After that, he was ruthless, stood up resolutely, and walked towards Lin Zhutou, his hands merged in front of him, meaning, let Lin Zhutou tie him up.

"Husband," Lu Xunyan's soft voice came from behind him, "You're right, it's true that two hearts love each other, and the physical body is false."

Lu Xunyan slowly stood up with the help of Yu Yu's hand, and walked towards Wang Shoucheng step by step, "Husband, let's go together." Without the shackles of the body, our souls can be together. Husband, don't say anything stupid about remarrying, you and I both know it's impossible.

Lu Xunyan walked to Lin Zhutou and stood still, her reddened eyes contained deep affection like the sea, she looked at Wang Shoucheng's eyes, "Let's die together, so that our souls can really be together, husband, when you cross the Nai He Bridge, remember to hold my hand..."

Lin Zhutou had already been confused by the conversation between the two of them, and he was turning over and over in his heart in a daze.

can't prevent Lu Xunyan from coming out like this.

Not to mention Lin Zhutou, everyone present was confused by the conversation between these two people, what kind of soul body is false and false? What is his soul destroyed, my body is dead? This...... Is this normal human conversation? Are they sure it's not on the stage?

In this kind of group stunned, Lin Zhutou's waist knife was really pulled out, and Lu Xunyan lifted the knife to his neck, and his movements were not dragging in the mud and water, very resolute!

"Nope! Liniang ——! Wang Shoucheng's eyes were split, and he shouted in surprise.

At this moment, Yu Yu saw Wang Shoucheng leave his soul again! At the moment of leaving his soul, Wang Shoucheng lost his ability to move and froze in place.

This time, Yu Yu saw clearly, the soul that left the body was not the same as Wang Shoucheng's physical appearance!

The appearance of this soul... What does this look like?

Yu Yu suddenly turned his head to look at the bed, and this appearance was exactly the same as the corpse on the bed!

Yes! Yu Yu understood, how could it still be like this?

With a "ding" sound, a paper cutter flew in the air and shot down the steel knife in Lu Xunyan's hand!

The "Bang Dang" steel knife fell to the ground, and with this sound, the space that seemed to be sealed instantly came to life.

Everyone came to their senses, picking up knives, picking up knives, huhehe, even Wang Shoucheng recovered from his stiffness.

"Li Niang, don't do stupid things!" Wang Shoucheng hurriedly stepped forward and wanted to hug Lu Xunyan, but he didn't dare to touch her with this body.

The two looked at each other sadly and wept bitterly.

The paper cutter just now was Baili Cang's sunken hand, and when others were still in a daze, he had been observing and thinking about what these two people said.

He has been sensitive since he was a child, and he has long seen what she wants to do from Lu Xunyan's micro-expression.

At this time, he took two steps forward, glanced at Yu Yu, and could see from her expression that this little girl had some kind of understanding in her heart, but she didn't know if it was the same as what he had speculated.

"You don't have to look for death and life, let alone underestimate the government's ability to judge cases!" Baili Cang glanced coldly at the greasy and crooked two people, if it weren't for his little girl here, he would definitely let these two people taste the taste of his poisonous tongue, and it would be a mess!

He doesn't have a poisonous tongue, he has a poisonous tongue, "Your brains are caught by the door, and you think that the brains of all the people in the world are caught by the door?" What's not clear about it? Isn't it because of this six-pointed star's evil law that the souls of Young Master Chen and Wang Shoucheng were exchanged? You tried to get it back but failed.

Xiao Jinye rolled his eyes, "If the government asks, just tell the truth!" Don't you think you can't explain anything clearly, no one believes it, just look for death and life to make trouble for us to solve the case! Is it enjoyable to act in such a bitter love drama? Yes? Can the problem be solved?!

Lu Xunyan and his wife were dumbfounded, tears were still flowing in their eyes, but their mouths opened into an "O" shape, which... Both of these grown-ups... Got it? They thought it was the same grievance that the sky had fallen, and they saw it like this?

Baili Cang turned his head and looked at Yu Yu softly, "Sister Yu'er, did you see something just now?" "

Yu'er is different from them, they are just speculating, and it is impossible to judge the case by speculation alone, but Yu'er can see it with her own eyes, which can become empirical evidence to support their speculation.

"Uh-huh," Yu Yu nodded his head, "just now this person was in danger of looking for Sister Yan, he was excited to leave his soul, his soul body and his physical body looked different," Yu Yu pointed to the corpse on the bed, "It's the same as the dead man on that bed!" The

speculation was confirmed, and Baili Cangshen and Xiao Jinye's eyebrows were relieved.

Lu Xunyan asked blankly, "Sister Yu'er, you... Can you see the souls? "

Well, yes, Sister Xunyan."

Lu Xunyan suddenly cried, "I met you so early, if only I could tell the truth earlier... Early... Woo woo..."

Baili Cang frowned, glanced at the woman unhappily, and cried again when it was time to get down to business.

Stretched out his hand and nodded at "Wang Shoucheng", "You, let's tell me from the beginning, what's going on!" "

In fact, for thousands of years, there have been very few ghosts and spirits in the world, and most of them are legends from thousands of years ago.

Originally, Baili Cangshen and Xiao Jinye would not think about this aspect so easily, but this is not the time to meet Yu Yu, since meeting her, there are so many supernatural things that they have habitual thinking.

There is nothing to guess about what happened to this couple.

Young Master Chen, who was holding Wang Shoucheng's body, spoke, and there was both grief and grievance in his tone:

"It's not that we don't want to say, I have worked hard, even my father didn't believe it, and he kicked me out several times..., as long as Wang Shoucheng exists with my body for a day, no one will believe it, so... That's why I came up with this decision!

Baili Cang's brows furrowed even more, his facial lines became sharp, and he said coldly: "Talk about business!"

Young Master Chen was frightened by the momentum of the man in front of him, his grief and anger subsided slightly, he calmed down, and slowly recalled.

"It was the night when the flood had just stopped, and the whole city was partying, and so was our house, and everyone celebrated the aftermath of the catastrophe together, and we brought all the wine out of the cellar, and in the end, we were all drunk."

"I was no exception, I couldn't walk because I was drunk, but Wang Shoucheng helped me to the study. I thought he was a better drinker than me, but now that I think about it, he must have premeditated, he persuaded me to drink the most, but he himself drank the least.

"I was drunk and smoked at that time, according to my instinct, I wanted to go back to Liniang to rest, but Wang Shoucheng said that I was heavy in alcohol, and I was afraid that I would rush to Liniang, so it was better to rest in the study with him first, and I thought about it, so I left it to him."

In a daze, he said we had to drink some decanting soup, so he brought two bowls. I tasted it, it was different from what I usually drink, and it tasted really bad, but I saw that he drank it in one gulp, and I couldn't say that it was bitter, so I drank it too. "

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