This endless world

Chapter 208 Ending all this


10032-2 said in surprise: "You mean a genius born and raised in this plane like Abe Seimei?"

"Yes, I remember each of their names. Even many of them were taught by me myself."

Liuli stretched out her hand, and a shadow of a palace appeared on the palm of her hand, slowly spinning in mid-air: "They who were strong in life still voluntarily threw themselves into the Hall of Heroes after death, sleeping in it, and waiting for tomorrow's plans. ."

"What does it mean to voluntarily join the Hall of Heroes after death?" Zhang Jie couldn't understand again: "Isn't this Hall of Heroes an educational institution run by you? It's similar to a sect... not a school. Is there any other kind of institution? effect?"

"The Hall of Valor is actually another plug-in component during the construction of Lungominiad. It essentially allows powerful souls to sleep in it to prevent further loss of spirit energy."

Liuli explained: "On the other hand, the Hall of Heroes can also actively collect human souls and turn them into spiritual energy. For one thousand five hundred and seventy-three years, in order to seal the wounds of the world, the energy of the Holy Spear In fact, there are not many left, but some powerful souls are willing to turn their souls into energy to maintain the seal of the holy spear, so that the life and death of this world will not be out of balance, and the source of life will not be further lost. "

"In other words, some heroes actively sacrificed themselves to maintain the existence of this world..."

No matter when, a hero who takes the initiative to die is worthy of respect. When he looked at the Hall of Valor in Liuli's hand, Zhang Jie's eyes were completely different: "There are no quiet years, but some people carry forward with heavy burdens. That's right. Because peace is so precious, we cannot forget the sacrifices that some people have made silently..."

Liuli nodded, turned to 10032-2, and said softly: "'I', your idea is really too arrogant. You are so arrogant that you think you can save the world with the strength of our fourth regiment."

"But we can't do it with our strength alone, not even with the power of the human city... Otherwise, why do you think the Ninth Regiment has taken on the responsibility of 'preaching'? It's because we alone can't do it..." There is a limit to what we can do, so we need to spread the fire of power so that all living beings can have the power to protect themselves in the dark... to pave the way for future generations."

The two extraordinary paths of gene lock and obsessive soul, as well as the Hall of Valor as inheritance.

In order to give those who are willing to fight the power to protect themselves.

In order to give those who want to save the world the power to change their own destiny.

In order to protect the timid weak, in order to change ordinary fools, in order to encourage cowardly ordinary people, in order to bring the extreme people back to the right path... the fire is passed down from generation to generation, just like those great beings who left the negative universe in the past, and completed the things they have not finished. It was handed over to the human city, to the people in the negative universe, and let them be their own saviors; Xin Bi'an and No. 10032 did the same thing, leaving hope to tomorrow.

What one generation cannot accomplish is left to the next generation to do, and the baton of saving the world is finally passed to today, to the hands of Yang Yun and Zhang Jie who came from the independent god space.


10032-2 looked at Liuli blankly. Even though they were both three corpses, she realized at this moment that she had never really understood this companion and understood this person who had lived with humans for more than 1,500 years. What on earth is the companion thinking: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had told me earlier, the body would have left other plans..."

"If you haven't experienced it personally, if you have experienced it, you who believe more in numbers will definitely not believe it. Ordinary humans can also create miracles... But for us who can't contact the human city after departure, this trust is necessary ."

As Liuli said this, she seemed to recall something and showed a nostalgic expression. Although it was only fleeting, it was extremely difficult for it to appear on her iceberg face: "The process of finding answers is also what we start from. What I have never experienced before is not relying on the powerful computing power of the Nether Core, but relying on my own heart to find answers, relying on my own hands to touch and understand..."

Having said this, Liuli slowly floated up, flew towards the container, put his right hand against the glass wall, and said softly: "Fortunately, during this slightly long time, I finally found Find your own answer, your own 'truth'."

The next second, a powerful yet gentle feeling emanated from her body, and Yang Yun and Zhang Jie felt this emotion at the same time, this unconditional trust, the emotion of trusting others to change the future and trigger miracles...

" different from the 'reason' of the body. Is this your aura field?"

10032-2's figure moved in the water. She also stretched out her hand and placed it against the inside of the container, overlapping with Liuli's palm: "I didn't expect that in the end, it was you who took the first step to go your own way."

"No, I wouldn't have been able to do these things without you being the main body to maintain the seal over the years."

Yang Yun could clearly see that the aura field on Liuli penetrated the outer wall of the container, wrapping 10032-2 inside, and she whispered: "Liuli, this is what I did in One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-Three Over the years, I gave myself a name in order to remember those who saved my world and thus kept my soul running the holy spear."

"This name, could it be..."

10032-2 seemed to have her eyes wide open for a moment, but she quickly twitched her lips again, trying to show something similar to a smile: "...I understand, if you are now, you should be able to use Nether With the computing power of the core and the data in the database, use that trick."


Liuli stared into 10032-2's eyes through the glass. She lowered her head slightly, as if inviting the other person to go forward together: "Can you lend me your power, 'me'?"

"Of course, 'I'."

Closing his eyes, 10032-2 showed a relieved smile: "I see, I probably understand why Captain Xin Bi'an was able to win back then... Powerful strength coupled with an absolutely rational mind can indeed create miracles."

The next second, a golden hexagonal cube with data flow flew out from 10032-2's chest, and blended into Liuli's body unimpeded.

"Go ahead, 'me'."

Although his face was much paler and his body was trembling, there was a certain joy in 10032-2's tone.

"With the warriors from the Lord God's Space, put an end to all this."

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