This endless world

Chapter 209 Come down here!

"So, why did you act like a robot when you fought me before?"

At this moment, Yang Yun and Zhang Jie have left the inside of Lungominiad and returned to the subspace that sealed Ashiya Doman. If it weren't for the holy spear beside him that was still inserted in the same place, and there was a cold and cold person next to him. Valkyrie, then they may even suspect that everything they just experienced was just a dream.

No matter what, the conversation with 10032-2 and Liuli refreshed their understanding of this cursed world. They never thought that an ordinary Kayako could be involved in so many secrets.

According to 10032-2, the specific location where Ashiya Doman was sealed is in the southeastern area where thunder falls from time to time, and Ashiya Doman is good at curses, onmyoji, and spiritual attacks... Although Yang Yun really wanted to discuss the enemy's intelligence for a while, but even 10032-2 didn't know any more information about the enemy.

In desperation, Yang Yun had to give up, and now that the decision had been made, 10032-2 teleported the two of them together with Liuli from inside Lungominiad.

Facing the cold-faced Liuli, Yang Yun, who was not actually familiar with him, could only find something to say: "You obviously have your own wishes and appeals, wouldn't you just make it clear to us directly?"

"At that time, I couldn't confirm your identity, and I also had the responsibility of guarding the core of Lungominiad. I couldn't let them go easily." Liuli shook her head and said, she walked to a broken soul In front of the armored man, he dug a hole in the ground with a spear and buried it properly.

"Obviously, I said at the beginning that I came here to eliminate Ashiya Doman... Or should I just say that I come from the main god space?" Yang Yun said while motioning for Zhang Jie to come and help.

"If you cannot prove your strength, then I will not let you enter the tower." Liuli replied directly without stopping.

"In other words, we actually have to fight this fight. Why can't we escape?"

While talking, the three of them had collected all the bones of the fourth group in the cave. As for Yang Yun's question, Liuli pointed his spear directly at the rock wall. With a flash of light, he opened a path on the cave wall. Coming to the passage leading to the outside, he said without looking back: "Yes, only having enough power is the best way to prove yourself."

——It seems that this woman is more martial than I thought... However, it is very consistent with her previous behavior. Having such a person as an ally may not be a bad thing.

Yang Yun shrugged, looked at Zhang Jie, and walked out along the gap in the wall.

Under the power of Zhang Jie's telekinesis, the three of them were not slow and quickly reached the outskirts of the thunder.

"We're here...are we going in like this?" Yang Yun looked at Liuli, but he discovered in the next second that the direction the fully armed Valkyrie was looking was not the depths of the lightning strike area, but the direction in the sky. dark clouds.

"Things with Thunder and Lightning are not right." Liuli muttered.

"Isn't it right?" Yang Yun looked at the sky, but saw nothing. He could only see streaks of purple thunder and lightning falling from the dark clouds: "What's wrong?"

"It doesn't feel right. Captain Xin Bi'an's thunder and lightning should be more powerful and gentle, instead of this feeling full of violence and darkness..." Liuli's eyes stared at the sky, never relaxing at all: "No, It shouldn’t be like this…”

With that said, Liuli took a step forward, but this step caused unexpected changes.


In the spiritual chain, Zhang Jie's shout suddenly sounded, and Yang Yun felt an extremely fatal threat. He subconsciously unlocked the second-level genetic lock, reached out and took Liuli, who was a step slower, towards Jumped out from the side!

The next second, from the dark clouds in the sky, a bolt of thunder and lightning as thick as the mouth of a bowl struck down instantly, hitting the location where the three of them were before, creating a large crater dozens of meters deep on the ground!

——What the hell!

Yang Yun only had time to land and looked at the big crater where he was just now with lingering fear. The lightning penetrated the air almost instantly, and the soil in the crater seemed to still have the smell of being burned by lightning. , and before the attack was launched, there was not even any warning!

But this was far from the end. Before Yang Yun could take a breath and think about why the dark clouds in the sky would attack them, the premonition of danger in his brain stung his nerves like continuous needle pricks.

——The second wave of attacks is coming, and it will come faster and more fiercely.

Yang Yun only had time to raise his head, and in his field of vision, the continuous dark clouds suddenly lit up. Behind the clouds, thousands of thunder and lightning were gathering, and the entire land was surrounded by black thunder and lightning. Illuminate, as if the God of Thunder was enraged and was about to punish the world.

——The coverage area is an entire area... If I were alone, I would definitely not be able to stop it.

——But fortunately, I am not alone.

"damn it……"

In Yang Yun's ears, Zhang Jie's angry voice sounded from the other side.

Because the attack just now came too fast and fierce, Zhang Jie, who had no gene lock as an aid and was unable to detect danger in advance, and did not use too many reward points to strengthen his nerve reaction speed, was not aware of it and was left in disgrace. . If he hadn't used telekinesis to protect himself at all times, he might have been slightly injured by the sneak attack just now... But at this moment, he had already reacted and prepared his own counterattack.

The howling wind blew away the smoke and dust. Facing the black lightning falling from the sky like a torrential rain, Zhang Jie stretched out his right hand, grasped the air, and added the second half of his sentence with an angry look: "... Noisy Is that enough?”

The surging telekinesis force surged out of Zhang Jie's body like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Then, he clenched his right fist.

At this moment, even the sound of thunder and lightning surging in the clouds, the crackling and crackling sound of electricity falling in the sky, and the sound of thunder and lightning cutting through the air were all suppressed, leaving only one sound between heaven and earth - that was The sound of Zhang Jie’s fist clenching!


One movement brought up a surging air wave. In Yang Yun's shocked eyes, all the black lightning arrows were brutally crushed by the invisible and immaterial telekinesis force, and turned into small electric currents that were harmless to the human body, and fled powerlessly in the air. in the air.

After making such an astonishing move and erasing the overwhelming attack, Zhang Jie was still not satisfied. With a trace of anger hanging on his brow, he reopened the five fingers of his right hand and made a gesture of grabbing something.

"Give me……"

"Come down!"

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