This endless world

Chapter 211 You are still far away!

"Astral projection comes from the Western fantasy worldview. It uses powerful spiritual power to project human consciousness to extremely distant spaces. The distance that can be projected is proportional to the spiritual power."

"If the user's mental power is extremely strong, he can not only project his consciousness, but also break through the limitations of space and project his spirit, consciousness, body and soul to another place to achieve an effect similar to space transfer... The behavior is extremely risky, please use it with caution.”

"This skill requires a B-level side plot and five thousand reward points."

Zhang Jie is rich. In Scream, he once generated enough side plots and reward points to exchange for double A-level telekinesis and eye of suggestion in one game. He even had extra reward points to strengthen his Six-dimensional basic attributes.

But Zhang Jie is also poor. Ever since Zheng Zha and others entered the Zhongzhou team, he has never earned a score. He usually follows everyone around to ensure the bottom line. He is basically in a state of not working hard, and the remaining reward points are absolutely Most of them were exchanged for daily necessities, especially consumables such as high-end cigarettes.

There is no other reason. Ever since he knew his fate, Zhang Jie has lost the motivation to become stronger. The double-A level telekinesis combined with the authority of the guide is enough for him to turn most horror movies into a house. . The danger in the eyes of Zheng Zha and others was not worth mentioning in his eyes... It was not until the end of the last world that Zhang Jie realized that he was missing something.

He is a powerful psychokinesis controller, not a powerful mental power controller. At least when he broke through Dumbledore's magic barrier, he used a force to break through ten levels with one force, not a mental power controller. The moisturizer is silent.

Moreover, he lacks strong enough mobility. Psychokinesis may allow his body to fly, allowing his speed to briefly exceed the speed of sound, but his unexceptional six dimensions limit most of his performance.

The book becomes less useful when it is used, and the same goes for power. When Zhang Jie discovered that there were things he couldn't do, the man regained the motivation to become stronger... At the very least, when faced with the next difficulty, Zhang Jie's self-esteem would never allow him to say anything "I can't do it" are four words.

It's not that leaders can't become stronger through exercise, it's just that most of the time, their exercises are meaningless. Anyway, he will fuse with the captain and die, so what's the use of being stronger?

It's just that Zhang Jie is a different kind of leader.

This man who has never been very serious, in order to make up for his weaknesses and prevent similar things from happening next time, he secretly used his guide authority to find this thing called "Astral Projection" from the Lord God without telling everyone. Exchange, and secretly worked hard in the year when I returned to exercise. Not only did he practice this skill to the point where he could perform space transfer, but he also refinished his telekinesis.

The two small tests on 10032-2 and just now are the results of practice.

And now, astral projection, which has been developed for a long time, has also come in handy.

——Sure enough, this time, everything is different.

With contented joy in his heart, Zhang Jie laughed loudly as he faced the sinful giant hundreds of meters high, and disappeared like a phantom.

No matter how slow it is, the sinful giant can still detect that someone has invaded its territory and entered the hollow. When it wants to turn around, a figure has already stopped in front of it.

"Where are you going?" Zhang Jie looked directly at the enemy in front of him and said.

Naturally, the Sinful Giant would not understand what this tiny creature was talking about, but this did not prevent it from identifying it as an enemy. The giant raised his palms without hesitation and pressed down like a mountain.

A huge body, but with a speed exceeding the speed of sound, because huge size is linked to slowness, which is what humans usually imagine. In fact, a giant beast of this size can easily cross a distance of a thousand meters with just one step. , where can the word "slow" be used to describe it?

At this moment, the huge palm seemed to block out the sky and the sun, shrouding a large area in the surrounding area in shadow. From Zhang Jie's perspective, it was as if the entire world in his field of vision had gone dark, completely covered by the shadow of the palm.

But he didn't take it seriously.

Facing the huge palm that was pressing down, Zhang Jie sneered, raised his right fist, and punched out!


The majestic power of telekinesis was condensed into a fist, condensed into a sword, and condensed into an indestructible sharp blade. Although no light lit up in the sky, the power of telekinesis actually tore through the darkness, pressing down the palm of the sinful giant with a single blow. Cut it in half!

"Not bad at subtlety."

