Speaking of this, Young Master Chen smiled bitterly, "I fell asleep after drinking, and when I woke up again, I had already become Wang Shoucheng." I cried and made trouble, and I went to find Liniang, but at that time, she couldn't believe such a ridiculous thing, and the fake Young Master Chen was still standing by her side, so I was beaten and driven out of the house. "

Husband, it's all my fault, if I was at that time..." Lu Xunyan burst into tears.

Young Master Chen shook his head, "I won't believe it if I change places, it's not your fault." He continued, "After I was kicked out of the house, I walked down the street all day in despair, and my mind was always confused, and I couldn't believe that it was all true. It wasn't until late in the evening that I found a ruined temple that I calmed down. I unbuttoned my shirt and began to inspect the body, and I was shocked to find that on the chest of this body, there was a strange six-pointed star painted in blood!

"I knew that this was probably the key to the soul exchange between me and Wang Shoucheng, so I reproduced it on the green bricks in the temple one by one, and remembered what it looked like."

Young Master Chen smiled suddenly, "In the first few days of the accident, I still didn't give up, and I wanted Liniang and my father to recognize me, so I delayed a lot of time to do this kind of useless work at that time. I went to look for it again and again, and I was beaten and driven away again and again..."

Lu Xunyan cried out in distress: "Husband... Woo..., two or three days after you were kicked out, I noticed that something was wrong with that person, and I already had a faint suspicion in my heart, but this kind of thing is difficult to talk about, and it hasn't happened for a thousand years, I'm not sure, I can only dodge first, and I want to go to the Thunderwind Temple to ask for an answer... Woo woo..."

Yu Yu suddenly, "So this is what Sister Xun Yan said, to worship in front of the Buddha for seven days, the vow?"

Lu Xunyan nodded tearfully.

Baili Shencang's eyes were a little less fierce at this time, this woman is not without merit, for such an important thing for her, she is also willing to share the daily pastries for Yu'er to eat, well, the person is not bad.

"I was really desperate at that time, and that day I was going to hang myself under a flower tree if I couldn't think about it, but at this time, a dozen or so bees suddenly appeared in my nest, and I wonder if they were collecting nectar on this flower tree. When they saw me, they danced around me as usual!

There was light in Young Master Chen's eyes, "You don't know, at that moment, how excited I was, there are still creatures in this world who remember me, know me, and know me!" Do you understand that feeling? I knelt on the ground and cried a lot, after crying, I looked at those little bees, and I didn't want to die..."

Lu Xunyan couldn't cry, even Xiao Jinye couldn't help but feel a little pity, often in desperate situations, what people need is this little warmth, even if it is only a little, it can prevent the tragedy from happening.

"Through these little bees, I got in touch with the queen bee I saved since I was a child," Wang Shoucheng's expression softened, "Although she can't speak, we are careful to understand each other, and I can understand a simple bee dance." It sent a lot of bees to look for Li Niang, and after finding it, it has been following Li Niang, and I have mastered Li Niang's whereabouts. "

I said that when I met Sister Xunyan, how could there be a spirit bee around her~" Yu Yu suddenly thought after then.

Baili Cang said in a deep voice: "The time you chased to the Thunderwind Temple, was it the first time you learned about Lu Xunyan's whereabouts?"

"Yes, but I'm late, Liniang has been forcibly taken away by Wang Shoucheng. I didn't know what would happen to her when she went back, and I was so anxious.

Lu Xunyan cried and said, "Husband, I'm fine, after I came back from the Thunderwind Temple, I never let him again... Got into my bedroom!

Young Master Chen nodded and looked at Lu Xunyan gently, "Later, Li Niang and I finally met because of the Queen Bee." In fact, as long as we are given the opportunity, how can we not recognize each other? Childhood sweethearts, heart-to-heart, not just talking! With just a few words, we can recognize each other! "

Hmm!" Lu Xunyan cried and laughed, and nodded heavily.

"After meeting, our hearts were no longer apprehensive, and we finally settled down and used the wisdom of the two of us to speculate on what was going on. We surmised that this must be an evil spell, which was performed by means of six-pointed stars and herbs, yes, the herbs were the decanting soup that Wang Shoucheng and I both drank in our mouths, and I recalled that it had a very special taste and a special color.

"You shouldn't be wrong in your thinking." Baili Cangshen and Xiao Jinye both nodded in agreement.

"Li Niang gave me the money, and I started to check what happened to Wang Shoucheng and who he met before we exchanged souls." Young Master Chen continued.

"The emperor has lived up to his wishes, and finally found out!".

Everyone looked stunned.

"That Wang Shoucheng had contact with a middle-aged woman before the flood, and the reason why the people who were interviewed had an impression was because the woman looked very strange, she had a pointed hooked nose, this kind of nose was fine on the man's body, but the woman's face was very rare!"

The woman rented a small courtyard in Xifang, and she seldom showed up or spoke to anyone, and the neighbors wondered if she was dumb. But according to the man who rented her the yard, she was not mute, she could speak, but her voice was strange, a strange tone that he had never heard before, and he could not make out where the dialect was.

"After my analysis and investigation, I think this woman is the most suspicious, because she appeared and disappeared abruptly! And there are traces of other people's interactions with Wang Shoucheng.

Baili Cangshen keenly sensed something, and suddenly asked aloud: "The one that disappeared was also abrupt?" "

Well," Young Master Chen nodded heavily, "I saw it with my own eyes!" That day I inquired about the woman's residence, and at night I wanted to sneak in and investigate. Unexpectedly, when I was still invisible in the back alley, I saw..."At this time, Young Master Chen's face appeared with a look of horror and uncertainty.

"What do you see?" Xiao Jinye stared at him and asked.

"See... Then I saw a figure rise from the small courtyard, towards the moon in the night sky, faster and smaller! "

That guy can fly?!" Xiao Jinye was taken aback, and grabbed Young Master Chen's placket, "Tell me clearly, how did you fly?!" "

For thousands of years in the world, the cultivation of immortals has been extinct, and there have been no flying human beings!

"Just... I, I was stunned, didn't notice the details, until she flew into the background of the moon, I... I saw that she seemed to be sitting on something. "

What are you riding?!"

"It's... It seems to be... A stick? "Young Master Chen is expecting Ai Ai, I am not sure about it.

Stick? Everyone looked at each other, they thought about what kind of spirit beast and bird it would be, and it had to be a magic weapon at the worst, right? What the hell is a stick?

Yu Yu was also stunned, and blurted out: "Hey, didn't you humans all walk with swords thousands of years ago?" After a thousand years, they are all down to riding a stick? "

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