This endless world

Chapter 11 Change and Return

Yang Yun was too lazy to care about Zhang Jie, who was lighting another cigarette, and the three people watching the joke on the other side. He silently raised his middle finger, stood up, and walked towards the location of the Flame Queen motherboard.

"What is he doing?"

Zheng Zha looked at Zhan Lan with some confusion. The latter thought for a moment and asked Zhang Jie: "Can things from the world of horror movies be brought back to the main god space?"

"Yes, all non-living things can be brought back." Zhang Jie looked at Yang Yun's back and replied: "It seems that he has a lot of ideas, but..."

"But what?"

"Not to mention that it is just an extension's motherboard. The host is deep in the hive. Besides, the mercenaries were fully equipped when they removed the motherboard." Zhang Jie replied: "This kid has nothing on his hands. He is Are you going to use your fingers to tighten the screws?”

"Didn't I say that I was going to dismantle this thing and take it back to the main god's space!"

Seeing Yang Yun turning this way with a dark face, Zhang Jie quickly made an exaggerated zipper action, but before he could finish the action, his expression suddenly changed. Zhang Jie jumped up from the ground, rushed to the steel door window and looked out. He was so frightened that the other people followed him, but when they looked through the glass window, there were only bright lights in the passage. Lights and nothing else.

Zhang Jie turned around and said loudly: "Queen of Flame, please tell me what happened outside the control room?"

A little girl's voice suddenly rang in the room: "Two crawlers are attacking the outermost gate. The gate can remain blocked for forty seconds."

Everyone showed a wry smile. Yang Yun's guess came true. The Lord God would not let them return so easily... Fortunately, Zheng Zha's mind was not filled with muscles at the moment. He took out his pistol without hesitation and shot. The rotten Flame Queen's motherboard would cause the virus to spread from the hive as a threat, and she successfully commanded the Flame Queen to use defensive measures in the laser channel to kill the two incoming crawlers.

The life-threatening mechanism that almost cost Zheng Zha and Yang Yun their lives before has now become their protection. It has to be said that it has a sense of black humor.

Although there was no near miss, Zhang Jie still showed off his acting skills. This man who could kill a creeper at will with even 100% of his strength sat down on the ground and said loudly: "You know what it means to be frightened and scared?" Is it scary? I have experienced the situation just now many times, three times in horror movies, and I don’t know how I managed to survive... Damn it! What the hell is this! This is really not a place where people should be!"

The other people also looked at each other and smiled bitterly. At the moment when the creeper jumped over, their reactions were even worse than Zhang Jie's. In addition to being covered in sweat, their bodies were shaking so much that they could hardly even stand still. Fortunately, the laser defense system saved their lives, otherwise they would have lost all desire to escape.

"Keep waiting. This laser defense system is good. We should be able to..."

Suddenly, the entire computer room suddenly went dark. Several people were stunned for a moment, and then they jumped up and rushed to the glass window of the door to look out. Sure enough, the laser channel outside also became pitch black, and the entire computer room The power supply has been lost.

The Flame Queen was shut down by Kaplan... For a moment, everyone was suddenly in an unprotected situation.

Since they had expected this situation to happen, several people did not panic too much. Instead, they remained silent, waiting for the countdown to return to the main god's space to end... Just like Yang Yun said, at this time, they could only resign themselves to their fate.

I don't know how long it took, but a heavy breathing sound gradually came from the darkness, and at the same time there was the sound of steel being rubbed. Even if they didn't look, they knew that there was a crawler outside.

Zheng Zha couldn't help but whispered to Zhan Lan beside him: "How long is it? How long is the time on the watch?"

Zhan Lan replied: "I don't know, it's so dark that no one can's probably a few minutes away."

——The main god of Dog Day is obviously a super high-tech watch, but it doesn’t even have a night vision function.

Yang Yun couldn't help but complain in his heart. Although he also knew that in this dark situation, the glow of the watch would provide a target for the creepers who were about to break in, but the waiting in the dark was also the most difficult...

How many minutes? How many more minutes are there?

Not only Zheng Zha wanted to ask, Yang Yun also wanted to ask, but they no longer dared to speak. Because the heavy breathing sound came outside the gate, and the sound kept coming through the steel gate, everyone became more and more nervous. Then, they even heard the sound of the steel gate rubbing, which was clearly the creeper using it. claws scraping against the door.


There was a loud noise, and a sharp bulge suddenly appeared on the steel door. Several people suddenly felt as if their hearts were beating out. They ran back violently. Everyone, including Zhang Jie, clung to the corner of the wall. They could only stare at the steel gate.

Violent sounds kept coming, and there were more and more sharp protrusions on the steel door. Finally, the sharp point of the claw penetrated the door. It was like cutting butter, and it tore the thick steel plate apart. As we drove closer, the creeper's terrifying face also appeared behind the steel gate.


Zheng Zha and Zhang Jie roared at the same time, and fired wildly with the guns in their hands. However, in the darkness, the two of them were so frightened that they almost lost their minds. None of the bullets fired hit the crawler, and the crawler threw it away. After grabbing the fragment of the door in its hand, it roared and violently...

Jumped over to Yang Yun!

--How can this be? Why me?

Yang Yun was stunned when he felt the claws stabbing at his head. He clearly remembered that the crawler finally pounced on Zheng Zha, but now the crawler has turned its target towards him... Not only the Resident Evil movie, but now even the plot of "Infinite Horror" has changed!

——Shit, is this also done by positive people? Did he have any grudge against you in his previous life, so he must kill me?

Since the injury on his back was still affecting his movements, the Creeper's attack came too suddenly. When he saw that Yang Yun was about to die, a strong force suddenly came from his side!

Yang Yun lost his footing and fell to the right. As a result, the claws of the crawler were deflected. There was only an unpleasant sound of rubbing steel. This time the attack rubbed Yang Yun's cheek and penetrated into the wall... ...It was at this time that five people disappeared into the room at the same time!

——Survived...Did I survive?

Yang Yun stood on a huge, empty platform with dull eyes. The moment before his return was still in front of him, the creeper's ferocious face, its huge claws... and at the same time, several people were heard in his ears. The sound of exhaling as the ultimate fear was instantly released, followed by Zhang Jie and Zheng Zha shouting excitedly——

"Survived, damn, it was such a close call! We finally survived!"

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