All the way to the courtyard of the county lord, the people in the house I saw on the way were all beaming.

or cheering or running to tell each other or praying to the heavens, and taking out the bedding and clothes to dry, in short, everyone is happy as if it is the New Year.

Steward Chen trotted all the way to the outside of the Jinning County Lord's room, saw the white porcelain guarding the door, and asked excitedly:

"Koi girl can have breakfast?"

Bai Porcelain was stunned: "Koi girl?

Steward Chen slapped his head, "Hey, look at me so happy, how can I say what I think in my heart!"

At this time, the voice of the county lord of Jinning came from inside:

"What do you think in your heart, come in and say..."

Steward Chen answered loudly and entered the room.

The county lord of Jinning was already drinking tea after the meal, and Yu Yu was picking up the fruits in the fruit bowl and putting them in his mouth one by one.

The county lord of Jinning asked with a smile:

"I just heard what koi girl you said?"

"Yes", at the mention of this, Steward Chen was excited again, "Yesterday, Miss Yu told her subordinates that the rain will stop today, ho!" Today, when my subordinates got up and saw it, Hugo really stopped!

"Hey! Tell me, what is this not a koi fish? This way, we have turned evil into good fortune, all since we met Miss Yu! "

Oh? Yu'er said yesterday that the rain would stop today? The county lord of Xianning looked surprised.

The smile on Steward Chen's face didn't seem to stop, "Yes, county lord, that's what Miss Yu said, Miss Yu also said that when the rain stopped, she wanted her subordinates to go out shopping!"

When Mama Yin heard this, her face was about to fold with a smile, and she hurriedly echoed:

"It's not, the county lord and we can be safe, but thanks to Miss Yu, now even God has opened his face because of Miss Yu's auspicious words, it can be seen that our Miss Yu is carrying good luck, this is not what the life of a koi is!"

The county lord of Jinning was very happy to hear this, and looked honored, "Of course my little benefactor is extraordinary. Then

he nodded at Steward Chen, "Since Yu'er said that you should take her shopping, let's go!" Then he smiled, "Serve our little koi well." "


Yu Yu scolded in his heart, cut! What a little koi, people are big beasts, okay!

But he still stood up immediately, walked over happily, passed by Steward Chen with a light posture, and greeted him

, "Go, keep up~!" So he ran to the outside of the county office.

Steward Chen hurriedly followed.

Walking on the main street of the county, the shops on the side of the street have opened, and although there are not many pedestrians on the road, there are already some small traders and hawkers who have come out to set up stalls.

The small traders had a hard time making ends meet, and after a few days of closure, they wanted to come to their homes and had to hurry up to set up stalls to earn money.

As long as he saw that it was food, he pounced on it, took it and ate it, picked it and left, only to suffer from the Chen steward who followed behind, while busy paying, he also kept chasing the little girl, for fear that he would lose it if he didn't pay attention.

After walking around for a long time and going around a few big circles, Steward Chen was so tired that he couldn't do it, he lowered his head and beat his legs, and then looked up at the little ancestor in front of him.

Well, the little ancestor still showed no signs of stopping, and couldn't help but secretly complain.

This woman really doesn't care about her age when she goes shopping, even if she is just a little girl, she can still make a man go shopping.

Just as he was smiling bitterly, he suddenly saw a teahouse in front of him, Steward Chen suddenly had an idea, his brain opened, and he hurriedly shouted to the little girl running in front:

"Girl, girl, you wait, look, there is a teahouse in front, there are a lot of delicious snacks in it, let's go in and sit?"

Steward Chen also understood after shopping for a long time, the little girl only started with food, so he opened his mouth to use delicious food to arouse the little girl's interest.

Sure enough, as soon as the little girl heard the words "delicious dim sum", she immediately stopped her steps, looked at Steward Chen with shining eyes, and waited for him to lead the way.

After entering the teahouse and sitting down, Steward Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, and if he went on shopping, his little life would be gone, and he was so tired.

"Little two! Grab two of your signature dim sum and two pots of tea!

"Okay! The guest officer sits down for a while, and then comes up! Xiao Er Lisuo greeted him.

In a few moments, refreshments were served.

Xiao Er put one in front of the two of them.

