This endless world

Chapter 13 Heart of Life

"No such exchange found."

——It’s a pity that dreams are beautiful, but they are unrealistic.

Yang Yun's inquiry received a cold and ruthless response from the Lord God.

But Yang Yun did not show his disappointment, but asked again: "Check the bloodline of the elven wind shooter."

The bloodline of the elven wind-based shooter is also a redemption made by the positive ones, but this redemption exists in the infinite terror. Zhang Heng, who joined the Zhongzhou team in Legend of Gods and Ghosts, has the same name as the positive player, and he has redeemed this bloodline.

Although it is not as buggy as the telekinetic floating cannon, this lineage is also very exaggerated, because it comes with a skill called "Wind Arrow". The effect is to lose the ability to fight within ten minutes after using it, but it can erupt into terrifying moments. Lethality.

If you just look at the skill descriptions, it's actually not that strong. There are as many as 800 or even 1,000 explosive skills like the Main God. But when this skill is used by Zhang Heng, who has only unlocked the first-level gene lock, it can make Zheng Zha, the fourth-level primary copy, feel a powerful threat... You know, the first-level gene lock and the fourth-level gene lock The gap between level gene locks is no different than the gap between ants and elephants, but ants can use their skills to burst out attacks that threaten elephants, which is enough to show how powerful the skill of Wind Arrow is. If he redeems this bloodline, then Yang Yun will have a life-saving trump card.

This time, the Lord God did not pop up the words "No such exchange", but...

——Don’t have the skill Wind Arrow?

Yang Yun looked at the bloodline of the wind elf archer that was worth a C-level skill and 2000 points but did not have the wind arrow. He couldn't help but be silent for a long time... As we all know, the strength of the wind elf archer is not the bloodline itself, but that The built-in BUG-level skill Wind Arrow!

If there is no skill like Wind Arrow, what is the difference between this bloodline and the ordinary elf bloodline?

Worried that he had misremembered the specific name, he tried changing the keyword search several times. Although Yang Yun searched for a lot of archer bloodlines from the elves, none of them had the skill of Wind Arrow... and there was no wind. Zhiya's elven archer bloodline will be meaningless.

In fact, Yang Yun can also understand the reason why the telekinetic floating cannon cannot be found, because the positive person has gone from realizing his own abilities, to adding various exchanges to test the limits of his abilities, to trying to enter the world he writes, which in itself is A long process. It is understandable that the final product of the telekinetic floating cannon is not exchanged by the Lord God, but now...

——Perhaps, the positive person himself did not intend to write the character "Zhang Heng" into the book at the beginning, so his exclusive exchange has not yet been included in the enhancement and setting of the main god space... This can only be explained temporarily. .

Yang Yun sighed. Since he couldn't use the front door, he had to rely on himself.

——The first thing to be determined to be exchanged is internal strength.

Without hesitation, Yang Yun made his first exchange decision.

Internal strength can be said to be a universal treasure, regardless of race or gender, suitable for all ages. It is mild in nature and can heal, defend, and attack. Moreover, after the internal force is compressed to the limit, it can also produce qualitative changes into true energy, which is one of the most advanced types of energy.

Moreover, internal force is also extremely compatible. As long as it is not at the same time as Zheng Zha does, and the two properties of internal force and vampire energy are basically completely opposite, then internal force will not conflict with most bloodlines. Even in many cases, internal force can be used instead of energy with similar properties. It can be said to be a universal energy.

In short, there is absolutely nothing wrong with strengthening internal strength. As for the bloodline exchange, Yang Yun made a decision after considering his own situation and the situation of the future Zhongzhou team.

——Now that I think about it, I was finally targeted by the crawler. On the one hand, I was injured by the laser channel before, and the smell of blood on my body provided it with a target. On the other hand, it may also be due to luck. If you have high luck, Even if there is a smell of blood, the crawler will turn its target to Li Xiaoyi, who also plays a supporting role.

——It seems that I still have a long road to obtain the luck of the supporting role. In this case, I can only do something about strengthening it, so that the positive people will feel that I am an indispensable member of the Central Continent team, in order to obtain More luck.

So the question is, in the main god space, what kind of personnel configuration should a team have to be called a qualified team?

There are many answers to this kind of question, such as the breeding team that piles all reward points on a few people, such as the Nanyanzhou team led by the wise man, such as the nearly invincible one-man army, the demon team led by the clone Zheng Zha... But Ultimately, the composition of these teams still has several similarities. One is the mental controller, the second is the wise man, the third is the melee main combatant, and the fourth is the long-range main combatant, all four are indispensable.

Of course, if one of the professions is far stronger than everyone at this stage, then the lack of other professions will not matter, but a functioning reincarnation team must contain four of them. In addition, a perfect reincarnation team also needs a team leader, who is not a captain in name only, but a core figure that the team members truly trust and will unite around. This is perfect. The Samsara Team, such as the future Zhongzhou Team and Demon Team, are actually perfect Samsara Teams.

To use an analogy, the captain is the heart of the team, condensing the team's spirit; the wise man is the brain of the team, analyzing and guessing everything that is beneficial to the team; the mental controller is the eyes of the team, and can use mental scanning to see Go around and take advantage of every situation; the melee main combatants and the long-range main combatants are the hands and feet of the team, respectively handling the battle situations in different situations.

Among them, Yang Yun first planned to strengthen the mental power controller, but this profession was destined to be nine points. Yang Yun just checked the mental power scan, but the main god reminded him that he needed a mental power strength of more than 5,000 points. Only in order to strengthen this exchange... In other words, judging from his 125 points of mental strength, it would take tens of thousands of reward points to successfully strengthen it. This is obviously an impossible task.

