to take the initiative to enter the opponent's home court to fight?"

Yang Yun almost suspected that he had heard wrong for a moment, but Liuli immediately replied: "Yes, I have made enough preparations, and there is at least a 60% chance of success..."

As Liuli spoke, she turned her head slightly to the side. This action, coupled with her cold and delicate face, can be said to be a beautiful scenery.

"Oh...then how to enter?"

Yang Yun asked subconsciously first, but what he was thinking about was another thing. He was not fascinated by Liuli's appearance, but when he saw Liuli's movements, he always felt a little familiar. , as if I have seen the corresponding description somewhere...

"Just put your hand on it."

"I see...wait!"

At this moment, Yang Yun suddenly remembered and turned his head away while talking. Isn't this the most common operation used by Chu Xuan when he deceives people? He would do this every time he lied to Zheng Zha!

But before Yang Yun could react, Liuli's hand had already been placed on the back of his hand, and he pressed it on the broken skull with him. He only had time to shout in his mind...

"I'm so lucky, Chu... Liuli!"

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