So, Yu Yu stretched out his hand again, flicked his fingers at the root, and the front end of the root was broken into a piece of slag and fell to the ground, which was quite a bit of a "big bead and small bead falling on the jade plate".

Listening to the sound of this shattering, it was also pleasant, and Yu Yu giggled, and curled his fingers again, ready to play again.

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded in her head: "My God! My God's mercy!

Yu Yu raised his eyebrows, this voice? Is it the old tree root in front of you?

After entering the WTO for so long, I finally met a talking demon, and the world after this thousand years is really... Tsk, what has become of the downfall!

Glancing at the old tree roots in front of him again, his subordinates were merciful?

Hehe, scared her county lord's sister, and wanted her to show mercy to her subordinates? A finger popped out, and another section of the tree root turned into slag and fell to the ground with a dingdong.

"My God! My god spares my life, the little demon has no intention of hurting people, the little demon is here to find you! "

Looking for me? What are you looking for me? We beasts only eat meat, not tree roots! Yu Yu still ignored it, and curled his fingers again, and with a "ding" sound, the root of the tree shattered the third section again.

Seeing that the part that was exposed to the ground was only a foot long, the aunt and grandmother flicked it again, and it was over. The old tree root was frightened and cried out: "My God! Please stop, my God! The little demon is willing to exchange one thing for his own life!

"Oh? What? "Take something in exchange? This aroused the interest of Yu Yu.

Seeing that Yu Yu had finally stopped, the old tree root breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, "Divine object!" It's a fetish! Afraid that Yu Yu would not believe it, he hurriedly explained: "My god, have you ever heard of lightning striking wood?" "

It's... Of course, Yu Yu hadn't heard of it, but he couldn't admit it, the sky and the earth were not as big as the face of the fierce beast, so he put on a straight face and pretended to be unmoved: "Go on."

"Most of these lightning strikes trees are caused by thunder and lightning falling from the sky during thunderstorms. Most of the trees in the world can not survive after being struck by thunder and fire, only a very small number of trees can retain a trace of the Yang Gang Qi conceived by the thunder in the heart of the tree, and most of these trees are peach trees with yang attributes, so the masters of the two worlds of Buddhism and Taoism love to pick this kind of wood as a magic weapon, and the demon subduing the demon is twice the result with half the effort!

"The little demon is not talented, but the body just gave birth to this lightning strike wood!"

Yu Yu glanced at it, "The masters of the two worlds of Buddhism and Taoism love it?" This shows that there are a lot of these things, what kind of artifact is this, I am not rare! As he spoke, he raised his hand again and curled his fingers.

The old tree root was so frightened that his soul flew away, and he howled loudly: "It's a god, it's a god!" The little demon's lightning strike wood is different from theirs! There is only one in the world!! "

Just this one? Yu Yu gritted his teeth and smiled, this is right, only a unique thing is worthy of this fierce beast. Then he raised his chin and said proudly, "Take me to see it." "

Yes, yes, the demon body is under the pile of rubble over there, and the little demon will retreat and wait for my god there."

"Just what?"

The old tree root said gloomily: "The little demon has been robbed, and he is no longer able to lift the rocks, and then I will ask my god to use his magic power to remove the stone pile, so that the little demon body can be revealed."

"Oh? You can manipulate the roots of a tree so far away to make such a big movement, but you can't move the rocks? "

I don't know, the little demon has survived here for hundreds of years, and the root system has already covered all parts of this land, and the little demon is not able to pursue it so far, but under his mind, the root system on this side of the camp has come out of the soil."

Well, it's not that the guards didn't hold the camp, but that they gave up the edge of the camp and directly used the roots in the camp, so I don't know how Steward Chen would feel if he knew!

"What about the two humans you captured?"

The little demon didn't dare to arrest people, but at that time, the little demon was awakened by their incense, and his mind was not fully awake, so he instinctively followed the traces to find it. Later, I vaguely sensed that my god was here, and thought that my god might be able to save me, so I searched for it. The little demon has no malice! The old tree root said in fear.

