One foot deep and one foot shallow, someone falls, and someone helps each other.

There is crying, and there is encouragement.

Gradually, the man carried the woman, and the strong carried the weak.

The sky is getting dark, the rain does not stop, and the people seem to be more silent by the rain, but no one gives up, and no one is abandoned.

The rain curtain is vast, the wet and cold covers the ground, this group of people, struggling in the rolling dust and mud, racing against time, fighting with the heavens, although like ants, but the unyielding light that burst out is also deeply imprinted in the heart of the feather.

Slowly, in her heart, it seems that she no longer despises the human race so much.

Mama Yin and Bai Porcelain followed the little girl together, and gradually, they couldn't walk. But seeing that the little girl is still so stable and stable, but she finally understands why the steward trusts her so much, this little girl is afraid that she is born with strange powers!

Maybe really, she can carry their county lord back to the world from this rainy hell.

The steward carried the silver mama on his back, the white porcelain was young, gritted his teeth, insisted on following the little girl, and stayed by the county lord's side.

The rain in the sky is too big, and how can it be completely blocked by the hat, the rain slowly invades the head and face of the county lord through the cracks in the hat, and as the cold wind blows into the county lord's nose, the county lord's breathing becomes weaker and weaker.

Yu Yu frowned again, he had blown out the big talk of not letting the county lord get drenched in the rain before, but now these naughty rains came to pull his hind legs, wouldn't this be too shameless.

So Yu Yu scolded the sky again:

"You guys, get out of the way for me!"

The voice was hidden in the sound of the rainstorm, and no one could hear it.

As soon as the words fell, the heavy rain above his head stagnated, and then when he was about to fall on the top of the county lord's head, he suddenly turned around and bypassed her.

Yu Yu was satisfied.

And the rest of the people, in the pouring rain, all bowed their heads in embarrassment and hurried away, but no one noticed this strange scene.


Before it was completely dark, a group of people finally arrived at the county seat, looking at the city gate, everyone had a feeling of escape, they finally survived!

At this moment, there was a loud "boom" in the distance behind him, and then there were a series of roaring sounds, like a giant dragon galloping.

When people looked back, they saw that the high mountain in the distance suddenly collapsed a corner and roared down! This...... I'm afraid it's a mudslide! They...... If they hadn't given up their baggage and traveled lightly, they would have been stuck in the road or buried in the mud!

Everyone was frightened for a while, and their eyes looked in the direction of the steward and the little girl, and their hearts were full of gratitude. In particular, Mama Yin almost fainted, and kept muttering to herself:

"Fortunately, fortunately... Listen to the steward, fortunately... There's this girl here...".

At this moment, Yu Yu seemed to see wisps of purple qi, looming from the body of the people, slowly falling on her body, I don't know if it was an illusion, why did she feel that the power of merit on her body was so much... How many threads?

This...... Could it be that the power of merit has something to do with the person who carries it?

Ha, isn't it just a backer? Is it a reward for effortless work? If this is the case, could it be that those great powers who practiced merit back then were all carried out by others?!

Scare! I can't see it, all of them are fairy wind bones, but they have good foot strength...

Strange scenes played out in Yu Yu's mind.

The steward came back to his senses and shouted:

"Look at this scene, I'm afraid that the Futuo River has burst its embankment, everyone hurry into the city!" Fast!!

The steward sent people all the way to the county government to report the breach of the embankment of the Futuo River, and ordered the county government to quickly gather people to organize sandbags and flood control materials to block the city gate in case the flood water came and leaked into the city.

He also informed the magistrate of the county, the daughter of the county lord of Pingyang and the wife of the county guard of Chongshan, and the lord of Jinning County, who wanted to borrow the mansion of the magistrate to recuperate from his injuries.

The steward himself accompanied the little girl all the way to the best hospital in the county!


Jin Ning still clearly remembers every detail of when she fell into the water, as if it was engraved in her mind, constantly replaying in her brain.

She knew very well that in that situation, there was absolutely no chance that she would survive.

So, is this the world after death? There is no bull head and horse face, there is no gloomy darkness, but there is such a good-looking little girl, delicate and soft, and with baby fat, it doesn't look scary at all.

I couldn't help muttering

: "This envoy of the underworld is really good-looking..."The

corners of Yu Yu's mouth twitched, reminding:

"You are not dead."

"I fished you out of the water."

Jin Ning listened to the words, and the corners of her mouth twitched, is she a dumpling or a ravioli? Is it all fished out of the water?

Although I felt that this little girl-like underworld maid was cute, I didn't believe that she could survive in that situation, so she shook her head with a chuckle:

"How can you survive."

The feeling of the turbulent flood engulfing her in an instant is still vivid.

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Yu Yu meowed around and no one paid attention, and quickly pinched her.

Feeling the pain in his arm, Jin Ning reflexively pressed the little girl's hand, well, soft, slippery, warm, so comfortable to touch...

Well?! Warm?! There is temperature! Jin Ning's eyes widened instantly!

She seems to really... Really not dead?!

Coming to this conclusion, Jin Ning was extremely excited in her heart, and the surprise was almost overflowing her chest, she was not dead, she was not dead! She can also see her mother and her husband!

In this excitement, she involuntarily coughed violently, "Ahem... "

Don't get excited, you've had water in your stomach, in case..."

As soon as Yu Yu wanted to say the second half of the sentence, there was an exclamation from Mama Yin, "The county lord is awake?!" "

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