There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 230 H125 is on a mission? (Additional update 15 for the boss)

Chapter 230 H-125 is on a mission? (Additional update 15 for the boss)

The Imperial Capital, the headquarters of the Elf Alliance.

Fang Che and his party, who had returned from the holiday villa, were being interrogated by alliance investigators. It was said to be an interrogation, but in fact it was more like an interview. The investigator's attitude and etiquette made Fang Che and his party feel a little awkward.

Master Fang, we have finished asking about the Secret Realm of Dreams. Can you please tell me what treasures and elves you obtained in the Secret Realm of Dreams. This will help us define the [gold content] of the Secret Realm of Dreams.

The person responsible for recording relevant information for Fang Che is Master Zhao, the deputy director of the Security Office.

Regarding Zhao Wanxi's family, Fang Che did not make things difficult for him. He told Master Zhao whatever he could tell.

Regarding the last information that Master Zhao wanted to ask for, Fang Che did not intend to reveal what others had obtained. He just took out a dark crystal, which was the only benefit he obtained in the secret realm.

Those knowledge and truth-like insights cannot be imparted to outsiders.

A perfect evil secret treasure? Okay, Mr. Fang, I'm sorry to bother you.

Master Zhao nodded. A secret realm that can produce perfect quality secret treasures can already be defined as a high-level secret realm.

The Elf Alliance's definition of the secret realm has two levels, one is the size of the area, and the other is the energy concentration within it.

Those that can only produce ordinary elves and ordinary secret treasures are defined as low-level secret realms, those that can produce high-quality secret treasures are intermediate-level secret realms, and those that can produce perfect quality secret treasures are high-level secret realms.

Those places where gold is everywhere and perfect-quality secret treasures can be found everywhere are top secret realms.

After so many years since the elves came to the world, the Elf Alliance has only discovered one top-level secret realm, which is the Silver Mountain Secret Realm jointly controlled by the major elven alliances.

In terms of area, the secret realm is only a medium-sized secret realm, not even the size of a large secret realm. However, there are quasi-gods everywhere in it. Not to mention that they can be found everywhere, but it is also very easy to find perfect quality secret treasures.

If it weren't for the powerful elves inside and most of the secret treasures being occupied by elves, the Alliance might have figured out the secret realm of Silver Mountain long ago.

Even if the champion-level elves enter, they may not be able to defeat the Silver Mountain Overlord inside. In the end, the alliance can only reach communication with the Silver Mountain Overlord. Humans will send food and supplies into the Silver Mountain Secret Realm, while the Silver Mountain Overlord will select some potential ones. Good elves also have some perfect grade secret treasures coming out of the Silver Mountain Secret Realm.

This kind of transaction has been going on for hundreds of years.

Now, it is quite good to have one more high-level secret realm.

Seeing Master Zhao casually recording the energy level of the secret realm, Fang Che shook his head. He did not tell Master Zhao that the secret realm of dreams was actually a top-level secret realm because Darkrai and Cresselia were in charge of it. The energy and super energy are extremely rich.

Those evil-type secret treasures and super-type secret treasures that are extremely precious to the outside world are everywhere inside.

When Xu Jue and the others went on an expedition before, they saw a lot of secret treasures whose energy levels had reached perfect quality, but whose grades had not yet reached it. If you give them some time, they would become perfect-quality secret treasures in the future!

In addition, there are many perfect quality secret treasures in the two castles of Fear Castle and Dream City, which are tributed to the two gods by the elves in the Secret of Dreams.

Only the real high-level personnel of the alliance can know this information. Otherwise, if it spreads out, there must be some guys with ulterior motives who want to break into the Secret Realm of Dreams. If it brings inconvenience to Darkrai and Cresselia, on the contrary, It will bring unnecessary losses to the alliance.

After finishing the interrogation, Fang Che stretched and left the small room. Zhao Wanxi and Xu Jue had also finished their interrogation and were chatting excitedly about where they were going to play next.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi had seven days of rest time. Now four days have passed, and there are still two days at most. Fang Che has no idea to use it anymore.

How about going to the hot springs!

Chen Ting smiled and took Zhao Wanxi's arm. When she saw Fang Che coming over, she said a little louder, How about a hot spring hotel where two people share a room and there is an indoor hot spring in the room? It just so happens that we are a little tired from playing in the secret realm these two days, how about going to the hot springs to relax?

Upon hearing Chen Ting's proposal, Lei Huo and Liu Yingying were the first to raise their hands in agreement. They were about to discuss marriage, so naturally they had no problem with mixed bathing in hot springs.

Zhuge Yiyi and Si Yu are a little embarrassed. Although they are lovers, because Zhuge Yiyi's family is relatively strict, the two of them really have no more intimate contact except with their hands and mouth.

Mixed bathing in hot springs... is a pretty good idea!

Zhao Wanxi glanced at Fang Che, as if asking for Fang Che's opinion.

Fang Che noticed Chen Ting's secretly smiling expression. He held his forehead and sighed helplessly. After getting along, these geniuses of the imperial capital seemed to be no different from Lu Hui's kind of bad friends.

Fang Che walked up to Zhao Wanxi, sat on the edge of the sofa, and then gently kissed Zhao Wanxi's forehead, Sister Xiaoting, you don't think that Wanxi and I will do anything because of your proposal. You're so shy that you're blushing, right? No, no, no?

Although Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi have never confessed to each other, this relationship no longer needs words. Except for the last layer of window paper, the two of them have no other way of getting along with each other than an old couple. What a difference.

Mixed bathing?

Maybe they would be a little shy at first, but it's not like the two of them had never lived together in the wild. If Chen Ting wanted to tease them, she would have chosen the wrong person.

Chen Ting was a little surprised when she saw Fang Che suddenly showing a hint of scorn. What surprised her even more was that Zhao Wanxi didn't have any shy reaction. This was not normal.

After all, in her impression, Zhao Wanxi is a kind of innocent lady, so she should be shy when teasing her like this.

In fact, this is Chen Ting's inherent impression. Zhao Wanxi has a very confident and generous character. Since she has chosen Fang Che as her future partner, she doesn't mind showing their intimacy in front of outsiders.

If you don't dare to show your emotions in front of your friends, what is love?

Looking at the somewhat deflated Chen Ting, everyone laughed involuntarily. They knew that Chen Ting was trying to liven up the atmosphere but seemed to have messed up, so they naturally laughed very happily.

Fang Che also smiled. Taking a bath in the hot spring seemed really good.


Just when Fang Che was about to turn over and sit next to Zhao Wanxi, the communicator on his waist rang, which made Fang Che's expression tense immediately.

Because this communicator belongs to the Shadow Group!



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