Control...... The art of water control? Since a thousand years ago, after the holy war to protect the country, the laws have withered, and there are fewer immortals, gods, Taoism, ghosts, spirits, and spirits in the present world. This water control technique is probably this kind of trail.

In this way, this little girl must have come from the land of Xuanmen in the mountains. Yes, she was able to save herself from such a flood, which is not something that ordinary people can do.

So...... In this way, there is really no stagnant water in your lungs?

True...... That's nice!

Still alive!

It's nice to meet this little girl!

I couldn't help but cry in my eyes again, but I smiled.

"Oops! Why are you crying again?

Yu Yu wondered, wasn't she clear enough?

"I'm glad to come, sit."

Jin Ning beckoned to the little girl and motioned for her to sit on the bed.

Yu Yu shrugged his shoulders, and felt in his heart that this mortal was really strange, crying when he was sad, crying when he was happy, and he was even more like water than their sea beasts.

"Little girl, what's your name?"

"Wet feathers."

"Can I call you Yu'er?"

"Yes." Name only.

"Are you a disciple of the Dao Sect who came to practice in the world?"

"It's not." Daomen disciples? What is that?

"That's... Who did you learn this art of water control from? "Isn't it a reclusive worldly master?

"Born!" The little girl replied loudly.

Jin Ning smiled dumbly, how can anyone be born with magic, it must be the little girl's mentor who is a hidden person, so don't let the apprentice report his name.

Jin Ning no longer continues to dwell on this issue, none of this matters, the little girl saved her life, and gave her hope for life three times and twice, which is the most important thing.

The two chatted for a while, during which the white porcelain sent the medicine over, and after the county lord of Jinning drank it, he let the white porcelain go out again, and the night was late, and the county lord of Jinning simply pulled the little girl to sleep beside her.

It is said that with a royal child like the county lord of Jinning, he is very wary, coupled with the royal education he has received since childhood, it is impossible to sleep with a little girl of unknown origin, however, she naturally wants to get close to the little girl, and the closer she gets to the little girl, the more she feels that the breath on the little girl's body is comfortable, and even the discomfort on her body seems to be a little lighter.

Hehe, can you be uncomfortable, there is a three-foot-thick merit purple light on Yu Yu's body!

Staying close to her is equivalent to receiving the baptism of the power of merit, don't say that the pain on the body has been reduced a few points, and if you stay with Yu Yu for a long time, your luck will be blessed.

When he woke up the next day, the county lord of Jinning only felt full of energy, and the life and death he experienced yesterday seemed to be just a dream of Nan Ke, and it had never happened at all.

Inflammation, high fever, and cough did not happen, and Jin Ning only felt that he was like a good person.

Yin Mama and Bai Porcelain came in and waited for the county lord to get up and wash, and then the doctor came in to check the pulse again with the county lord.

The doctor checked the pulse and looked at the county lord's complexion, and asked if there was no fever or cough at night.

The county lord was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and with a look, Mama Yin sent the doctor out.

After everyone was busy for a while, they found out that the little girl was still wearing yesterday's clothes, and the clothes were strange, everyone had never seen them, and it seemed that there was still a smell... Rustic? The color of a good little girl who lined up ten points was forcibly subtracted by seven points, and only three points remained.

The county lord frowned, glanced at Mama Yin, Mama Yin was embarrassed, she had been worried about the county lord's body yesterday, because she had not been able to do things as usual.

That is, he did not pay attention to whether the little girl had any luggage, and did not automatically prepare clothes for the little girl. Moreover, from the time we met yesterday, it was pouring rain, and everyone really couldn't notice this.

At this time, it happened that Steward Chen brought people to welcome the county lord, and the county back house was already taken care of, and he came to welcome the county lord over, and this small medical hall was not a place where the county lord should stay.

The county lord of Jinning pressed the matter for the time being, and did not mention it more, but ordered Mama Yin to quickly complete the matter after returning to the county yahou house.

A group of people waited, and breakfast was not used here, and everything was arranged after returning to the back house.


Back at the back of the mansion, the magistrate and other officials greeted him without mentioning it, and when he settled down, a sumptuous breakfast was placed in front of Yu Yu.

A tempting aroma wafted to the tip of Yu Yu's nose, she hadn't eaten for a thousand years, she missed it so much, she was so greedy!

The county lord looked at the glowing feather in his eyes amusedly, the little girl was hungry, right? From last night to this morning, I was busy with her, and I didn't eat.

The county lord's eyes became more and more gentle when he looked at the little girl.

