This endless world

Chapter 203 Unable to Save

"...The basic situation is this. After Shinbian risked his life to seal Ashiya Doman, I stayed in Lungominiad, responsible for monitoring and guarding the seal, and at the same time responsible for dealing with the impact of sin on the environment. And 10032-1 came out of the subspace, spent a lot of time, and went through many battles to basically eliminate all kinds of ghosts and weirdness in this country."

Unlike in the game, after defeating the enemy leader, it does not mean that everything is over. 10032-2 described the subsequent situation to Yang Yun and Zhang Jie in a cold tone: "Due to lack of manpower, 10032-1 pretended Adults, while eliminating ghosts, formed an organization called the "Hall of Valor", passing on the two extraordinary paths of gene locks and soul obsession systems, so that ordinary people in this plane can also take up arms and resist. The power of ordinary ghosts.”

"Other areas are fine. Due to the sealing of Ashiya Doman, the entire world is generally stable. There are no signs of ghosts. Only this island country in a sealed place still has frequent occurrences of weird things."

"Not only to protect the people, but also to allow history to continue to advance along the resonance of destiny. In Japan, she is Minamoto Yorimitsu, she is Uesugi Kenshin, she is Okita Souji, and she is Ueizumi Nobutsuna, these are all 10032 -1 In human society, a pseudonym used in order to give this power to humans."

Hearing this, Yang Yun and Zhang Jie couldn't help but look at Liuli who was silent at the side. They didn't expect that this Valkyrie who had just been beaten was actually a famous figure in Japanese history... But in this way, in Japanese culture, The reason why those historical figures are always effeminate has indeed been found.

10032-2 didn't know what the two of them were thinking. She continued: "Facts have proved that this approach is correct. Due to the influence of the Human Destiny Resonance Project, humans with great potential are constantly being born in this plane. , they became stronger with surprising potential, and under our guidance, they eventually grew into the mainstay in resisting ghosts and monsters, bringing peace back to this land."

"Hall of Heroes..."

Yang Yun clearly remembered that this "Hall of Heroes" was also mentioned in Mei Hong's last words. The saying at that time was "the hero is ordered to transform into a heroic spirit after death to protect this island country for thousands of years." Now it seems that this Hall of Heroes is a facility similar to a teaching institution. After all, no matter how strong the soldiers of the fourth regiment are, there is a limit. They still need to cultivate outstanding people born and raised in this plane, and when they grow up, they can protect the family. country.

However, despite listening to a lot of things introduced by 10032-2, Yang Yun still couldn't figure it out, and this was also the most important point.

"You don't seem happy with the current situation."

Yang Yun frowned and asked his own question: "Why?"

Even though 10032-2's words were just stating facts, Yang Yun has not forgotten that at first 10032-2 used "absurd" and "delusional" to describe the final decision adopted by Xin Bi'an and her body.

"Because they didn't deserve to die, including everyone in the Fourth Regiment, they didn't deserve to die."

10032-2 answered quickly: "In the 37.62 million calculations after that, I can't find a way for them to win. The best way is just to end up with Ashiya like they are now. The ending of Tao Man dying together."

"The entire Fourth Regiment remains on this planet forever, unable to contact the human city, nor can it restart Lungominiad and leave this plane. Because when the holy spear was pulled out from the wound on the planet, In an instant, the source of life will spurt out instantly, causing the already weak planet to completely fall apart.”

"So you think Xin Bi'an and your original body's decision at that time was wrong?" Yang Yun heard the meaning of 10032-2: "Shouldn't they sacrifice themselves to save this plane?"

"Yes, they made the worst choice."

10032-2 admitted it directly, without even hesitating for a second: "My body has proposed the best option from the beginning, which is to directly destroy this plane, along with all the people living on this planet at that time. , and wipe out about 200 million people who have been corrupted by sin. This is the simplest and fastest way."

"Seriously? Destroy the world, including innocent people?" Zhang Jie said coldly from the side.

"Their bodies have been eroded by sin, and any attempt to rescue the people will reduce the success rate of destroying the plane, so..."

"Are you talking to him? Do you want to listen to what you are talking about!" Zhang Jie interrupted 10032-2 angrily: "Isn't Human City an interdimensional salvation organization? Isn't your mission to redeem the plane and save these people? Are the people who have been invaded by Dark Gaia in a state of water and fire? Now you are here talking about these crazy things about destroying the plane. Isn’t this contrary to your responsibilities?”

"You are wrong. Sometimes, destruction is also a kind of salvation. And when it is impossible to prevent a plane from giving birth to terrifying darkness, the best choice should be to make a decision in time, because any hesitation will lead to trouble. Slipping toward a worse situation."

"Even if it is destroyed immediately, it is better than being sacrificed like a moth to a flame."

Facing Zhang Jie's three consecutive questions, 10032-2's tone remained indifferent: "We are saviors, but not everyone's saviors. We have saved some worlds and many ordinary people, but this does not mean that we can Save everyone. In order to prevent Ashiya Michitoshi from further transformation, directly destroying the plane is the best way."

"So I still can't understand why my body would adopt Xin Bi'an's choice. This is meaningless except that my life will be meaninglessly ruined."

Even Yang Yun didn't expect 10032-2's way of thinking to be so decisive: "Do you think the sacrifice of everyone in the Fourth Regiment to save the innocent people and this plane is meaningless?"

"Yes, all this is meaningless, because the lives of the soldiers of the Fourth Regiment are more valuable than theirs."

Regarding Yang Yun's question, 10032-2 actually said colder words at the next moment. She said bluntly: "Because they do not have power, but we do, because they are innocent people, and our mission is to save them." The planes... can do different things, so I assert this."

"The value of human life depends on how much they can do. From the perspective of 'me' at that time, humans in this plane are destined to have no future. Their future has been limited."

10032-2's hand waved downwards neatly: "We will save as much as possible, and then when we are unable to save, we will abandon our unnecessary sympathy and sense of morality, and choose to cut off our wrists."

"We are saviors, but we are not omnipotent gods. Wanting to do it and being able to do it are two completely different things."

"Because we can never save everyone."

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