I saw that Mama Yin rushed over like a whirlwind, and blocked the second half of Yu Yu's sentence again.

Seeing that the county lord couldn't stop coughing, he was shocked, and another whirlwind dragged the doctor who followed behind, and the doctor was dragged by her to his feet and almost fell.

The doctor was helpless and hurriedly went over to check.

After a busy time, the doctor stopped the cough for the county lord.

Mama Yin hurriedly asked

, "What's wrong with our county lord, is there a big problem?"

The doctor looked embarrassed and motioned for Mama Yin to go out and talk.

Mama Yin understood, and was about to go out with the doctor, when the voice of

the county lord came from her ears: "Mama Yin" Mama Yin immediately turned around, her back bent slightly

: "The old slave is

here" I only heard the faint voice of

the county lord coming: "Say it here"

Mama Yin

knew that although the county lord seemed to have a gentle temperament, he was actually very orderly in his heart. Mama Yin didn't dare to refuse, nor did she dare to refute:


The county lord looked at the doctor and said

, "You say, I want to listen to the truth."

The doctor appended himself and said yes, and then muttered:

"When the county lord was first delivered, I saw that the county lord's face was pale, weak and weak, but although his breathing was weak, it was extremely stable. I thought that although the county lord fell into the water, he must have rescued him in time, and his methods were sophisticated, and the water in his lungs and intestines must have been vacated. In this way, it will not cause lung disease.

Therefore, the old man's focus is on preventing the disease of wind and cold. But..."

Oh, Mama Yin and the others are in a hurry when they hear it, what's going on with this old doctor, in a paragraph, there are a few "buts" and "although"? When others talk, they turn a corner, and he turns seven or eight times!

"But what?" Mama Silver was anxious again.

"But as soon as the county magistrate woke up, he coughed heavily, I am afraid that there is still fluid in the lungs, and if it causes inflammation, it will cause a high fever at least and tuberculosis at worst."



In this world, tuberculosis is a more terrifying word than nothing, and everyone talks about it!

Terminally ill and contagious!

How many people, regardless of whether they are diagnosed or not, as long as they occupy these two words, they are sentenced to death, lose everything in an instant, and are imprisoned and isolated.

The county lord's face, a trace of blood that had just risen from coughing, immediately turned pale again.

Mama Silver immediately screamed:

"You are talking nonsense! You are talking nonsense! How could the county lord get tuberculosis, the county lord and her noble person have their own blessing! You quack! We won't look at it, let's leave for Beijing immediately, find the imperial doctor, find the hospital judge..."

The county lord's faint voice came, weak but unquestionable.

Mama Yin stiffened, stopped, and glared at the old doctor fiercely before bowing her head with red eyes.

The old doctor also panicked:

"The county lord is not strange, the old man... The old man is just an inference, and it doesn't have to be... "

It's okay, let's go"

The old doctor didn't dare to say anything more, and hurriedly retreated.

The room finally quieted down, and the county lord looked up at the top of the tent with blank eyes, and suddenly felt that it was so cold at this time, like a cold winter wax moon, which made people shiver with cold.

Describe withered, coughing up blood and dying!

I will never see my husband and relatives again until I die!

Before the joy of birth was finished, he fell into the abyss of despair.

The more my body trembled, the more I experienced the harm, and finally... A hoarse choking broke the silence in the room, and intermittent cries rang out, slowly turning into hysterical screams.

Jin Ning only felt that she was back when she was flooded, and all around her was despair, suffocating despair.

In the midst of this heavenly despair, a crisp and immature voice sounded:

"You have no water in your lungs."

Jin Ning's body stiffened, and when he turned his head, he saw that the beautiful little girl was still standing by the bed, she... Didn't she go?

A trace of embarrassment and embarrassment slipped through her eyes, she had never been so out of shape in front of people since she was a child, she forcibly put away her crying and said:

"You... What did you say? "

You don't have water in your lungs." The little girl repeated it again.

"I've got all the water out of your belly, including your lungs, and there's not a drop left." The little girl's crisp voice was full of affirmation.

Jin Ning smiled sadly, this little girl is really innocent and kind, and she is comforting her again, but... Such a naïve statement is really silly and cute.

The little girl turned her head to look at her and said,

"You don't believe it?"

As the little girl spoke, she pointed out, and a line of water shot out from the teacup on the desk in the room, which fell on the little girl's fingertips, forming a small water mass, trembling and trembling, as if there was life.

Jin Ning was dumbfounded, was she dazzled? This...... What's going on?!

As if seeing Jin Ning's question, the little girl said,

"This is the art of water control."

There was a hint of smugness in his words.

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