Yu Yu weakly raised her paws, and had to interrupt them, "That... Aren't we talking about who is in the car in the back? Sister of the county lord, why did you tell such a long story? "Is there anything to do with the two? Yu Yu thought blankly.

The county lord of Jinning groaned, slapped his head, and said embarrassedly: "Didn't I say it?" The one in the back car is the eldest son of the emperor, who is now the second son of the king of Nanshao, and his life is quite special, and he is very favored by the saint and the queen mother. I wanted to explain his life story clearly, but I didn't want to explain the background for a long time. The county lord of Jinning smiled slightly awkwardly, "It's a long road, let's talk about the ancient times to pass the time." "

Sister, you've been talking about it for so long, and you've only talked about a background? You've got a long enough background! Even Yu Yu, who is very good at listening to stories, can't help but slander.

Bai Porcelain was curious: "What is the number of that fate?" The

county lord of Jinning glanced at her, stretched out his finger and poked Bai Porcelain's head, and said angrily: "You girl, you look very stable on weekdays, how can you listen to the story so hard." Don't look at the sky, I'll talk about it today! There is still a day's itinerary tomorrow, so it is better to leave it for tomorrow and talk slowly. Bai

Porcelain touched his head and smirked, and Yin Lai also said a few words to Bai Porcelain. Then they said no more, and began to prepare for the night's stay.

Sure enough, after a while, Steward Chen came to report, saying that he had chosen a place to camp, and he came to ask the county lord of Jinning, but he wanted to get out of the car and take a look.

Bai Porcelain and Yin Mama helped the county lord of Jinning to get off the car, Yu Yu followed, a few people saw that the convoy was parked on the side of the road, which is located in the north of the road, backed by a low mountain, there is a large open land in front of the mountain, if the sun shines from the south, it must be a place with excellent lighting.

It has only been a few days since the flood waters receded, and green grass has already grown on the ground, and some even have small flowers. People have to sigh at the strength of the vitality of the grass and trees.

At this time, Steward Chen pointed to a collapsed pile of rocks not far away and said: "I heard that there was originally a tea shed here, and there was a big willow tree next to the tea shed, and passers-by loved to rest and enjoy the cool here. When

a few people looked at it, there was still the shadow of the willow tree, and they were afraid that it had also been washed down by the flood and buried under the rubble. However, in the pile of rubble, you can still see the shadow of the wood and thatch left in the tea shed.

Mama Yin sighed, clasped her palms together and said, "My god blesses, the owner of the tea shed has left before the rocks roll down."

"Don't worry, Mama, maybe the owner of the tea shed left here and went home when it just rained." Bai Porcelain comforted.

A few people walked to the temporary camp on the other side as they spoke, only the county lord of Jinning frowned slightly, turned his head and glanced at the pile of rocks, if there were really people under the rocks, it would always be a little uncomfortable to stay here.

What's more, the second son of King Nanshao is here, and with that person's life..., he really can't feel at ease! sighed slightly, let people go to take incense and worship for a while, and ask for peace of mind. When camping at night, send more patrols to ensure safety.

This side of the camp was very lively, everyone set up camp, buried pots and made food, a busy scene, but the sky was getting dark, and torches had been lit around. The county lord of Jinning first took someone to the second son of the king of Nanshao to see the situation, but Yu Yu did not follow, but sat alone by the bonfire and began to be in a daze.

She actually heard the human voice in her head just now, it was still the voice of Mama Yin, Mama Yin was in front of her, but there were two voices, one in her ears and one in her head, sounding at the same time!

She gradually came to her senses, and it seemed that as long as people said prayers related to "God", she would hear them, but it seemed that there was a certain distance limit. The sound she heard in her head last time in the small county town was not heard when she went to the desert, and then she heard it again when she returned to the small county town. I remember that after she saved some of the people at that time, the voice in her head was less, does this mean that after she fulfilled those prayers, the voice disappeared?

Yu Yu knocked his head in annoyance, what if he encountered the last time when thousands of prayers erupted together? What if all these thousands of supplications and requests are not the same? Then it's not like her temper outburst can satisfy everyone with a flood. Doesn't she have to be blown up in the noise!?

I've got to think of a way to block out these sounds! Yu Yu was a little annoyed, what a thing this is! She is a fierce beast and has something to do with their "god"?! Why did their prayers ring in her head? MMP's! They are always born and raised, and they are inherently powerful, and they don't need human willpower at all!

Uh, it seems、Like she's not? First of all, she has a mother, and secondly, her physical body is out of the dragon vein, and it seems that she really needs the will of a human being? Merit has something to do with willingness, right? Yu Yu thought uncertainly, but deep down in her heart she was a little angry, her free beast was so fetted!

Well, it seems necessary to catch a little dragon and ask, I heard that their clan has a temple in the world, and I have to ask them how they block so many voices in their heads every day!

After a while, the county lord of Jinning came back, everyone had dinner, the moonlight also rose, because the flood receded not long ago, there was still some moisture in the air, a gust of wind blew, everyone felt a little cool on their bodies. So after dinner, everyone went back to the tent or the car to rest. For a while, only a group of people on night patrol were left around.

Because the county lord of Jinning had told Steward Chen before, he went to the ruins of the tea shed to put incense on the pillar and pray, so after dinner, Steward Chen called two attendants, took some incense, candles, food and other offerings, and went to the pile of stones.

Because of the moonlight, the three of them did not hold torches, but when they approached the pile of stones, they laid offerings, lit a candle on the left and right, took out three incense sticks, lit them, and inserted them on a small mound of earth that had been temporarily gathered.

The idea is that if someone suffers from this, please enjoy the incense and be reborn as soon as possible. If no one suffers, they should be offered to all living beings in this land as a thank you for the grace of providing for mankind.

A cool breeze blew, and the smoke on the three incense sticks did not go straight to the sky, but went towards the pile of rocks. But after a while, the smoke still drifted into the pile of rubble, as if there was something in it! Suddenly, the faces of the three of them changed, and one of them said in a trembling voice: "Chen... Steward Chen, this... This is a bit of an evil sect.

Another attendant also trembled and said, "Yes, Steward Chen, let's... Let's go! "

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