Shen Muchen was panting against the wall, his only chance was cut off, the sharp pain in his stomach was getting worse and worse, and he could feel a living creature gnawing at his stomach.

It is only when it bites, swallows and chews that the pain lessens somewhat.

The living creature seems to be getting bigger and bigger as it eats, and it grows very fast!

Although this frightened him,

a more ominous premonition gripped his heart tightly!

The woman said that the most precious thing around him... Take it away?

Not ——!

He instantly understood that the purpose of this strange woman was Muxiang!!

It's woody all the time, and he's luring the wolf into the house!

However, it was too late to understand, it was already too late!

The next moment, a white figure broke through the door and rushed straight at the strange woman!

It's woody!

I couldn't see the figures of the two fighting clearly, the indoor light and shadow flew wildly, the spells were staggered, and after a cup of tea, the strange woman flew out upside down, hit the wall, and then plopped and fell to the ground!

Green blood flowed from the corner of Bai Muxiang's mouth, covering her chest, staring at the woman!

Muxiang wins! Shen Muchen breathed a sigh of relief.

The white wood incense waved out another green band of light, binding the woman who had landed on the wall.

Only then did Bai Muxiang look at Shen Muchen who was leaning against the wall on the other side, she didn't care about her injuries, and immediately ran forward to support Shen Muchen.

"Husband, how are you? Where did you get hurt? What caught the eye was Mu Xiang's anxious look, and a familiar but unfamiliar face.

Bai Muxiang didn't say anything when he saw him, just stared at his face.

She seemed to suddenly realize something, raised her sleeves, and wiped the green blood from the corner of her mouth

, "Husband, I... I...... Don't be afraid of me, I... I'm just..."

How could human blood be green, she panicked and didn't know how to explain it, and even forgot, even if she hadn't exposed her blood, she couldn't hide the fight just now.

"Don't panic... Mu Xiang..."

Shen Muchen stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the green blood that she had just wiped clean in her panic.

"I already knew, you were my wife... Always! In spite of...... Are you a human, a demon or a god of flowers... Yes!

Before he finished speaking, he screamed in pain, and this time the pain seemed to be no longer polite, and it was unprecedentedly intense!

"Husband! Husband! Where did you get hurt? But

Shen Muchen was so painful that he couldn't speak at all!

Bai Muxiang's expression changed, and he tore open Shen Muchen's clothes!

I saw that there was a movable bulge on Shen Muchen's upper abdomen, moving back and forth rapidly, and every time he moved, Shen Muchen would let out a miserable scream!

"Living creatures!" Bai Muxiang's gaze shrank, "Gu worms? Bai

Muxiang, who was born in the 100,000 mountains in the south, first thought of this.

Bai Muxiang gently put down Shen Muchen, and with a teleportation, he flashed to the strange

woman's side, and with a pinch of his hand, the green light wrapped around the strange woman's body suddenly tightened, causing the woman to let out a miserable scream.

"Say, is the thing in my husband's stomach a Gu worm? Where's the female Gu? Hand it over to me! Bai Muxiang's voice was unprecedentedly sharp and murderous!

"Gu worms? You guess...... Oh hahaha~~

" "Say it quickly!"

Bai Muxiang's expression became more and more anxious, she urged the green light, and the woman became tighter and tighter, the light bar sank into the flesh, and there was a sound of rubbing against the bones, and the blood was dripping out through the clothes.

The woman didn't care, she just laughed maniacally, as if her arm was about to be broken, and it wasn't her.

"Hahaha, Bai Muxiang, look back, hahaha~~"

Behind him, there was an even more terrible scream from the husband, mixed with the sound of coughing up blood!

Bai Muxiang turned her head tremblingly, and saw at a glance that her husband was rolling in pain while holding his body, coughing up blood violently, and the pool of blood was full of broken flesh and blood!

"Hahaha, little baby, you are too sensible, yes, that's it, bite me hard, see whose heart is ruthless enough, ahhahahahaha~~ "

Is Bai Muxiang ruthless enough? Obviously impossible, the man on the ground is where her life's obsession lies!

She gritted her teeth, let go of the strange woman for the time being, and ran back to Shen Muchen's side.

This can't be done, if it goes on like this, all the internal organs of the husband will be bitten off by it, and even if she takes out the Gu worms for a while, it will be useless!

I have to keep my husband's physical integrity, so... It can only be a competition with that Gu worm to see if it devours quickly or the husband's body repairs itself quickly!

She no longer hesitated, and immediately pulled off one of her own leaves and a petal like a rescue king.

Weakness and severe pain made her almost unable to maintain her human form, and she knew that it was more than half of it, and it was about to hurt the roots.

Forcibly steady, she shook her hands slightly and forced the leaves and petals into her husband's mouth!

She didn't notice that the strange woman on the other side had greed and excitement in her eyes, and she didn't worry about being at a disadvantage at all!

The leaves and petals fell into the belly of the husband, and at this time, the living creatures in Shen Muchen's body no longer gnawed at him, but moved to the bottom of Shen Muchen's esophagus, waiting quietly!

Bai Muxiang's face changed greatly, and he pointed to stab at the living thing, the living thing seemed to have eyes, and began to run up and down, left and right, for a while, Mu Xiang couldn't succeed, and Shen Muchen screamed again.

Mu Xiang throws a mouse bogey, and he can't get his hands on it anymore.

It's long to say, but it's only a few breaths, and the leaves and petals are... into the belly of the living creature!

The body of the living creature swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a balloon that had been blown up, until Shen Muchen's belly was stretched like a young woman who was about to give birth in ten months.

Bai Muxiang was shocked and screamed

, "This is not a Gu worm, what is this?!"

The strange woman's strange smile reappeared in the rivers and lakes

, "Oh, hehehehe, you don't need to worry about this, Bai Muxiang, do you want to save him?"

Bai Muxiang raised her head and glared at the strange woman, her pale face was full of sweat, her hair was messy, but her eyes were sharp

, "Don't talk nonsense, what conditions do you have?" Say!

"Good! It's a smart demon, then I'll say it bluntly," the strange woman's eyes swirled on Bai Muxiang's body, and there was undisguised greed in her eyes.

"My little baby, once it enters the human body and hatches, it will not come out without eating that human body. I can't even control this, it's its instinct, and I can't go against it.

Bai Muxiang's face turned cold,

"You mean you can't save it?!"

"Don't worry, Xiaohua'er, hehehe, since it won't come out if you can't finish it, then you can let it finish eating."

"You're kidding me?!"

"It's not good to be acute~~ Honey, have you forgotten what your own essence is? Hahaha, according to your Great Xia, that's a perfect tonic! As long as you jump into my pot yourself, let me cook it, make it into a potion, and feed it to my little darling, it will reach the limit of the next advancement, and then it will fall asleep on its own, and it will naturally be taken out. The

strange woman said, raising her chin and walking towards the big casserole she had just refined

, "Bai Muxiang, this person on the ground is your own husband, you won't refuse to agree, right?" He loves you so much that he doesn't even care if you're a demon! As

she spoke, the woman snapped and suddenly broke free from the elbow that Bai Muxiang had left on her!

"Suddenly, there is one less leaf and one petal, white wood incense, your strength is a cliff-like fall! Tut-tut, you say you don't make flower fertilizer for my baby to eat, what's the use of you staying in this world? "

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