This endless world

Chapter 204 Choice and Sacrifice

"The 'I' created by the Valkyrie Project was born with the thinking mode of Valkyrie, the legendary strongest wise man in the human city, and most of her wisdom."

In the silent room, 10032-2's words continued. Her voice was as plain as water and as cold as ice: "If you want to save the world, you not only need strong power, but also superior wisdom. And the purpose of the Valkyrie Project , is to create wise men who can still overcome all difficulties and obstacles and complete the task of saving the world even in the face of all kinds of bad situations."

"Maybe it's because of the influence of Valkyrie's original genes, or maybe it's because the highest order of 'salvation' was entered during the transformation and training. What I, who was born from the Valkyrie Project, uphold is through precise calculations and countless attempts. Big data simulation takes probability theory as its core and is derived from it to formulate plans and layouts.”

"Because, only numbers and mathematics can't lie to people."

"In other words, would you rather believe in those cold numbers and probabilities than trust in comrades who have been with you day and night and have experienced countless battles together?"

Zhang Jie listened in disbelief to what 10032-2 said. He couldn't bear it any longer: "How can you be called a wise man with your behavior like this? What is the difference between it and artificial intelligence?"

Faced with Zhang Jie's unceremonious question, 10032-2 shook his head and said: "It's not artificial intelligence, but as a wise man, as a plan maker to save the world, if you want to make a nearly perfect plan, you must abandon all your emotions. There is no good or evil, no anger or joy, and no personal emotional factors, likes and dislikes are mixed into the layout...Only in this way can one be a qualified savior of the world."

"Compared to us who can only be aware of it and passively pursue the traces of erosion, the scale of the dark wave that will eventually sweep across the multiverse is too huge, and all we can do is to save one plane after another as much as possible. ... Therefore, I cannot sympathize with those 'innocent people'. In my opinion, saving them requires much more resources and sacrifices than abandoning them."

"Morality in the ordinary sense, sympathy in the ordinary sense, pity for the weak...these are not the categories that I consider. Since the power in your hands is limited, you must use the smallest amount of power to obtain the greatest results."

"For this reason, both sacrifice and abandonment are acceptable... because this is a necessary sacrifice and a necessary choice."

——This way of thinking has many similarities with the approach of the clone Chu Xuan.

The moment Yang Yun heard these words, he thought of the layout style of the clone Chu Xuan, the cold wise man who was currently in the Demon Team. Compared with the original Chu Xuan who gradually understood what a partner and side by side were after his resurrection, the clone Chu Xuan is more in line with the definition of a perfect wise man in the minds of villains, the strongest one who has no desires or feelings and only maximizes benefits. wise man…

However, perhaps nothing is perfect in the world. This product using the Valkyrie gene as a sample also had subtle deviations from the intentions of the makers, that is, it went too far.

In Yang Yun's view, 10032-2's current way of thinking is to treat everyone as disposable consumables. There is nothing that cannot be thrown away, and there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed... This kind of cruel and decisive But his methods are much inferior to the clone Chu Xuan's plan of calculating people's hearts without leaving any trace.

Yang Yun was still thinking about the difference in the way of thinking between the two, but Zhang Jie could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and asked: "What nonsense are you talking about! Could it be that the salvation you talk about is the people and people who need to be protected together with you?" Destroy the enemies that need to be destroyed together?”

"I've said it before, because if ordinary people are not sacrificed, then the soldiers of the fourth regiment will be sacrificed, and the hard-trained soldiers selected from the human city will be sacrificed." 10032-2's tone did not waver: "Soldiers' Life is the general's currency, I must use it at the most appropriate time, and the life of a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles is more valuable than the lives of ten, a hundred, or even a thousand ordinary civilians."

"The value of life is never equal."

What made Zhang Jie shiver was that 10032-2 actually said even colder words the next moment. She said bluntly: "Because they do not have the power, but we do, because they are innocent people, and our mission Just to save the plane... the things that can be done are different, so I assert this."

"This is choice. We can never do what we want to do, we can only do what we can do... My body should have understood this, but she made the wrong choice, which ultimately led to the entire The fourth group was completely wiped out, and all that was gained was the survival of this plane..."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Zhang Jie interrupted 10032-2's narration with a low roar: "You are the surviving party now. Your body chose to sacrifice itself to save this plane, and you are now sacrificing your body and the entire fourth regiment. It’s worthless! Do you think that if you survive now and hide in the safest place, everything will develop as you want? This is not the capital for you to talk nonsense now! "

"I would not call myself a person who hides in the shadows and tries to grasp the direction of everything. There are also many things that will exceed my expectations, such as the final actions of my body... But I still can't understand why. My body would have given up on the best option.”

It seemed that Zhang Jie's question touched the bottom line of No. 10032. At this moment, her cold voice showed obvious fluctuations: "My body has proven itself with long-term layouts. In most cases, they are indeed We are proceeding according to the planned pace, and most of the layouts have been successful.”

"There may be some layouts that can be modified after the fact, but that is basically due to insufficient intelligence, rather than omissions in the long-term way of thinking."

"I can assert that every layout and every choice I make is based on rational judgment and precise calculation. It is the best choice made under the circumstances to ensure the overall situation, and to ensure that things do not go to the extreme. Bad tracks are the bottom line..."

"The big picture of bullshit, the best of bullshit, the bottom line of bullshit!"

Zhang Jie roared angrily, and a huge force emitted from his body, even pushing the unsuspecting Yang Yun two steps away: "In my opinion, you are just standing on the soldier's bones and pointing. It’s just a fly!”

10032-2 was not angry because of Zhang Jie's dirty words, or she didn't feel angry at all. She just said: "I don't understand what you mean, because 'I' was born to save the world, and it is only for this purpose." Being born and saving the world is my only mission, and the entire Fourth Regiment came with the mission of saving the world..."

"I only saw a madman who wanted to directly destroy the plane, an executioner!"

"Ahem, cough...pause."

Seeing that Zhang Jie was getting really angry the more he talked, and that the argument with 10032-2 was about to turn into a quarrel. Yang Yun, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but cough a few times. After attracting their attention, Yang Yuncai said: "You two, can you listen to me for a few words? If your thoughts represent the original decision of No. 10032..."

"Then I probably understand why she chose to obey your captain's order in the end."

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