Baili Cang stood under the drum tower groggily, he knew that he must have started a high fever, and there were wounds on his body that had not healed, and he caught up with the heavy rain for several days, constantly washing and soaking the wounds, causing inflammation.

He was originally going south on a business trip, and he was slightly injured in the process, but it was okay and did not affect his return.

Unfortunately, while passing through the territory of Chongsan County, a flood broke out.

As a member of the imperial court, I can't sit idly by when I see the people suffering.

So he delayed the trip, and he and his entourage organized and accepted the victims who fled from all over the world, and finally sent them safely to the county seat.

And he also suffered from the rain for several days, and his wound was infected with inflammation and caused a high fever.

Now that the victims had entered the city, he breathed a sigh of relief, and for a moment he was a little delirious and could not stand.

The entourage was all sent by him to arrange for the people, and the personal guards were also arranged by him to go to the magistrate of the city to report the situation, he could only stand here and wait quietly, waiting for the dizziness to slowly pass.

Yu Yu happily walked out of the teahouse, thinking that he would be able to eat lunch soon, and his steps couldn't help but be a little brisker.

Steward Chen was left behind again, and he was bitterly helping Hao Yu pay for the tea.

As soon as I walked to the bottom of the drum tower, I suddenly paused, and when I looked up, I saw a figure falling without warning!

She glanced down at the beautiful skirt on her body, so, in the next second, she suddenly stretched out her hands, inserted them into the armpits of the person directly below the figure, lifted them, withdrew them, and held them in her arms.

Then, with a bang, the figure fell to the ground.

Baili Cang was groggy, only to feel that his feet suddenly left the ground and were hugged, and then with a "bang", something fell behind him, followed by a large piece of warm liquid splashed on the hem of his robe.

A familiar smell of blood instantly permeated his nose, making him a little more awake, did another murder happen? Sure enough, with his strange physique, he can go everywhere...

As soon as a wry smile appeared in his heart, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and his gaze gradually focused, which... What's going on?!

How could he be held in the arms of a girl, recalling the feeling just now, he... He was kissed and hugged by a girl and lifted high?!

Ahem, of course, there was no kiss, but this act of hugging high is also solid, this... Isn't this an action only for children, he's a big man, and he was done by a little girl!

This makes him embarrassed!

A crack appeared on the always cold Jun face, and the little girl in front of him finally let go of him.

Perfect! The man was tall enough and wide enough, and not a drop of blood had splashed on her beautiful dress.

The little girl clapped her hands, and looked down at the dress on her body, and then smiled with satisfaction, and without even giving him a look, she left without giving him a look.

Baili Cangshen just wanted to say goodbye, and suddenly saw his personal guard Cangluo not far away looking at him dumbfounded

, "Damn, what did this idiot make up again!"

A glance swept over, and the personal guard shook in fright, and immediately straightened up.

Baili Cang was too lazy to pay attention to him, his eyes quickly skimmed over him, and he went to search for the little girl in the crowd, but in the blink of an eye, the little girl had disappeared into the sea of people.

couldn't help but look dark, and motioned for the personal guards to come over with his eyes.

When Cang Luo approached, he said coldly:

"Do you see people clearly?"

"I see it clearly, I see it clearly, master, you were given by a little girl..."

"Huh?" Baili Cangshen's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Under the oppressive gaze of his master, Cang Luo swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and cautiously changed his words:

"Lord... Master, I don't see anything clearly? "

Yes, he resolutely didn't see the master, you were hugged and lifted high by other girls!

Kuku! Cangluo endured a smile and endured hardship.

"I'm asking you, have you seen the whereabouts of that little girl just now!" Baili Cangshen jumped with blue tendons on his forehead.

"Uh... No! Cang Lu replied with a weak face, he was shocked that his master was touched by a woman just now, touched!

Baili Cang glanced at him coldly and said,

"After returning to Beijing, don't talk nonsense."

Cang Ling was excited, and hurriedly said:

"Yes, master!"

Kuku! The master of his family must have been annoyed and angry by the chaos of the girl, and he didn't look back when the little girl walked.

Baili Cangshen looked at the weird smirk on the face of his guard, and couldn't help but have a blue tendon on his forehead, and shouted angrily:

"What are you laughing at?!"

Cang Luo was startled, and reflexively replied:

"No... No! Master, you have never been abandoned by the chaos!

As soon as the words came out, Cang Ling wanted to smack himself in the mouth, look at what kind of brain-breaking he is, he can't show his loyalty like this, how can he show the truth.

Oops! Seeing that the master was so angry, he began to tremble.

Baili Cangshen was so angry with his stupid guard that he couldn't stand still, he took a deep breath several times, but he couldn't suppress the dizziness, he knew that he couldn't hold it anymore, he gritted his teeth and ordered:

"Help me go to the doctor, and then find someone to see what is going on with this person who fell from the building!"

As for the little girl...

Baili Cangshen couldn't help but feel that a young face full of aura and a little baby fat appeared in his mind....

Close your eyes, just wait for the illness to get better and then check, in short, in this small county, the flood closed the city, and no one can get out.

She saved herself, right? Judging from the last blood splashed by the person who fell from the building, the force of the fall was very heavy, and he was directly below him at the time, if he was not held in the arms of the little girl, I am afraid that he would be stoned to death on the spot!

Since then, he has already owed others a life.

Doctor? The master's body...?!

Cang Liu's expression was solemn, put away his playfulness, and immediately entered the situation.

"Yes, master!"

The spirit that got serious was very neat.

A rattling arrow was released, and the nearest attendant was summoned to help maintain the scene and investigate the deceased's pre-existing situation.

He also entrusted a crowd of onlookers to go to the county government to report the case, and then helped his master to go to the medical hall.

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