Well? You humans?

Xiao Jinye and Baili Cangshen both glared at Yu Yu, and Yu Yu also reacted violently, pouting again, and hurriedly covered his mouth!

Xiao Jinye and Baili Cang stepped forward and blocked Yu Yu behind them.

Yu'er's matter, I'll ask later.

"And then?" Xiao Jinye quietly diverted everyone's attention.

"Oh, later, I gritted my teeth and sneaked into the yard." Young Master Chen smiled bitterly, "In my case, there is no way out at all, no matter how afraid you are, you have to investigate!" When I went in, I found that the courtyard was really empty, and the person who had just flown into the sky should be that strange woman! Now that she's gone, I've searched carefully for some clues.

Baili Cangjue glanced at the corpse on the bed, "It seems that you did find something."

Young Master Chen also looked at the bed and nodded, "Yes, I found a casserole where the woman was boiling things, and there were still some dark green medicinal juices left in the pot, and I knew the smell as soon as I smelled it, it was the "sobering soup" I had drunk!" "

I took the casserole with me, and then I met with Li Niang, and according to what I already had in my hands, I planned to let go of Yibo, Li Niang's side... It's about to be unbearable, Wang Shoucheng is getting more and more excessive!

"Last night, I entered the house under the cover of Li Niang and hid in the bedroom, and Li Niang invited Wang Shoucheng to drink under the pretext of reconciliation as planned." Young Master Chen smiled bitterly, "We don't know how that evil method works at all, we can only restore all the steps of the soul exchange day as much as possible, and the first step is to get him drunk first."

"But, after Wang Shoucheng drank, he!" Young Master Chen became angry, "He did something to Li Niang on the spot at the wine table, I watched from behind the screen, I... I just can't take it! I pushed open the bedroom window and beckoned the queen bee in, feeling my anger, the queen bee stung him to death with a tail pin!

"So the maidservants heard the screams and the sound of the glasses falling to the ground." Xiao Jinye affirmed.

"Yes! When I saw him make a noise, it would definitely alarm people to come and check it out, but we haven't done that evil ritual yet, so we can't let people in! So I asked the queen bee to help me and trapped the whole yard with a swarm! As long as we can buy time to exchange our souls back, then the "Young Master Chen" who has woken up again will be able to control all the situations, come... Deal with you! "

Xiao Jinye's head, this Young Master Chen has a good idea, as long as he can restore his identity, for Wang Shoucheng's corpse after the exchange, as long as he sneaks into the inner house with bad intentions, he can easily get away with the crime and become legitimate defense.

There is no need to explain the matter of the bee colony, how can people know about the animals.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven, I didn't expect that this girl could subdue the bee colony, and they came in early.

Young Master Chen also sighed, "I poured the remaining medicinal juice into Wang Shoucheng, and cut his fingers to draw a six-pointed star on his chest with blood..., heh, somehow, this body of mine can actually die without stiffening, otherwise after drawing for such a long time, the blood would not have been able to squeeze it all the time."

"I didn't expect that the pattern of this six-pointed star was so difficult to draw that I didn't dare to make any mistakes, so I carefully painted it until it was almost dawn. Then I cut my fingers and drew on my chest, I didn't expect it, it was more difficult, the time passed little by little, the day was bright, I was almost not drawn, at this time, Li Niang saw the feather girl by the window and the bee swarm fighting!

"When she saw the bees falling into the yard, she knew that the bee colony had fallen into the wind, and that the people outside were coming in, so she hurried to hide from the verandah on the side, and the old phoenix tree was so leafy that we could not see our movements from the sky."

"As soon as it was hidden, Miss Yu won, and you all came in, and you all know what happened next." After Young Master Chen finished speaking, he lowered his head, "Liniang and I have both Xi the laws of Great Xia, and I did kill someone." The two adults believe in me, I am very grateful, but if our souls can't be replaced, my identity can only be Wang Shoucheng, even if the two adults are willing to let me go, Dali Temple can't pass the pass, I... I won't trouble the two adults.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand in front of Lin Putou, "I'm willing to bow to the law, I just ask the two adults to let me see my parents again, secretly... Secretly say goodbye! As he

spoke, two lines of clear tears flowed out of his eyes again, and Lu Xunyan next to him also walked over and cried silently, "Take me... Whining...... Take me, husband, whether it's Huangquan Road or Nai He Bridge, take me..., when we die, our souls can really be together, and I can see you and touch you again... Woooooo

Xiao Jinye coughed lightly, glanced at Baili Cangshen, and saw him nodding, then said,

"Isn't this evil law ritual not completed yet?" cough, Young Master Chen, you go and paint, we are not in a hurry to investigate the case. For example, that woman should go and check it..."

"Ahem, Lin Zhutou, take the two of them to the back of the screen."

"Yes!" Lin Zhutou was also relieved, and led in front of the two of them, "Please!" "

In fact, the real world is not a script, where did so many cold-blooded and ruthless government personnel come from, and public officials are also good without involving themselves.

With tears in their eyes, the two looked at each other, looked at each other in disbelief, and only showed surprise in the middle of the ring, and hurriedly bowed to Xiao Jinye and Baili Cangshen, "Thank you two adults!"

Xiao Jinye waved his hand and nodded slightly.

The two of them saluted again, and then followed Lin Zhutou.

Everyone stood outside the screen and waited, Xiao Jinye really ordered a few people to check on the middle-aged woman, and Baili Cangshen began to ignore Xiao Jinye's warning eyes and feed Yu Yu.

While eating, Yu Yu asked with some hesitation:

"Why does that Young Master Chen want to die, and Sister Xun Yan has to die with him?" They're two separate beings! "It's not a community of life.

Every time Baili Cangshen faces the feathers, the angular facial lines will unconsciously become softer, "This is a kind of emotion between people, love." You'll know when you're older.

Yu tilted her head, unable to understand, "Love? Is this a type of two-way contract? After the contract is completed, it will become a community of life? "

Heh..." Baili Cang chuckled lightly, and reached out to hold the hand that Yu Yu was scratching at his big head.

Cangluo's eyes widened again, look, look, his master will really laugh! He's seen it all three times! Three times! When they return to the capital and tell the prince and princess, they will definitely drop their jaws in shock! Hehe, the Queen Mother and the Emperor will definitely die happily!

Master, he finally has the emotions of a normal person!

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