Seeing that this little demon is still on the top, Yu Yufang nodded and said, "Your mind should return to the body, and I will look for you in a while." "

Yes!" The remnants of the old roots retracted into the soil and vanished.

Steward Chen thought he was going to work hard, but he saw that the girl Yu Yu restrained the root monster with a light finger, and it seemed that she was still chatting with the sky? I can't hear what the root monster is saying, but I can hear what Iyu is saying. It's the two worlds of Buddhism and Taoism and it's a divine object, it's really chatting, but... It's a little too mysterious, isn't it? He's not dreaming, right?

The crowd around them also showed the same stupid expressions as Steward Chen, and looked at Yu Yu blankly, if it weren't for the fact that there were still two big holes in the ground, they would have thought that nothing had happened just now, but they collectively had hysteria.

Hao Yucai ignored them, walked straight to the county lord of Jinning, took her hand and said, "Sister county lord, are you okay?" That stupid little demon who scared you was chased away by me. As he spoke, he helped the county lord of Jinning to walk towards the tent.

The county lord of Jinning failed to return his soul for a while, this time he is a talking demon?

It can still chase so far, and there is a big hole in the ground that has been penetrated, it is very powerful!

This must be a serious demon, I don't know how many times scary it is than that little tomato!

Yu Yu nagged as he walked: "Sister of the county lord, that foolish little demon said that he wanted to exchange a divine object for his life, I will go over and take a look, if it fits the eye, it will be spared, if it doesn't fit the eye, hum."

"The little demon also said that the two people it captured before were not intentional, and it was fine, I will go over in a while and bring those two people back by the way."

As soon as the county lord of Jinning heard that Yu Yu was going over, he immediately reacted, grabbed Yu Yu's arm, no longer let go, and stared at Yu Yu nervously, "Don't go, it's dangerous!"

At this time, she had arrived in the camp tent, and Yu Yu helped the county lord of Jinning to sit on the felt, and took her a hidden bag to lean on.

At this time, Mama Yin, Bai Porcelain and Steward Chen also followed, but several people were a little shocked, Mama Yin and Bai Porcelain were better, after all, they had seen the scene of the little tomato last time, but Steward Chen was more scared and looked a little dumbfounded.

Looking at the outside of the camp tent again, those servants, small servants, guards and others were even more frightened, and they still couldn't come back to their senses in a daze.

There are no ghosts and gods in Great Xia for thousands of years, this is the first time they have had close contact, and it is estimated that the worldview will be subverted, right? This is different from the last time I saw the big fish save the world, and the distant picture is more like a dream.

Yu Yu groaned for a while, then took out the crystal fish carving she often played with and stuffed it into the hands of the county lord of Jinning.

The power of merit on her body is profound, and if she wears it for a long time, she will be contaminated with the power of merit. The power of merit is invincible, and wearing it has its own effect of calming the nerves and calming the mind. But she doesn't have anything to wear on her, and she usually plays with it, just this crystal fish carving, so let's use it as a soothing thing for the time being.

"Sister county lord, you take this to calm your nerves first, I'll go to the pile of rocks, take something and go back, don't send someone to find me, don't worry, that stupid little demon is not enough for me to hit with a finger!" Yu Yu said, clenched his little fist and shook it.

As soon as the crystal fish carving arrived in the hands of the county lord of Jinning, she suddenly felt a lot more relieved, and the warmth of her whole body arose, as if her soul had found refuge and no longer hesitated.

She nodded at Hao Yu, who saw Fang Cai and walked out with confidence, and when she walked to the door of the tent, she hesitated, turned around again, and pointed out, as if a little purple light flashed and disappeared, and threw herself into the crystal fish carving.

The crystal fish carving purple light flashed, as if a grand and warm breath rippled away, and Yin Mama and the others only felt in a trance that they had suddenly returned to their mother's body, warm and reassuring, and their lips couldn't help but smile with happiness and attachment. Then, more and more people were smiling at the corners of their lips, centered on the tents.

The atmosphere of peace filled the camp, and the heart was no longer in panic.

Seeing this, Yu Yu didn't stay any longer, and went directly out of the camp tent and went to the pile of rocks.

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