This endless world

Chapter 12 Query...Psychic floating cannon

——Really, survived.

Even though he has returned to the main god space, Yang Yun still feels unreal.

The cold touch of the creeper still seemed to remain on the right side of his face. Until then, Yang Yun couldn't stop sweating. He didn't dare to imagine the consequences of taking a real blow from the creeper. Even the steel wall They were all scratched to pieces, and his head was not much stronger than a balloon.

——Judging from our position before returning, it must have been Zheng Zha who pushed me. Without that push, I’m afraid now...

"Yang Yun, are you okay? Don't you need to treat the wound on your back first?" After Zheng Zha and Zhang Jie finished celebrating, they saw Yang Yun standing there for a long time without moving, so they walked to him and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine."

"I think your face looks bad. Are you really okay?" Zheng Zha looked at Yang Yun's face carefully and asked.

"It's okay...but this time, it's the second time you saved my life in the biochemical crisis." Yang Yun looked at Zheng Zha and solemnly said again: "Thank you very much, Zheng Zha."

"Look at you, you are saying this again. What happened once or twice? We are partners. Isn't it the most basic thing to help each other?" Zheng Zha asked inexplicably. From the look in his eyes, He really didn't regard saving Yang Yun twice as something extraordinary.

Yang Yun looked at Zheng Zha's eyes carefully, but no matter how he looked, there was no hint of repayment in his eyes, but only worry and confusion. It was only then that Yang Yun truly confirmed the true nature of Zheng Zha... This man was not a hypocrite, but a true partner worthy of life!

——I am a villain in vain. In this world, it does not necessarily have to be beneficial to do something, and it does not necessarily have to be beneficial to be able to do something. It's like there is hope in your heart, and there is hope everywhere in your eyes... Thank you, Zheng Zha, you are different from everyone I have met before, and thank you for being different from those people!

"Well, we're partners...always have been!"

Yang Yun had a lot of thoughts in his heart. He turned around, rubbed his eyes hard, and shouted to the Lord God: "Lord God! Repair it for me!"

A ray of light descended from mid-air, shrouding Yang Yun in it. The light was so dazzling that Yang Yun had to close his eyes. In a place where no one could see, this man who had been tense since entering the main god's space smiled for the first time. It's like those things that were lost before entering the main god's space not only came back at this moment, but also gained a lot...

"If you don't understand any rules, just ask the Lord God. Just communicate directly with your consciousness...Besides making a woman yourself, don't exchange it for anything else! We'll wait until tomorrow! By the way, you can choose a room and whatever you want. Just think about it consciously!"

As soon as Zhang Jie returned, he rushed back to his room with Na'er in his arms. But when Yang Yun finished repairing and fell from the air, he could only see Zheng Zha and Li Xiaoyi also returning with a woman in their arms. He left his room... Suddenly, Yang Yun was the only one left in the Main God Square.

——I originally wanted to remind Zheng Zha about creating humans, but unfortunately it was a step too late... Forget it, let's take a look at the exchange at the Lord God first, which will also test some of my conjectures.

Standing under the main god's light ball, Yang Yun closed his eyes and connected to the main god. He suddenly felt as if he was integrated into the light ball. A screen similar to a computer program control platform appeared in front of him. The four major categories were listed. in. Technology, magic and legend, auxiliary, and entertainment. In addition, there are six personal attributes, intelligence, mental power, cell vitality, nerve reaction speed, muscle tissue strength, and immunity strength. The rest are reward points and terror. There are so many subplots in the film.

Yang Yun saw that his six major attributes were intelligence 127, mental power 125, cell vitality 89, nerve reaction speed 98, muscle strength 86, immunity strength 85, reward points of 5949 points, and a B-level side plot. Yang Yun remembered that the reward he received in the laser tunnel was a B-level branch plot and 5,000 reward points, plus the 1,000-point basic reward after each horror movie, which meant that the repair just now was deducted. Got him 51 points.

——100 points should be the data for a normal adult male...that is to say, except for slightly higher intelligence and mental strength, my other four attributes are all below the average level.

