In the past two days, I felt that I had come to the heavenly realm, and this small county town really brought me infinite surprises, not only the food in the restaurant was delicious, but even the snacks on the roadside were delicious, which made people forget to return. Yu Yu once again reflected on how he lived two thousand years ago, and why he didn't come to the human world earlier.

It was another evening, and Yu Yu held the paper bag in his arms, which contained his favorite meat buns, and walked to the room of the county lord of Jinning while eating.

Another time with Steward Chen, who lost his feathers, he returned to the house in advance and went to the room of the county lord of Jinning to make a small report.

"What do you say? Yu girl, as long as she goes out, she can't stop eating? Don't buy anything, just food?! The county lord of Jinning frowned, and his face was anxious.

"Yes, Miss Yu, every time she can eat from one end of the street to the other, she doesn't stop for a moment in between, and the villain is terrified." Steward Chen is also worried, Miss Yu is his benefactor, don't eat anything wrong.

My identity is not good for the little girl, so I had to come to the county lord and ask the county lord to think of a way.

"So, didn't she eat the main meal from me, and then go out into the street to eat again, and then come back to eat the main meal, and eat and eat all day without stopping?" The county lord of Jinning was shocked.

After the shock, I feel distressed, this kid... This child is afraid that he has suffered a lot in the mountains, lacks food and clothing, and has never seen the world, so he does not know how to eat in moderation.

However, how did she know that this overeating was terrible, and if it was not good, it would kill someone.

"Alas..." The county lord of Jinning sighed softly, and said to Steward Chen:

"I'll figure out a way to do this, you go down first, it's just the same, don't bring money with you when you go out in the future, just follow her, if it's really time to use the money as a last resort, you just report the name of the county government and let people come to the county government to find me."

"Yes." Steward Chen bowed and bowed.

After a while, Yu Yu entered the door, of course, her bag of meat buns had already been destroyed by her and entered her stomach.

The county lord of Jinning was silent, pulled her to speak, and asked where she went and what she had done.

At one time, the supper was ready, and the maids waited for them to clean their hands, and then they were served together.

During the banquet, the county lord of Jinning secretly observed again, and sure enough, this girl still had no restraint, focusing on the big fish and meat, one bite after another, her eyes seemed to be shining, as if her interest in food overpowered her instinctive hunger.


The county lord of Jinning sighed secretly, since he knew this little girl, he had to worry more than he had in the previous twenty years.

This is also the fate, who makes himself look at this little girl kindly, don't look at the difference between the two is only eight or nine years old, but the little girl is naïve and ignorant, like a milk doll who is only a few years old, she doesn't feel that she will be taken care of as a daughter.

Gently pressed the little hand that Yu Yu went to pick up the meat again, shook his head at her, and turned his head to call Bai Porcelain: "Give Yu'er a bowl of soup." "

Yes." Bai Porcelain replied lightly and walked over to serve the soup.

Yu Yu pouted, and the county lord's sister came again...

His eyes rolled, and then he tried to open his eyes wide, and he concave the pure little appearance of the cub of the divine beast, pretending to be puzzled and looking at the county lord of Jinning, and said coquettishly:

"Sister of the county lord, Yu'er hasn't eaten yet, Yu'er still wants to eat meat ~~."

Yes, in just two or three days, Yu Yu has learned another skill: coquettishness.

Ever since she found out that the county lord of Jinning looked at her that day, she had the same eyes as her mother, and she had no teacher.

Before her mother ascended, she couldn't do anything about it, as long as she wagged her tail and blinked, her mother surrendered.

Ask her why she is coquettish and has to concave the character of a divine beast cub, uh, that is naturally her self-knowledge, their fierce beast cubs are basically bear children, not liked.

So although she despises the cubs of the divine beast very much, looks down on others, and bullies others when she was a child, who made the county lord's sister a human, I heard that humans like divine beasts.

The county lord of Jinning was secretly funny, and it was really funny for the little girl to pretend to be stupid.

pointed at her forehead and scolded with a smile:

"You girl, how many times have I told you, girls must learn moderation and eat less, which is the way to maintain health, you are good, eat all day long, this will hurt your body." I'll be staring at you when I eat in the future, don't overeat anymore, remember? "

Yu Yu looked at the county lord of Jinning with a bitter face, people are obviously fierce beasts, people are obviously very big, people obviously don't eat bad bodies, people obviously don't need to be temperate at all, people are obvious... Woo woo, I can't say anything, the baby is bitter.

The white porcelain has been filled with soup and served it in front of Yu Yu, who took it, suddenly rolled his eyes again, and nodded at the county lord of Jinning, indicating that he remembered.

