This endless world

Chapter 206 The Arrogant Savior

What followed was a long silence.

10032-2 did not speak, nor did Zhang Jie and Liu Li on the other side. Each of them was thinking about what Yang Yun said, what it represented, and how it compared with and understood No. 10032's behavior.

Yang Yun thought about the two sentences on the monument, and also thought about "The Beginning of Death" that he had watched. His tone gradually brought a certain kind of power, a kind of will that was finally hardened after thousands of experiences: "Human beings In the past, we have grown from nothing, from weak to strong, from the bottom of the food chain, to the highest point step by step... This is definitely not because of 'great men descended from heaven', but because of the efforts of countless ordinary humans over countless years. With struggle, blood, tears and sacrifice, heroes and outstanding figures are finally born.”

"But heroes are always in the minority, and strong people are always in the minority. A group of strong people cannot last forever. They cannot be called 'civilization' or 'ethnic'."

"In a civilization, the vast majority of existences will eventually be weak. These weak will not have the same firm will as the strong. They will be timid and afraid. They just want to live a stable life and spend this ordinary life. Even if they cannot understand the meaning of life, they still want to live..."

Yang Yun seemed to be explaining to 10032-2, and seemed to be talking to himself: "It is these weak and mediocre people, together with a few strong ones, that together form a group, a civilization, and a civilized society. The fire is kindled, so the fire is passed down from generation to generation.”

"People take up arms so that the people they protect do not have to take up arms anymore. Soldiers fight to protect their homes and country, so that ordinary people can smile and welcome a better tomorrow. For this goal in their hearts, they fight and Fight against darkness, fight against erosion, fight against all kinds of monsters...the meaning of fighting is to protect ordinary people, not to wipe them out along with evil."

"If you force them to pay the price for this erosion and adopt the method of erasing them, then in this choice again and again, your heart will become as hard as iron sooner or later, and you will regard sacrifice and abandonment as a matter of course. Treat human lives as mere numbers, and regard saving planes as the simplest multiple-choice questions...and the consequences of this will eventually come back to you one day."

"Killing to save is, at best, just a pathetic marathon running while vomiting blood."

——In a team that carries the banner of salvation but only sacrifices and choices, some people will eventually be given up, left behind, optimized, and sacrificed.

——In the end, those who make the choice either choose to sacrifice themselves among the few remaining teams to complete their own final salvation; or they face a miserable future in a bloody future where they are alone and surrounded by mountains of corpses. own ending.

"I said, this is also a choice."

Although there was a moment of hesitation, 10032-2 still shook his head and denied: "Choose to sacrifice, choose to give up, choose to exchange your own life or the lives of others, all for the final result. As long as more people can be saved. , and finally win..."

“If you only pursue the ‘result’ of saving the world, then you will lose sight of the ‘reality’.”

Yang Yun seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be crossing the curtain of time, commenting on some things that had happened and things that had not happened yet: "In this world, anyone who needs to sacrifice and give up can win." All methods are actually just shortcuts, they are loans to the future that will have to be repaid one day.”

——So, Zheng Zha, who won the final battle with the help of his companions, regarded finding a way to resurrect his companions as his biggest goal in life.

——That’s why Pei Jiao chose to destroy the Nine Provinces Cauldron at the last moment when the Nine Cauldrons merged into one, in exchange for the return of his friends.

"Yes, that's it."

Zhang Jie also clarified his thoughts. Because he did not think deeply, although he instinctively realized that there was something wrong with 10032-2's way of thinking, he did not find the underlying reason. He did not know where the problem was, and he did not know where the problem was. He didn't know what the right path was, but now Yang Yun's words suddenly made him realize: "You should never regard sacrifice as a means, regard human life as a weight, and weigh everything on both ends of the scale. To choose to determine the fate of others...this is so arrogant!"

"This is not arrogance."

10032-2 shifted his gaze to Zhang Jie and retorted: "This is my judgment as a wise man and my responsibility as a savior."

"When you say the words 'savior', it is actually a kind of arrogance."

Yang Yun spoke calmly: "The savior in your mouth naturally puts yourself in a higher level. Because the name savior itself means charity to weak lives and represents your decision to be arrogant. their lives.”

"Is there anything wrong with this?" 10032-2 quickly replied: "Ignorance is not a sin, weakness is. Strong people should save weak people. What is wrong with this view?"

"It's not about saving, but about helping; it's not about giving alms from above, but about caring from someone else's perspective; it's about not deciding the life or death of others in a single thought like a god, but about letting go of yourself, integrating into it, and making everything better."

Yang Yun stared at the cold woman in front of him and said softly: "This world does not need one or a group of saviors descended from the sky. Those ordinary people who are unarmed, have no power, and cannot resist ghosts and monsters need help and guidance. They need someone to teach them to get out of the quagmire...but they absolutely do not need condescending 'charity' and 'rescue'."

"...You said that our salvation all along is charity?"

10032-2's eyes couldn't help but widen a bit. Even if she had no emotions in her heart, she couldn't help but feel an emotion called "anger" at this moment... The man in front of her, after denying the meaning of her birth, , and then she actually wants to deny the deeds she has done to save the world?

"I have no intention of denying the years you have fought so hard."

Yang Yun's voice became softer: "I also admire your efforts. You regard Dark Gaia's erosion of the world as your own responsibility, and you tirelessly search for the eroded planes. During the long period of saving, I have gradually developed the habit of pursuing efficiency, and I wish I could spend every minute and every second saving a new dimension... What I said should be right, right?"

"Yes, we have saved six hundred and forty-eight planes so far."

10032-2 waved her palm, and a large amount of data appeared in front of her: "The data of these worlds are all recorded in the database. We carefully ensure that every sin has been eliminated. There is really nothing we can do about the plane. , we set up a foolproof seal to ensure that the indigenous residents would not accidentally trigger it..."

"While ignorant people live in the sun, we must fight them in the shadows and prevent them from being exposed to the public eye, so that others can live in a sane, ordinary world!"

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