Steward Chen looked like he had been saved, and he was just about to pick up the teapot and pour himself a glass of water to continue his life, but he was empty!


What about tea?!

Sweep it again, ???

Where's his dim sum?!

Steward Chen looked up blankly, dumbfounded!

He, he, he, his snacks and tea all ran to Miss Yu's side in the blink of an eye!

Steward Chen cried, and after shopping for a long time, he was also very hungry and thirsty.

Forget about the dim sum, how to paddle the tea!

Steward Chen swallowed silently and quietly stretched out his fingertips to the pot of tea that belonged to him.

It's almost there!

Suddenly, I saw the Yu girl on the opposite side stretching out her arms violently, encircling the snacks and tea in front of her.

Then squint at him!

Uh, Steward Chen said bitterly: "Miss Yu, this tea can be renewed, let's have a pot for each person, and it's okay to renew it after drinking..."

Yu Yu was unmoved, and continued to stare at him, under this stare, Steward Chen's voice became smaller and smaller.

The subordinates are bitter, but the subordinates can't say it.

The subordinates are hungry, but the subordinates can't eat.

The people in the south love to eat a tea in the teahouse in the morning and chat about something, a sitting is half a day, although now most of the morning is going to pass, but this is not just the rain stopped, everyone has nothing to do, just sit in the teahouse and chat.

Just listen to this one and say: "Hey, you say it's not weird, the rain was still falling when I was going to bed yesterday, and my yard was flooded half a foot deep.

"Who said it wasn't, if it weren't for the puddles in the yard and the rain on the grass and trees, I would have thought it was a dream!" Saying that, he folded his hands and bowed, "I don't know which way the gods took pity on us and gave us kindness."

"Yes, bye-bye, bye-bye, thank the gods for their mercy." For a while, the teahouse was full of people with their hands folded.

Yu Yu: ...

Why does it seem that there is a trace of purple qi floating to his side?

I heard him say again: "It's good if it's sunny, I'm afraid that my old house will collapse if it goes down, alas, I just don't know if the rain has stopped in other places outside the city, and my aunt's family is still in the countryside and village, I'm really worried." When

everyone heard this, they were silent for a while, and then they started talking about you and me one by one, most of them had relatives in the countryside, and some people shed tears when they spoke.

They all heard the loud noise the night before yesterday, and then inquired about the overflow of the Futuo River and the outbreak of mudslides!

There are many villages along the Futuo River, which live on water, and I don't know how many people have died at this time, and I don't know if the people there can escape in advance.

At this time, someone suddenly heard an exclamation: "Look, everyone, some people have fled into the city!" Everyone

leaned against the window and looked outside. This teahouse is close to the south gate wall, and from here, you can see the city gate clearly.

I saw a large number of people in ragged clothes, pale faces, and even water dripping from their hair, flocking in from the south gate.

There are many more servants at the gates of the city to maintain order.

For a while, many people couldn't hold back and rushed out to inquire about the news.

After a while, someone came in and said that the Futuo River had indeed flooded, and that these were the people who had fled over there, and that many people had died along the way.

What's even more terrifying is that it is still raining heavily, and only this small part of their county town is sunny.

Everyone couldn't help but worry when they heard this, it was still raining around, so wouldn't their county town become an isolated island, even if it didn't rain here, the water in other places would flood sooner or later.

For a while, everyone had no intention of chatting anymore, and they all remitted their accounts and went home.

Yu Yu ignored these, she only had those lovely and delicious snacks in her eyes, what did it matter to her whether the water was water, if it became an ocean of water, she would still be happy, just to go into the water to play, she had not returned to her ocean for a thousand years, and she missed the feeling of swimming.

After this wave of dim sum was eaten, she called another wave, and after eating, she called another wave.

Of course, poor Steward Chen could only watch from the sidelines.

It wasn't until the shopkeeper looked at her with the eyes of a monster and told her that the store was out of stock, that she gave up.

Stretching her waist, Yu Yu stood up, well, it's lunch time again, she can go back to the county lord's sister to eat lunch happily, it's really happy, gurgle, Yu Yu thought about it, and ran away happily, leaving poor Steward Chen to go to the account in a hurry.

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