Shen Muchen was shocked,

"You mean... Muxiang her, she has already calculated? All this is not a mistake? "

Hmm." Baili Cangshen nodded.

The king over there began to shout again

, "Of course it's not by mistake, don't think that if I call her stupid, she is really stupid, my family's wood fragrance is a "big sister" like an existence in our area!" She doesn't know how many creatures she has sheltered, woo... She's dead now, I'm gone, and the little creatures she shelters are probably going to be eaten by the bad demons around her... Woo, why is she so unlucky to meet an ungrateful scumbag like you, I also heard you say during the day that you want to go to Beijing to catch the exam, I have heard your human words, and the entrance examination in Beijing is all to be admitted to the champion to marry the daughter of the prime minister, and enjoy what glory and wealth!".

The more the king spoke, the more angry he became, and he began to struggle again

, "Damn, let me go, I still want to kill this dead scumbag first!"

"Uh-huh, kill him!" Yu Yu also nodded, feeling that the flower demon was right this time, and with a finger reaching forward, he was about to really untie the shackles on her.

Baili Cangshen couldn't cry or laugh, how could this flower demon think that one out is one out, where is this, Shen Muchen is the prince of Xishu, where do you need to pass the exam to fight for glory and wealth!

It was all in order to conceal his identity and fool Xiao Jinye at that time.

Yu'er too, just told her about the love between humans, and she went up.

Baili Cangshen hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop Yu Yu, and was about to explain, but he heard Shen Muchen say excitedly,

"I didn't!" No...... I didn't go to Beijing to catch the exam, I went to find a national teacher! Woody...... Muxiang she didn't die! "

Shen Muchen's words are simply earth-shattering!

It's all boiled in the pot, and you can still not die?!

Not only Baili Cang was stunned, but even Yu Yu's eyes widened.

The king was so shocked that he almost bit his tongue,

"What did you say?!"

The king was anxious, and began to ask like a cannon bead,

"Muxiang... You say Muxiang isn't dead? So where is she now? No, no, no, I can clearly feel that she is in every inch of flesh and blood in your body, and you say that she is not dead, it can't be... You want someone to extract her from your flesh and blood?! "

Baili Cangshen and Yu Yu looked at each other, this... It's a bit outrageous, right?

Baili Cangshen suddenly flashed with a flash of inspiration, and his eyes suddenly shot to the flower pot that was still on the table, and his mind quickly recalled every picture since he met Shen Muchen, almost in every picture, Shen Muchen held this flower pot and never left his hand!

Especially when they met for the first time, he was even willing to die for this flower pot!

So, what's in that pot?!

"White wood... She's in your pot? Baili Cang stared at Shen Muchen's face and asked in a deep voice.

Shen Muchen's face showed extreme consternation

, and he said in admiration only after half a sound, "I have heard the legend about Nanshao's little prince for a long time, and now I understand what is the real precocious wisdom and quick thinking. It is well deserved that an adult is in charge of the Department of Foreign Affairs at the age of a teenager.

"Hey! Dead scumbag, what nonsense are you talking about? Get down to business! "The king was so anxious that he wanted to jump to his feet, but he couldn't move, and the child was still frozen.

Shen Muchen turned around, looked at the flower pot gently, got up and walked to the table, and said as he walked,

"Yes, I think it must be wood fragrance in it..."

Baili Cang was silent.

When the king heard this, he was so anxious that his eyebrows were about to fly, and he almost scolded again, but fortunately, it was a matter of Mu Xiang's life and death, and she held back again.

"When I woke up that day, there was one more thing... Originally, in order to stop Mu Xiang from going to death, I held the corner of her clothes tightly, and I never let go until the end. When I woke up, my eyes were full of desolation, there was nothing, the only thing I had left was the corner of the clothes that was cut off by the wood fragrance, I opened my hand to take a good look in front of me, but found that in my palm, there was a small white pebble the size of a lotus seed!

"I couldn't figure out what it was at first, but I thought it must have something to do with Muxiang, and this must be the last thing Muxiang left me, and I must keep it well."

"I watched it day and night groping for it, thinking over and over again when it was put in my hand by Muxiang, I think it must have some deep meaning!"

Baili Cangshen's pupils shrank,


"You think so, too?" Shen Muchen became excited, "I thought about it for many days and nights, and I felt that Mu Xiang would not really leave me, this must be the seed she left behind, as long as I can make it germinate, I will definitely be able to bear another one of her!"

Baili Cang sighed secretly, I am afraid that this was not something he thought about, but his obsession that was so strong that he was willing to deceive himself and make him think so.

He couldn't bear to break this only hope, so he just replied

, "As we mentioned just now, the princess is a very smart and decisive woman, she should have understood from the beginning that the woman's untrustworthiness, and she wouldn't really leave a way out for herself, maybe... That was the precious seed that could regenerate her!

Shen Muchen's eyes lit up, for the first time since he had met him, he had seen light in his eyes for the first time!

"Woo... Let me see, let me see if that's woody... I beg you to let me go, let me go to the flower pot and see it with my own eyes, woo-woo..."


Let her go, or she'll be the only one who can tell if this thing is a seed or not... Uh, Flower Spirit.

Baili Cangshen changed his words in time.

Yu Yu nodded, and with a wave of his little hand, the ice crystals on Rafflesia quickly subsided.

The king's human form rushed forward suddenly, dragging his body all the way to the table! There was a wet mark on the ground...

Yu Yu was also very curious, looked left and right, pretended that others couldn't see it, and "brushed" the petals into the carry-on space.

She also walked over.

The king's hand trembled, and he reached for the flower pot.

didn't want to, but Shen Muchen took the lead, snatched the flower pot into his arms, and hugged it tightly.

"You!" The king was furious, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was about to use force.

"King! Think about what you just promised! Baili Cangshen burst into a shout and stopped the king's movements.

The king pointed at Shen Muchen angrily,

"Look at him!" What about the promise of letting me recognize the seed?

Baili Cangshen turned to Shen Muchen and said in a deep voice:


Shen Muchen's Adam's apple slid up and down, with a slight tremor in his voice

, "I'm sorry, I'm just scared... I'm afraid this girl will say... This is not a seed..."

Shen Muchen's eyes were red, and the

king was stunned, and his eyes were also red.

He took a rare long breath and bit his lip to stop talking.

Halfway, Shen Muchen's voice sounded faintly

, "From the time I thought it was a seed, I carefully planted it in a flower pot, watering it in the morning and watering it in the evening, but it just didn't sprout."

"I consulted a lot of gardeners, and I don't know how many kinds of soil, how many kinds of water, and it still doesn't sprout, it's like... It's really like a grain of stone.

"I was scared, I couldn't sleep all night, once I fainted while walking on the road, and fell on the gardener's hoe, and a big cut was made in my arm, but in a moment, the wound healed, and I realized that the medicinal power of the wood fragrance was probably still contained in my body!"

"I am both heartbroken and ecstatic, if this is the case, then if I just water that seed with my own blood, will it feel the breath and medicinal power of the same root as myself, and sprout?"

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