After sighing for a moment that he still had a long way to go to become stronger, Yang Yun inquired about his bloodline and redemption at the Lord God. It has to be said that the exchanges at the Main God's Office are indeed vast. Countless bloodlines, skills, items and props jumped out at once, making Yang Yun dazzled.

——Before I didn’t have the authority of the captain, I could only search for the enhancements I wanted from these exchanges bit by bit. It was really a big project. I don’t know how long it took to find the Na Ring that Zheng Zha exchanged. ...Fortunately, I have a clear goal.

——I remember in the Infinite Horror book, unless there are special circumstances, it is impossible to write down the redemption process and details of everyone in the Central Continent team. No one would be willing to read the novel written in this way. Most of the time, what happened is still described through Zheng Zha's perspective. So when Zheng Zha just created Loli, the focus will still be on his side... In other words, if the positive person If he is really writing a book, then his attention will not be on me now.

Thinking of this, Yang Yun also silently asked the main god in his consciousness: "Lord god, check the telekinetic floating cannon."

The telekinetic floating cannon is the number one buggy weapon in the main god space.

You must know that there are countless exchanges at the Lord God. It is conservatively estimated that there must be tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of kinds. And as long as these exchanges are of the same level, there is no absolute distinction in essence. After all, some exchanges emphasize survival, some exchanges emphasize speed, and some exchanges emphasize strength. They just focus on different aspects... So among so many exchanges Among them, why does this weapon get the title of "BUG"?

Because this thing is not the exchange that comes with the Lord God, but a plug-in that the positive ones specially set for themselves in "Infinite Future"!

Having said that, we must explain the exchange rules at the main god's office. Different from the so-called categories of technology, magic and legend, auxiliary, and entertainment, there are four formal redemption categories.

One is to strengthen one's own attributes, such as werewolf, vampire, paladin, or genetic modification. This is also a bloodline exchange in a general sense.

The second is various attribute skills, such as internal power, devil fruits, etc. Although these are skills, once redeemed, they start to change themselves like strengthening attributes, but they still need to be used. In most cases, there is a partial conflict between this second attribute-changing skill and the bloodline. To take the most extreme example, if you strengthen the vampire bloodline and the light fruit in One Piece at the same time, it is really possible. He exploded and died on the spot.

The third one is a single skill. This skill is actually the one that the main god has the most. For example, the fireball technique in Dungeons and Dragons, Mage's Hand, the Five Elements Escape Technique in Naruto, various ghost ways in Bleach, Blade Storm in Warcraft, etc. These are all single skills, and most of them require certain attributes or specific skills. It can only be used with energy, and it will not strengthen or change itself, but the power of pure use is greater than the first two items.

As for the fourth, it is item exchange. Everything from gold bricks and wine to legendary artifacts and holy swords all fall into this category of exchange. This is pure external force. For example, firearms with unlimited bullets and robot exchanges are things that cannot change or strengthen themselves.

If we use the game to summarize it, it actually consists of four categories: race, occupation, skills, and equipment.

Generally speaking, except for newcomers who lack sufficient strength to exchange weapons, most people prefer the first three types of exchanges. As for the fourth type of redemption, even if you have to choose, it is for senior veterans to redeem those powerful weapons that start at B level. For intermediate level excessive weapons. Both newcomers and veterans will basically ignore it.

In the infinite future, the positive ones seized on such a blind spot and placed a special weapon in the middle layer of this type of weapon exchange in order to enter the world inside the box. This special weapon is not only a weapon used by external forces, it also comes with telekinesis skills, and its value only requires a B-level side plot. Of course, because the authority of the positive person is not unlimited, this weapon has also been "harmonized" during the development of the plot, and some restrictions on energy and consumption have been added. But the most important point is that other aspects of this exchange have not changed at all, whether it is power or speed, so within the time of use, what this BUG weapon can do is...

In seven or eight seconds, one person can kill thousands of enemies who have at least opened the first level of gene lock!

Below level four, invincible!

This is the so-called gold content of the first BUG weapon!

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