Zhang Jie shook his right hand again. He actually didn't like this feeling, even if he used invisible telekinesis to condense into a fist in the air. Because when he used telekinesis to touch the layer of sin on the giant's body, he always felt a sense of discomfort welling up from the bottom of his heart.

It's not as simple as grabbing poop with your hands, but wearing protective gear and touching high-concentration corrosive liquids with your hands. Zhang Jie could even feel the physical sensation of his telekinesis being corroded by sin, which made him both sick and scared.

Just saying that, Zhang Jie still noticed that after the giant failed to hit the target, the cut palm was healing at a high speed and was about to be restored in the blink of an eye. He instantly realized that although his counterattack had achieved certain results, for a monster of this size, it was nothing more than minor injuries.

Need to find the key.

Although he didn't know whether this monster whose body was made purely of sin had any vital points, this did not prevent Zhang Jie from immediately focusing on the only conspicuous feature of the sin giant - several obvious light spots on its head.

And that is the target he will attack next.

Condensing the invisible telekinesis power under his feet as a platform, Zhang Jie jumped up and launched a charge in the air. He flew in this dark space, hid his right hand at his waist, and then drew from the bottom up. Take out a hand knife.


The principle of drawing the sword in Japanese Kendo is to use the timing and arc while the sword is still hidden in the scabbard to create an instant acceleration to enhance the explosive power of the first slash.

Zhang Jie has not systematically learned the corresponding sword skills, but this does not prevent him from finding this move very cool when he comes into contact with anime novels, and he reproduces it with the meticulous power of the fourth level.

The invisible power of telekinesis turned into a half-moon-shaped sword and flew quickly, cutting off half of the arm that the sinful giant raised to defend. When the half of the arm fell to the ground with a bang, the force of the sword was still intact. A small half of his head was directly chopped off.

A lot of results were achieved, but the alarm bell in Zhang Jie's heart suddenly rang at this moment, because he saw the light spots on the other half of the sin giant's head, which lit up with an ominous black light.

And its entire body seemed to fade in a short period of time. The arc faded from its body and huge energy began to gather. It was as if the power of the entire body had gathered in the head of the Sinful Giant in an instant, concentrating on the few light spots on the remaining half of its head!


The speed of light exceeded the speed of sound. Countless thunder and lightning beams of different thicknesses shot out from the light spots on the face of the Sinful Giant. With destructive corrosive power, they broke through the air and turned into plasma. In an instant, they covered several square meters. Ten kilometers turned into a complete thundering hell!

Endless black lightning, like a spreading spider web, shot out in all directions, blocking almost every angle that Zhang Jie could dodge... But unlike the attack just now, Zhang Jie could feel that every lightning beam on the , all with varying degrees of subtle power!

——It was quite loud, but I slipped away.

Without even a second's hesitation, Zhang Jie's body instantly turned into nothingness and suddenly reappeared very far away in the sky, followed by a violent explosion.

Boom boom boom - the explosion lasted for tens of seconds, and when the sinful giant stopped firing, the wound cut by Zhang Jie had already healed. And even if such a large-scale and powerful map cannon attack was launched, the price paid by the Sinful Giant was only that the black lightning flashing on his body was weakened by an insignificant amount.

"It's durable, has thick skin, can regenerate at high speed, can erode and assimilate, and can also use large-scale attacks..."

Zhang Jie was floating in the air, looking at the sinful giant who turned back to his direction and the light spots on his face flashed again: "It will probably take a while."

"Do you think you can win, mortal!"

Suddenly, an ugly face emerged from the belly of the sinful giant. This big face showed an undisguised twisted murderous intent towards Zhang Jie: "With your strength, how can you be the opponent of God!"

Following the words spoken by the giant face, several five-pointed star seals suddenly appeared in front of the large black hole in mid-air. These five-pointed star seals formed a barrier similar to a barrier, wrapping the hole in it.

After doing this, the giant face laughed wildly again: "Just wait and see, those two bugs that broke into the seal will soon become my nourishment and become another stepping stone on my way to ascend to the gods. !”

"It seems that you are very confident in your identity."

Zhang Jie looked at the giant face on the abdomen, sneered and clenched his fists: "What a coincidence, when it comes to trusting your companions."

"Then you are still far away!"

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