Next is the captain. If the mental controller is a problem of innateness, then the captain is a problem of nurture. Not to mention that this kind of position is obviously reserved for the protagonist, not to mention that Zhang Jie has to deal with the time bomb. If Yang Yun really dared to say that he wanted to be the captain, he might be found dead in the Main Square the next day with eight Desert Eagle bullets in his body.

Next is the wise man. Although Yang Yun thinks that his intelligence is not bad, he has conducted several analyzes in the Resident Evil crisis, and gained the trust of Zheng Zha and others, but this kind of wise man still depends on who he compares with... No surprise. If so, Chu Xuan will appear in the next scene.

Comparing IQ and layout with Chu Xuan to compete for the position of wise man? The joke is not funny.

As for the remaining melee and long-range main combatants, it is a paradox.

——Do you want to be the main team member? Then you have to have strength, you have to survive, you have to have luck; if you want to have luck, you have to become a member of the main battle team...

So Yang Yun thought about it and found that there were actually very few strengthening directions he could choose.

What does the Zhongzhou team lack most?

It's not strength, it's not intelligence, it's not mental power, it's not the main battle team, it's treatment and logistics.

In fact, this statement is already too big for the Samsara Team. Because the full complement of a team is twenty people, what one person can do is limited. Even if both the Zhongzhou Team and the Devil Team have Chu Xuan for scientific research and development, is it possible that Chu Xuan still has so much energy to do it? Does it fully meet the needs of all team members?

——You don’t know how much time and energy Chu Xuan spent on those cool-looking machines in the laboratory, exchanging raw materials and drawings from the Lord God, and tightening the screws step by step to assemble them.

Yang Yun felt that based on the background of the Central Continent Team and the Demon Team in the later period, they should have a big world on hand as a logistics base to meet all their material needs, just like the world government after the fusion of the Lord God in the infinite future, this can Save a lot of unnecessary work.

The other is the concept of treatment. In the context of the main god space and the reincarnation team, it should be said that it is a role such as a field medic. The Zhongzhou team does have this position, that is, Cheng Xiao, who joined the Zhongzhou team relatively late, but it is difficult for Yang Yun to say that he is a qualified doctor... Have you ever seen a doctor who uses a Zaku electric axe? Have you ever seen a doctor who uses the Nandou Water Bird Fist to fight in close combat?

In fact, the role of healing is even more important to the Zhongzhou team than to other teams. In the early stage, the Zhongzhou team suffered serious injuries almost every time. In the middle and later stages, Zheng Zha even used it to the fullest, injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred. Explosions, destruction, chaos... If it was just him, it would be fine. The problem is that the Zhongzhou team The other team members seemed to be infected by Zheng Zha, and one or two of them started to risk their lives.

Chu Xuan’s crazy power of faith, Zero Point who was almost brain-dead after using the Death Eye several times, Overlord who was stabbed in the heart by fragments of exploding guns in Starship Troopers, and Zhan Lan who was stoned to death in the final battle. ...That was a person who had unlocked the fourth level of mental power, and he died in such a humble way? If the Zhongzhou team had even one healer to keep Zhan Lan alive, the final battle might have been very different.

Therefore, after comparing many bloodlines, Yang Yun finally chose one bloodline——

The heart of life.

"The Heart of Life bloodline comes from a pan-fantasy world and is suitable for most horror movies. After strengthening, the user can gain powerful recovery ability and vitality, and can heal the wounds of others by delivering life energy."

"Elementary Heart of Life bloodline, with an evaluation of 80 points. It requires a C-level branch plot and 1,500 reward points."

"Intermediate Heart of Life bloodline, with an evaluation of 87 points, requires a B-level branch plot, 5,000 reward points, and primary Heart of Life bloodline."

"Advanced Heart of Life bloodline, with an evaluation of 93 points, requires an A-level branch plot, 8,000 reward points, and intermediate Heart of Life bloodline."

——Okay, that’s it, internal strength and heart of life bloodline, but I need to wait until tomorrow to exchange it in front of Zheng Zha and the others, so that the positive people can see it, so as to maximize my own luck. Although it does not seem to be a powerful bloodline, in this main god space, the factors that determine whether a person is strong or not are not bloodline and redemption, but the heart, belief, and will.

In the Lord God Space, a place with infinite possibilities, there are thousands of ways to become stronger, but the foundation of becoming stronger is the heart to become stronger and the will to become stronger. If Yang Yun wants to become stronger fundamentally, then he must strengthen his mind and temper his will, just like what Zheng Zha did after he joined the Resident Evil 2 Central Continent Team... Otherwise, even if Yang Yun gains huge strength through loopholes , after all, he is just a baby wielding nuclear weapons. The real power does not lie in skills or bloodline, but in the people who use it and how to use it. That is the real power!

——Having said that, I still want to be a Kakibi who kills people randomly with a telekinetic floating cannon.

Yang Yun sighed. The bloodline matter was basically finalized, so the next step was to prepare for the aliens...

Tonight, in the Central Continent team’s main space, when his teammates are struggling, one person is destined to stay up late.


Tactics and team configurations are spiraling.

Infinite terror period: The team needs wise men and mental controllers. It is best to add a qualified captain who can convince the crowd.

In the infinite future era: captain, mental controller, melee main combatant, and long-range main combatant, all are indispensable.

At that time, my thought was: It would be better to have breasts.

Era of Infinite Dawn: Logistics Plane, Samsara Army Plan, although I didn’t understand the purpose of the Samsara Army Plan until the end. After changing demi-planes and using a lot of Gauss rifles, I finally came out with some soy sauce, but it felt like I was sucking Chu Hao's blood.

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