This endless world

Chapter 210 Astral Projection

——Since this subspace does not belong to the real world, and the sun and moon cannot be seen, then what is it that does not turn this space into complete darkness?

The answer was revealed. As Zhang Jie pulled down hard, there was a harsh sound of cracking silk in the air, and the dark clouds in the sky dissipated in an instant.

The next moment, a purple light filled with disgusting black light fell from the sky, dyeing the entire land with its own color. In Yang Yun's eyes, the dark clouds in the sky were like a curtain on a stage, which was mercilessly lifted off by Zhang Jie's telekinesis, revealing the true appearance behind it.

It was a dark cave entrance. The space around the cave entrance was wrinkled unsteadily. From time to time, thunder and lightning and dark clouds burst out from it... No, it's not a dark cloud. I couldn't see it clearly when I was far away. Now Looking closer, the black clouds pouring out of the cave entrance are clearly all extremely pure dark sin!

"Damn it, bad luck."

Zhang Jie said in a bad tone in the soul chain, and Yang Yun could almost imagine him grinning in disgust. Looking at him in reality, he really had a frown on his face and kept shaking his left hand. , as if to shake off something contaminated on his hands: "It's like grabbing shit with your hands, it's really bad luck."

Even in a battle situation, Yang Yun still wanted to laugh when he saw Zhang Jie's exaggerated movements. Fortunately, he stared at Liuli in mid-air and said at the right time: "That space is the place where Ashiya Doman is sealed."

"are you sure?"

Yang Yun looked solemn and looked at the hole in the air: "Compared to the seal, it looks more like a big BOSS that is about to break out. It seems that after more than 1,500 years, your first The seal left by the Fourth Regiment is no longer stable."

"I can sense the aura of purple thunder coming from the entrance of the cave." Liuli shook her head and looked at the surrounding plains left behind after being washed by lightning: "The seal should not have been completely destroyed, but something must have gone wrong. It seems like Ashiya Michitoshi's power has begun to leak out over the years, forming this dark cloud of sin... We have to resolve this matter as soon as possible."

"It's very simple."

Zhang Jie's voice sounded in the spiritual chain: "But that bastard named Ashiya Michitoshi obviously won't let us get what we want."

In Zhang Jie's words, the being in the cave seemed to sense the counterattack from the outside world, and began to pour out sins explosively. Looking from a distance, it seemed as if a hole had burst in the sky, and darkness was constantly flowing downwards. of sludge.

Sludge falls from the sky to the earth.

And the earth is trembling.

The dark cloud of sin that was dragged to the ground by Zhang Jie has not lost its vitality. In the eyes of the three people, it is connected with the sky and begins to gradually gather and twist. It becomes bigger and taller. In a very short period of time, It formed a black behemoth.

This monster formed by the aggregation of sins is a hundred meters tall. It has limbs and body similar to human beings, but has no corresponding facial features. It looks extremely weird. Tiny thunder and lightning kept coming out of the monster, and just by standing there, it trampled cracks in the ground, and on its head, there were several obvious light spots.

Perhaps, that represents its facial features.

"In terms of pure energy intensity, this monster is already close to the intermediate level of the Demon King."

Liuli's eyes flashed with data: "Has the overflowing power reached this point? It seems that the seal has been severely damaged. I don't know how bad the situation is..."

"The good news is that it's only close to the Demon King's intermediate level."

Yang Yun put forward a different view. He pointed at the big black hole in the air, which was no longer leaking out black sins at this time: "As of now, it seems that this monster is the combination of Ashiya Michitoshi's power and sins." The product should not have its own fighting consciousness, only instinct. It seems that the Onmyoji, who has been sealed for more than 1,500 years, first sends his power out of the seal, and then uses one internal and one external method. A strategy to wear down the seal.”

This is not difficult to guess. The reason for the attack was that he stepped into an area covered by lightning. Zhang Jie's clear counterattack once again stimulated the opponent's defensive measures. The sins pouring out from the cave entrance and the 100-meter sin giant that was just molded on the spot proved that this group of sins was just pure power, not the soul or self-awareness of Ashiya Michitoshi... Yang Yun believed that, This kind of villain who integrates his whole body and sin into one body will never say a word when facing a familiar opponent from thousands of years ago.

Liuli quickly followed Yang Yun's thoughts. She stared at the sinful giant who stood motionless. After a few seconds, she nodded and said: "Yes, according to the energy fluctuation index, there is a 70% probability of what you said. Fact. So we not only need to completely destroy this leaked power to prevent it from causing greater harm, but we also need to enter the cave and solve it while he sends most of his power outside the seal. Drop Ashiya Michimi’s soul essence.”

"That's right." Zhang Jie came over from the other side and stood side by side with the two of them: "Then leave this silly big guy to me, and you guys can complete another task. If it's like what you said, this is Most of the power that Ashiya Michichi has leaked to the outside world should not be difficult for the enemies within to deal with."

"are you sure?"

Yang Yun showed a questioning look.

"Nonsense, isn't it just for this time that you brought me back to this world?"

This is Zhang Jie's look in response.

When communicating between comrades who live and die together, sometimes a look is enough. Yang Yun nodded and agreed with Zhang Jie's statement, but then a new question arose: "But the question is, how should we go up now? "

Following Yang Yun's finger pointing, he happened to be able to see the still-expanding sinful giant, firmly blocking the big black hole in the air behind him: "That guy is obviously a guardian, and he won't let us do it so easily. Breakthrough."

Zhang Jie smiled: "Leave it to me."

"Do you mean to use telekinesis to help us fly? Or throw us up like missiles?" Yang Yun looked at Zhang Jie and hesitated: "Although I trust your telekinesis control level, with that guy's size …”

"I said, leave it to me. Do you think I didn't make any preparations after what happened last time?"

Zhang Jie put his hands behind Liuli and Yang Yun: "What happened last time made me realize that my mental power was indeed deficient to some extent in transmitting information, so I exchanged this after I went back. Skill……"

The powerful mental power instantly locked the spatial coordinates of the big black hole.

Then, stronger telekinesis distorted the space.

When he put down his hands, Yang Yun and Liuli had disappeared from the spot, and Zhang Jie laughed at the terrifying monster in front of him, which was huge and could only appear in monster movies.

"Astral projection, kid."

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