"No... No! Don't promise her... Woody...... She won't... Ahem..."

Xu had just obtained the leaves and petals of the white wood incense, and the living thing in his belly was digesting, and Shen Muchen was able to have a moment of respite.

In the muddy and severe pain, Shen Muchen was horrified when he heard the strange woman's words, with his understanding of Mu Xiang, Mu Xiang was very likely to agree!

No, you have to stop her, you have to stop her!

Shen Muchen, who was terrified in his heart, used his best strength and will to make these few intermittent sounds.

However, after only a few words, he vomited blood from the gushing internal bleeding.

The blood on the ground was dazzling and bright red, mixed with large and small pieces of minced meat, tragic and exciting!

It also stimulates Shiramu's heart!

Bai Muxiang rushed back to Shen Muchen's side, tears welling up in her eyes,

"Husband! Don't talk anymore, I know that... I know..."

Shen Muchen stretched out his hand with difficulty, clutching the corner of her clothes tightly, as if he could stop her in this way.

In a pool of blood all over the ground, he tried to tilt his head, used all the strength of his body, and uttered a few silent words with his mouth

, "No, yes, answer, answer!" Walk!

Bai Muxiang's tears were even more turbulent, she lowered her head and kissed Shen Muchen's face, raised her sleeve to wipe her tears fiercely, turned her head and said,

"How do I know if you will save him after I die?"

The woman's lips curled, pretending to be innocent, and she spread her hands and shrugged

, "Take a gamble, or do you have any other choice?"

"You have to give me a guarantee!" Bai Muxiang cut off the corner of the clothes that Shen Muchen was holding with one finger, and a teleportation flashed in front of the woman, reaching out and pinching her neck!

The woman didn't care at all, and squeezed the words out of her throat in a hoarse voice

, "Oh Huo~, don't be impulsive, guaranteed?" Oh, hehehehe~ Come, my little darling, give her another show~"

I heard Mu Muchen behind him let out an extremely tragic cry again, Bai Muxiang turned around suddenly, and saw that between his husband's open chest and abdomen, under the already swollen belly, a large lump suddenly bulged again!

If you look closely, it is actually an extremely vicious and strange face!

The strange face was hideous and ugly, with a large open mouth, tightly pressed under the skin, and the skin on the stomach was almost transparent. Its mouth is constantly opening and closing slightly, and it seems that it may open its mouth to bite through that layer of belly at any time!

Bai Muxiang's eyes almost burst open!


The strange woman's strange laughter sounded again

, "Oh, hehehe, how about this guarantee?" Well? My little baby can't bear it anymore, maybe the next moment, it will like the taste of His Royal Highness the heart of the last son, oh hehehe~

" She raised her hand, calmly pulled away Bai Muxiang's hand that held her neck, Shi Shiran walked to the back of the big casserole, the medicinal soup in the pot was already boiling, steaming, she picked up the spoon next to her and knocked it,

"Why don't you come to my pot quickly?"

Under the reflection of the copper spoon, the white gas was swirling and distorted, and the woman's sharp hooked nose was crossed with a layer of evil and strange light.

Bai Muxiang looked at this hellish scene and closed her eyes. When she opened it again, her eyes moved to Shen Muchen's face, and a line of tears slowly flowed

, "Husband, Mu Xiang's life should have ended five hundred years ago, and after living for so many years, it was given by her husband, and now Mu Xiang can exchange her life for her husband's life, but everything is back to five hundred years ago, husband doesn't have to regret this, Mu Xiang can accompany her husband for two years, this life is enough!"

"To live well, just be... It's as if Muxiang never came... Forget about me and live with a smile! When

the words fell, she resolutely turned into a light and shadow, from big to small, and fell into the pot in front of the strange woman with a "poof", the soup splashed, and the water vapor was washed away, so that people could clearly see that the boiling and tumbling in the pot was boiling, but in an instant, a half-missing fairy grass did not enter the bottom of the pot, and there was no sound.

"Ah————!h A heart-rending cry sounded, and Shen Muchen was stimulated by such a tragic scene and fainted on the spot!

"Wow————!" A heartbroken cry sounded, and the king's cry came out and almost burst people's eardrums!

"Wow... Whining...... Stupid lack of wood fragrance, are you really jumping? Whining...... You are obviously mine, why should you die for someone else! "

Woooo Why should you have died five hundred years ago, how could you die before I was born! If this useless scumbag doesn't appear, there will be other opportunities to save you, you don't owe him anything at all, what kind of kindness do you want! "

Woooooooo You useless man! Why didn't you die! How could that weird woman talk and let you go, you... I know, are you in league with the dead woman, and you joined forces to trick Mu Xiang into taking the initiative to die?!

Baili Cangshen and Yu Yu were so noisy that the king wanted to cover their ears, but after listening to the last sentence, they couldn't help but want to nod their heads.

Yes, it is obviously impossible for that woman to be trustworthy, so how did Shen Muchen survive?

All of a sudden, the eyes of the three "people" fell on Shen Muchen's body.

Shen Muchen had already burst into tears in his memories

, "I fainted at the time, and I didn't know anything anymore, until the woman started pouring medicine into my mouth, pouring... Medicine with woody fragrance!

Shen Muchen covered his face in pain,

"I just regained a little bit of consciousness... But I didn't know it clearly, I only vaguely felt that first a stream of heat entered my body, and then my body was torn apart by the living thing, and the living thing came out of my stomach alive! I was dead!

"When I woke up again, I found that my body had healed, even the big hole in my stomach had healed, and the woman was gone, so she thought I was really dead."

Baili Cang pondered silently for a moment, and said,

"The healing of your body is nothing more than ... What does your wife's medicinal power have to do with it?

Shen Muchen nodded gloomily,

"I thought about it for a long time before I figured out that I should have been saved by the medicinal power of Mu Xiang... The last thing to pour in was the potion, not the solid leaves and petals, and although it would be drunk by the living creature in my womb, the water was pervasive, and it was impossible for the living creature to drink up all of it, and some of it would always flow into my body.

Hearing this, Baili Cangshen looked at Shen Muchen with a complicated expression, and said

, "You are very lucky to have met such a wife who is kind, wise and resolute..."

"Don't call her stupid Mu Xiang anymore, she is actually extremely smart, that strange woman can't talk about credit, even you can see it, how could Mu Xiang not know, the reason why she still jumped into the pot without hesitation is to know that it is the only way to break the current dead end! As an immortal grass, the person who knows her medicinal power best must be herself, when she heard that the woman was going to refine her into a potion, she was afraid that she had already calculated in her heart, the water juice was pervasive, and the medicine that the monster missed alone was enough to save Shen Muchen in the end! "

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