After the meal, the county lord of Jinning pulled Yu to chat for a morning, and briefly told Yu some basic common sense in this world.

What a smart person the county lord of Jinning is, after only one night of contact, he can see that the little girl has basically been isolated from the world all these years and knows nothing about the things in the world.

She is now a blank sheet of paper, and whatever she writes on it will be printed.

The little girl is not deeply involved in the world, does not understand the rules of the world, if she is deceived, I am afraid that she will go on the wrong path.

In addition, the little girl has a strange power, and she can also control the water, and there will be some other things if she can't keep it, that is to say, the little girl has a certain lethality, if this is not guided, I am afraid it will cause extremely serious consequences!

I have to say that Yu Yu's luck is good, as soon as he entered the WTO, he met someone like the county lord of Jinning.

The county lord of Jinning, Hui Zhilanxin, wise and benevolent, has both patience and method, and is suitable for being a teacher and a mother.

However, too, with the power of merit of Yu Yu, luck is not bad.

She didn't remember to ask the county lord why he transmitted the message to her last night, and when she remembered, the county lord had fallen asleep due to the drug attack.

Now, after talking for a long time, she couldn't ask again, her thoughts always followed the county lord, but she still listened to it with relish, thinking that this was also good, and it was not bad.

It doesn't matter what happens to Yu Yu, and the temperament of doing everything is also helpless, and the lack of concentration of the little pot friends in the kindergarten is a problem.

When it was time to eat lunch, Hao Yu remembered and asked

, "Sister Jinning, do you know how to transmit sound?"

The county lord of Jinning was at a loss:

"What... Transsion?

"And how did you speak from the bottom of my heart?"

The county lord of Jinning was even more dazed, looking at Yu Yu, I don't know what she is talking about, what is she talking from the bottom of her heart, what is the little girl talking about?

"When Sister Jinning fell into the water in the river, did she shout to me with her divine thoughts to save me, save me?"

Jin Ning thought for a while and said

, "I don't know what a divine thought is, but I prayed to God to bless me when I was desperate, I didn't want to die at that time, I wanted to be saved."

Yu Yu scratched his head and prayed to God? That is, there is no transsion. However, is it possible for her to receive such a prayer if she is not God? I really don't understand.

If you don't understand it, you won't do it, and the foodie Yu Yu was attracted all the attention by the table of lunch brought up, and he had no time to care about it!

The previous meal was breakfast, the pattern was simpler, Yu Yu originally thought that it was the ultimate food in the world, but I didn't expect that this meal is now!

Chicken, duck and fish, birds and animals, fresh vegetable and mushroom soup, all kinds of pasta snacks, polished rice, it's really... I can't stop eating! Oh, I knew that I would let my mother not soar, and eating this worldly food with me is not much happier than soaring!

As soon as the county lord of Jinning saw the little girl's radiance when she was eating, he felt that his appetite had also increased by three points. When he was full, he gave the little girl vegetables and watched her eat with a smile.

After a while, I finally felt that something was wrong.

How many have you eaten this, why are you still eating?!

For breakfast, although I thought that the little girl had eaten a lot, I thought it was because she was hungry for two meals, and besides, the breakfast was simple and not large, so I didn't see the problem that the little girl couldn't stop eating.

The silver mama and the white porcelain next to her also slowly widened their eyes in surprise, Miss Yu, she has eaten the amount of the three people on the other side, why are she still eating?

How can this work! How can a little girl eat so much?!

In this world, how many children have a high fever because of food accumulation, and they just leave!

The county lord of Jinning and Mama Yin glanced at each other, and hurriedly stopped:

"Yu'er, you can't eat anymore, if you eat again, you will be able to hold on, and you will get sick."

Yu Yu raised his head and blinked:

"I haven't eaten, I won't get sick."

The county lord of Jinning smiled helplessly:

"Be good, obedient, you can't eat anymore, your stomach will be violent."

As he spoke, he motioned to Bai Ci to remove the food quickly.

Bai Ci hurriedly stepped forward and removed the dinner plate with the little girls.

Well? Withdraw? This is the beast's mouth to prey on!

As soon as his eyes narrowed, the aura of the fierce beast was about to move, and he was about to attack.

But as soon as her eyes touched the doting smile of the county lord of Jinning, Yu Yu was silent again, and the eyes of the county lord's sister were strange and spoiled, the same as when her mother disciplined her.

Mom has been away from her for almost 2,000 years.

As soon as the feather was fierce, his eyes slowly glowed.

The county lord of Jinning saw that Yu Yu showed a fierce and fierce expression, and slowly tears appeared in his aggrieved eyes, and he was suddenly distressed.

Hurriedly took Yu Yu into his arms and comforted:

"Yu'er, let's eat less now, our bodies will be healthy, and we will be able to eat more delicious things in the future, let's go through the long stream, okay?"

Yu Yu was very aggrieved, how could her stomach be violent, how much food was this meal, how could it be violent, thinking that back then, she unfolded her original body in the sea, and the whole fish could be swallowed with one mouth, and this little meal was not enough to stuff her teeth!

However, the county lord's sister said that she could eat more delicious things in the future, forget it, bear with it, you can't just decide to include the county lord's sister in the morning, and turn your face at noon, talking doesn't count and it's not the work of a big beast.

The county lord of Jinning looked at the little girl with an aggrieved expression, coaxed very patiently, and promised that there would be dishes that Yu Yu liked in the next meal, and there would be more dishes that Yu Yu had not eaten on the table.

More delicacies that she has not eaten, she knows that it is the most correct thing not to turn her face with the county lord's sister!

After lunch, Jinning County mainly took a nap, Yu Yu didn't want to sleep, his eyes rolled, and he remembered that the county lord's sister said this morning that the human city is very interesting, there are many shops, and there are small merchants and hawkers along the street to sell, but it is lively, there are all kinds of things sold, I want to sneak out to see, maybe there are delicious ones for sale.

I just didn't eat enough, but I can continue to eat when I get outside, hehehehe, I'm so smart!

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