This endless world

Chapter 205 The true meaning

"You said you already understood?"

Regarding Yang Yun's declaration, 10032-2 did not even think for a second, and directly denied it in a cold voice: "This is impossible. I have simulated it countless times in these one thousand five hundred and seventy-three years, and I have also tried it through patience. Se Zhihe has calculated it countless times, but has not been able to simulate how Commander Xin Bi'an persuaded 'me' back then. What even I couldn't do, how could it be possible for you, an outsider who has just arrived... "

"This is the limitation of you as the third corpse. As a part that is separated from the main body, although it has the wisdom and way of thinking of the main body, it is trapped in a confusion and cannot escape the barriers of the main body. It is temporarily Sexually, we lose the ability to continue to rise, to continue to grow and learn.”

Yang Yun sighed and said: "And for a long time, you have relied too much on the main body's thinking mode and the powerful computing power brought to you by the Nether Core... The human heart is the most elusive thing, but it is not just relying on With strong computing power, you can calculate thoroughly.”

In Yang Yun's view, although 10032-2 has the same thinking as her original body, it is in a state of confusion. As Yang Yun was on the outside, he was able to see more clearly what was going on.

The minds of wise men are connected. Even if a wise man cannot understand another wise man, he can still find part of the truth from the layout left by this wise man.

And Yang Yun can understand, not because he has had several close encounters with the real Chu Xuan, nor because he knows two Chu Xuan, including Valkyrie in "The Beginning of Death" and Ling Xin in "Infinite Future" , the story of Li Ganglei and others, not because he could briefly imitate Chu Xuan's thinking after turning on the third-level gene lock... but because his way of thinking was taught by Chu Xuan himself.

The wisdom of a wise man does not actually represent the level of intelligence, nor does it represent the level of calculation ability. Although the two are also important, the difference between a wise person and a non-wise person is more accurately a difference in the way of thinking, which is reflected in the ability to obtain information and process information, and use this as a basis to quickly adjust one's strategy.

The environment that a wise man lives in is not a closed and dead system, but a complex and changing reality in motion. The occurrence of any variable may lead to unexpected emergencies in the situation, and the multiple parties in the confrontation stage of the game will also be reversed due to the increase or decrease in power.

How to grasp the key to breaking the situation and create a new situation in the complicated information; how to use the influence in your hands to preserve and expand yourself, and find ways to reduce the consumption of the enemy's active force; how to use long-term and sustained tug-of-war tactics to gradually eat away at and dilute the opponent's strength. An overwhelming advantage, and finally the balance of victory and defeat was reversed...

This is what it means to be a wise man.

"What's the meaning?"

10032-2 said coldly: "I am not here to talk to you to hear your comments on my way of thinking and calculation process."

"You can speak more clearly. If your language ability cannot support your thinking process, then you can think about it carefully and organize your language before talking to me again."

"Actually, your body has given you the answer a long time ago."

Yang Yun didn't show off, and directly stretched out his finger to point in the direction he came from: "In the past one thousand five hundred and seventy-three years, you have stayed in this dark room and never thought of going out to take a look. ?”

Hearing Yang Yun's words, Liuli, who had been staying in the same place since entering the room, suddenly moved his head, but 10032-2 did not notice this tiny movement, but continued: "Go out and take a look? You What do you mean?"

"Look at this saved world, look at the saved humans in this world, look at the spark of civilization they continue, look at everything they have done, and..."

Yang Yun opened his arms, as if he was holding all the things he was talking about in his arms, and held them in front of 10032-2, letting her take a closer look: "The most important thing is, take a look at the tower that is so close to you. Besides, those things that you have always ignored.”

"You mean the past shadow of the human city?"

10032-2 can understand that Yang Yun is talking about the scene outside the tower, which is also the hometown of everyone in the fourth group, the Human City.

Before going to war with Xin Bi'an, No. 10032 transferred all the authority of Lungominiad to the successor who separated from her. As the new owner of the Holy Spear, 10032-2 also naturally knows that the human city outside the tower can be said to be the mental scenery of the entire Fourth Regiment. It is precisely because it is a memory jointly conceived by everyone that the outside scenery is like this. Real, so real that every plant, every tree, every brick is lifelike.

For a long time, 10032-2 has thought that the scenery outside is just the nostalgia of the past for the entire Fourth Regiment, because they have not returned to their hometown for a long time to rest, and it is normal to feel homesick... Just listening to Yang Yun's meaning, this familiar scenery , is there any other deep meaning hidden in it?

"Why do wars burn, and why do autumn leaves fall? Nature cannot be taken away, and we are also confused in our hearts. There is no end to the war and disasters, so why do we fight?"

Since the version of Mists of Pandaren in World of Warcraft was online not long before entering the main god space, Yang Yun naturally still remembered the famous lines in it. He also borrowed the words from the promotional video to explain at this moment: "I think The core question is why you, the Emperor’s Tenth Legion, are fighting.”

"In order to prevent different worlds from being eroded by the power of Dark Gaia, in order to save the world."

10032-2 answered without hesitation: "I have said this many times just now, since I was born..."

"Wrong. Saving the world is the result, not the goal."

Yang Yun shook his head and interrupted 10032-2: "In other words, the meaning of your birth is not to save the world, and you are by no means a born savior."

——Absurd, nonsense, I don’t know what to say.

This was the thought that instantly arose in 10032-2's mind when he heard Yang Yun's words. Because Yang Yun's words at this moment were equivalent to depriving her of all the meaning of her life, making it worthless.

Until she heard Yang Yun's next words.

"Your fighting, your saving the world, your sacrifice, choice and pain... I will not arrogantly deny everything you have done, and I even have sincere admiration for your persistence."

"But I still have to say that the so-called Valkyrie Project was wrong from the beginning."

Human beings always repeat the same mistakes... Chu Xuan's father is like this, and so are the scientists in Human City.

Yang Yun's tone contained some unexplainable meaning. It was through 10032-2 that he saw the familiar figure that passed away in the curse: "The meaning of your birth is to protect, to protect countless planes." In the world eroded by darkness, protect the lives eroded by darkness, and protect the hometown in memory from being destroyed by dark Gaia."

"This should be the true meaning of your birth."

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