Hurriedly beckoned the little girl to sit down, personally distributed vegetables to the little girl, and watched the little girl gobble up with a smile.

Yes, gobbling it up, this is how Yu Yu eats his first meal after a thousand years.

It's really delicious, she never thought that the food in the world would be so delicious! She used to live in the sea, and when she was hungry, she enlarged her flesh and swallowed fish.

Occasionally, I have encountered delicious snacks, such as the group of dragons who lost their flesh thousands of years ago.

Hmph, I'm still a little indignant when I think about it, next time I encounter it, I need to catch two more to relieve my hatred, and the dragon meat is very delicious to swallow in one bite, but... It doesn't seem to be the same as this human food?

She eats dragon meat and swallows it raw, but the food here seems to be steaming? Have they all been burned by fire? Yu Yu secretly decided that when she was free, she had to go to the place where humans cooked food!

This meal made Yu Yu, a foodie, bubbling with happiness, if it was in the sea, she would have happily turned her belly and wagged her tail while spitting bubbles.

Yu Yu even regretted that she didn't come to the world early a thousand years ago, if she had come earlier, could she still run to fight for that little bit of broken dragon meat, and beat herself to sleep for a thousand years! Really, if you let your mother know, you will definitely scold yourself for being a stupid child again. Yu Yu thought weakly, fortunately, her mother had soared and was no longer in this world.

At this moment, there was a question from the county lord of Jinning:

"Yu'er, are your clothes made by your mother?"

Yu Yu subconsciously replied:

"Mother? Is it Mom? She's long gone in this world. "Yes, Yu Yu never calls her mother, she always calls her mother, don't ask why, because her mother has taught her this since she was a child.

The clothes on her body were transformed according to the clothes of the group of black-haired and black-eyed humans who fought on the ground thousands of years ago when she was transformed, and she had never seen other clothes in this world, only that humans had to wear clothes, so she made a set according to that look.

After hearing this, Jin Ning's heart was gloomy, this child, I am afraid that he has lost his mother a long time ago, and he lives in seclusion in the mountains with his master or father, so he is so ignorant of the world.

Mom, it's probably a special name for the little girl's hometown.

Yes, through the chat last night, the county lord who had an accident had already discovered the little girl's simple temperament, almost the kind of natural simplicity that was raised in an isolated place.

Alas..., such a young and innocent little girl who is not deeply involved in the world, how can she rest assured that she will walk the world alone!

Thinking of this, the county lord of Jinning said with pity:

"Yu'er, in the future, I will take care of you, okay?"

Sensitive to breath, although she can feel the emotions from the woman opposite, just like her mother looked at her when she was a child, but... Does she need care? She's out of her infancy...

Jin Ning saw the momentary blankness in the eyes of the little girl in front of her, and the pity in her heart was not only a little more, but the little girl was afraid that she didn't even know what she meant by taking care of her.

Hurriedly opened his mouth and explained in detail:

"It's that you can eat your favorite meals every day, wear the clothes you like, do the things you like, and my sister can teach you a lot of things in this world, no matter what you want to do, my sister will help you, okay?"

Eat your favorite meal? Wear your favorite clothes? Will you help you no matter what you want to do?

Yu Yu was a little moved.

The county lord of Jinning saw the heartbeat in Yu Yu's eyes, and smiled gently, the little girl was willing to give her a chance to repay her life-saving grace.

Ordered Mama Yin to take the clothes prepared for the little girl, Mama Yin and Bai Porcelain also like the little girl, the little girl's clothes are very attentive, is to let people take the county lord's new clothes, as soon as they arrive at the back house began to restructure, the people around the county lord, the craftsmanship is needless to say, to the end of their meal, it has been changed a set.

Yin Mama unfolded her clothes and shook them, and began to change her clothes with white porcelain.

And Yu Yu froze as early as when his eyes fell on his clothes, wow, is this also clothes? It is so beautiful, like smoke and clouds, the beautiful colors are like the coral bushes in their sea, the skirts are swaying like the tails of the anchovy fish in the coral bushes, and the beautiful patterns dotted on them are faintly flashing, just like the stars dotted in the night sky of their sea! It's so beautiful!

She touched it with her hand, well, this feel is as smooth as the water in their sea, love love, she decided, and she followed this woman, there was good food, good clothes, and a mother-like gaze.

Yu Yu pinched the dress she was wearing and turned around twice, and she had already decided to include the county lord's sister in her own category. Although she doesn't know that there is a word in this world called "food and clothing", she has interpreted the inherited truth of "if you have milk, you are a mother" with her actions

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