Although Steward Chen was well-informed, he was also a little weak after watching this scene, and immediately decided: "Let's go, let's leave here quickly!" As he spoke, he grabbed the two attendants, turned around and walked quickly.

Running out three or four feet away, nothing happened, the three of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, glanced at each other, and felt that they were making a fuss, maybe the wind direction has not changed, so running, it is very faceless.

Steward Chen coughed lightly, slowed down, and put his usual calm bearing on the table, and then walked towards the camp with the two of them. Well, you can't be ashamed and thrown into the camp. The two attendants also recuperated their appearances and followed.

At this moment, a black cloud obscured the moonlight, the ground became dark again, and a cool breeze blew, and the three of them felt a chill down their spines. As the three of them walked, they suddenly felt that the surroundings were getting quieter and quieter, and the lights of the camp in the distance were getting farther and farther away, and even the sound of the ropes in the grass was very loud and clear.

Well? Aware of the sound of the scream?! As soon as the flood waters receded, there were no insects and beasts! Before the three of them could react, they felt that their feet were entangled in something! "Ahh "Ahh The two screams rang out one after another. The two attendants were so frightened that they were dragged down in an instant, and flew upside down in the direction of the pile of rocks.

And Steward Chen, with his vigorous skills, immediately jumped up when he noticed that something was wrong with his feet, and avoided the end of his feet being entangled. Steward Chen is an experienced man, and when he is in the air, he flies in the direction of the camp, and when he lands, he rolls forward and distances himself from the place where the accident occurred! He didn't turn around to save the two followers, he was unarmed, and the other party was strange and inexplicable, instead of sending people to the head, why don't you immediately return to the camp and call people!

He ran frantically all the way back to the camp, and he didn't dare to look back at the sound of Suosuo behind him. Screams were heard from the camp, and a group of people were approaching with torches. Steward Chen shouted at the people who ushered in him while running: "Quick, go back!" Fence in a half circle for protection, and the torches shine on the ground!! As

he spoke, one threw himself and rushed into the crowd. The county lord's entourage was also well-trained, and when they heard the order, they immediately formed a protective formation, and all the torches moved down, almost poking the ground.

I saw that on the way when Steward Chen came, something like the roots and branches of a tree danced on the ground, and when he encountered the torch, he stopped moving forward, but he searched everywhere, showing his teeth and claws.

Zhong Suihu's face changed greatly in fright, but he still stabilized the formation, holding the torch, and did not show any flaws. After standing firmly, Steward Chen shouted: "Keep the formation, the torches are inserted into the ground, and the people quickly return to the camp!"

Everyone obeyed the order, and after the torches were planted in the ground, they quickly followed Steward Chen back to the camp. After arriving at the camp, Steward Chen mobilized his men as quickly as possible to prepare torches. Fortunately, several bonfires were kept going all night, and the torches were not a problem, so one person took two and surrounded the camp.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed everyone, and the second son of King Nanshao was all elite, and after inquiring about the situation, he immediately joined the defensive team. The county lord of Jinning and Yu Yu also came out of the tent surrounded by Bai Porcelain and others.

Yu Yu is a lively person, looking at this scene, quite curious, is this something interesting happening?

At this moment, Steward Chen hurriedly ran over, bowed down and reported to the county lord of Jinning: "Just now my subordinates were ordered to go to the pile of rocks to worship, I don't want to suddenly have something weird, first the smoke of incense was inhaled into the pile of stones, and then there was a thing of roots entanglement, and the two followers who went down with him have been taken away, and the subordinates tried their best to escape back, but they chased after them all the way, and now they have chased them outside the camp!"

Everyone gasped, and Steward Chen continued: "The roots and branches of the tree are all wood, and the subordinates judged that it might be afraid of fire, and after a try, it was really so, and it has been temporarily blocked outside the camp.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, it seems that this place is still safe for the time being, but they don't know if the two followers who were captured have a chance to be rescued.

I only heard Steward Chen say again: "I implore the county lord to get into the carriage and wait first, if the situation is not right, my subordinates will escort the county lord to leave first!" This means that the county lord of Jinning is ready to flee at any time.

The county lord of Jinning nodded calmly, and said in a very steady tone: "Don't worry, Manager Chen, I will take care of myself, you just have to let it go, if you can't do anything, tell everyone to follow it, focus on saving your life, don't make sacrifices in vain!" Steward

Chen was extremely moved when he heard this, the county lord put the lives of the brothers on the same status as her, the royal nobles can do this step, it is extremely valuable, and he knelt down at the moment, "The subordinates must do their best to keep the county lord safe!" It's safe here now, please county lord..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the ground in front of several people instantly cracked, and a thick tree root burst out of the ground like a poisonous snake, and with huge force, everyone was knocked to the ground at once, and only Yu Yu stood in place!

Steward Chen roared in despair in his heart, special! Lao Tzu just boasted in front of the county lord that Haikou is safe here, so you just came out! Where to put Lao Tzu's face!

Steward Chen, who was furious, jumped up, first rushed to the county lord to protect the county lord, and then shouted: "Someone!" Protect the county lord! The

closest attendant immediately rushed over, protected the main regiment of Jinning County, and confronted the root monster with a torch.

Steward Chen snatched a torch, rushed to the root of the tree with a strong stride, and burned it with his hand! The flames lit up as expected. A hint of pride rose in Steward Chen's heart, and sure enough, as he expected, this monster is afraid of fire! The group of wastes outside didn't know how to let it break through the outer wall of fire, causing him to lose face in front of the county lord!

However, as soon as this thought arose, the next second I saw that the root of the tree seemed to turn its head disdainfully to "look" at him, and then a fierce man plunged into the ground, and in less than a moment, it violently drilled out of another piece of ground, and when it came out, there was no spark left on its body!

Steward Chen is stupid, this, this... It seems that the earth can overcome the fire? Steward Chen collapsed, does it still understand the way of the five elements to restrain each other? He was actually despised by a tree root!?

Steward Chen cleaned up his mood, plucked up Yu Yong, and was about to fight again, when he saw Yu Shi Shiran walking in front of the root monster, stretching out his finger, he saw a little white mangs spreading along the sharp edge of the tree root to it, and everywhere he went, it was covered with ice crystals, and the tree root was suddenly frozen in place, and it couldn't move anymore!

Yu Yu thought there was something lively to see, but I didn't expect it to be just a little tree spirit, it was really boring, when she was in the sea, there were many mountain spirits and water monsters, and it was not rare at all. If a big demon is found, it's just a fight to move the muscles and bones, a little broken tree spirit, it's really better to go back and eat supper.

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