The county lord of Jinning looked at the small movements of Yu Yu with a smile, this girl must want to eat on the street after dinner.

This is how heavy is the obsession with eating, it is really childish, and I must correct her problem, the little girl is the time to grow her body, and she must establish a correct diet Xi habits.

The county lord of Jinning waited for Yu Yu to finish drinking the soup and motioned to his subordinates to remove all the meals. Yu Yu's reluctant eyes followed the meal and went out the door.

The county lord of Jinning didn't say much, took out a money bag, called Mama Yin over, and put three hundred wen into the money bag in front of Yu Yu.

The county lord of Jinning put the money bag in his hand and said, "Do you remember what I told you about the purpose of money?"

Yu Yu nodded and said proudly:

"Well, of course I remember."

She has been shopping with Brother Chen these days, and every time she sees him paying the bill, she also understands that whatever she wants in human society must be bought with money.

The county lord of Jinning smiled slightly, and said: "Just remember, in the future, Steward Chen will go out with you, and he will no longer bring money with him, if you buy anything again, you will pay the bill yourself." There are 300 wen in this bag, you can only spend so much in one day, if you run out, there will be no more, and the next day it will still be the same, can you understand?

Yu Yu nodded happily, you can go out shopping again~!

At that time, Yu Yu was still very simple, and he didn't realize that in human society, simple arithmetic problems were also one of the necessary survival skills.

It wasn't until she went out on the street and walked in front of her favorite meat bun that she realized that there was only a bare copper coin lying there in her money bag, and that copper coin was not enough to pay her to buy even one meat bun!


Yu Yu poked the money bag viciously in front of Chen Xiaodi, and her fierce eyes shot at Chen Xiaodi like a knife, obviously she could eat from one end of the street to the other side of the street yesterday and the day before yesterday, and obviously she took money from the money bag, why did she only go to the street for one-fifth of the way today, so she couldn't continue?

Brother Chen looked at the little girl's eyes with a fierce and fierce gaze, and suddenly felt that the little girl was like a little tiger who had been robbed of food, arching her back and blowing up her hair, ready to attack, and she was about to pounce on him in the next second!

The little girl at this moment was cute and made people feel a kind of palpitation inexplicably, so she hurriedly explained:

"Miss Yu, you only have three hundred wen in your money bag, and we usually need three taels of silver to eat the whole street, and this is not counting the time to go to the restaurant."

"What's the difference between three hundred wen and three taels of silver?" Yu Yu asked angrily, his little face bulging into a bun.

"Three taels of silver is equivalent to three thousand wen." Chen Xiaodi explained carefully.

Yu Yu stood there in a daze, and began to use her little knowledge to think about what the three thousand and three hundred wen and three taels of silver had to do with buns.

Well, if 300 Wen is 300 small fish, how many times should she eat if she wants to eat enough 3,000 small fish? Looks like it's... Ten times! Right! Her mom gave her a similar question, and she's so smart Oye!

That is, she has ten times less money than usual, cry!

The county lord's sister is too bad, woo woo woo...

She simply grabbed it directly, when she was in the sea, she didn't just grab whatever she wanted to eat, she had a big fist, and other fierce beasts didn't dare to say anything.

Yes, that's it!

Just like in the picture book that Sister Bai Porcelain said, a gust of demonic wind rolled up and swept away all the stacks of one-person-high cage drawers.

However, she stopped again, because she suddenly thought of the group of manro fish in the sea that she had eaten all the species.

The fish was so delicious, she liked it so much, just like she liked the meat bun now.

So, she cast a spell to move the whole group of the fish back to her nest, and enjoyed it beautifully for a while, but she ate the fish cleanly, and didn't even keep any seeds, and finally the fish was... It's a whole genocide!

Such a delicious little fish, she can never eat it again! She was sad for a while, and since then she finally understands that there must be a limit to eating!

She also made an oath about it.

This is also the reason why later, after Yu Yu found that the dragon meat was delicious, he never ate it all, but understood that letting the little dragons eat one is the long-term way.

Thinking of that oath, Yu Yu felt a little weak.

Human beings are like papier-mâché, and they are timid, what if they lose the buns, and in this weird way, they will never do it again?

I can't do it myself, woo woo woo... Why is it so hard to eat something you like! Forget it, if you don't eat human food, you won't eat it, it's a big deal to go back to the water to catch fish and shrimp, didn't you live like this thousands of years ago, and it was very delicious to remember at that time, and you don't have to spend money to buy it!

So, as soon as he thought of it, he rushed into the crowd next to him, and dodged to the flood outside the city.

As for Little Brother Chen, he watched the expression on the little girl's face change several times, and finally rushed into the distance and disappeared in a flash.

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