There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 231 H126 The real trump card! (Additional update 25 for the boss)

Chapter 231 H-126 The real trump card! (Additional update 25 for the boss)

Fang Che did not directly connect to the communicator. He patted Zhao Wanxi's shoulder and pointed to his pocket. Zhao Wanxi glanced at Fang Che's shaking pocket. She naturally knew what was in it and what it was. What does the communicator ringing mean?

You go first.

Zhao Wanxi chuckled and pushed Fang Che's arm, and then explained to Xu Jue and the others, My grandpa has something to see A Che, let's continue talking.

Although Xu Jue and the others were a little curious about what Zhao Weimin wanted to do with Fang Che, they didn't ask any more questions. They just waved to Fang Che and signaled Fang Che to quickly find Mr. Zhao Weimin.

Fang Che came to a secluded place. He released Lucario and asked Lucario to release the power of the waveguide for detection. After confirming that there were no detection instruments around and no one was approaching, he took out the communicator.

What's matter?

Fang Che did not directly call Zhao Longhu by his name, nor did he address Zhao Longhu as his second uncle. He was afraid that it would be inconvenient for Zhao Longhu.

Haha, Ah Che, are you at the alliance headquarters?

Fang Che was very cautious, but it was obvious that there was nothing wrong with Zhao Longhu. His voice was still as loud as thunder, making people full of energy as soon as he heard it.

Hearing Zhao Longhu call him by his first name, Fang Che knew that there was no problem. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, Second uncle, Wanxi and I are here at the headquarters and just finished some things.

Zhao Longhu hummed after hearing this. He did not ask the two of them what they were doing in the alliance. Then he went directly to the topic, There is a task. I hope you can do it. Be careful not to reveal your identity during the task.

Fang Che was a little surprised that the Shadow Group dared to make small moves in the Eastern Alliance?

The previous operations of Diwenxing made the Eastern Alliance quite dissatisfied with the Shadow Group. If the Shadow Group's warriors had not cut off their wrists and lowered their heads to deal with other alliances, the Eastern Alliance might not have stopped attacking the Shadow Group.

It's only been a few days now, and the Shadow Group is on another mission?

Zhao Longhu seemed to have thought of Fang Che's doubts. He explained with a smile, This task is very simple. It is to go to the southern plains to raid a den.

The den?

Fang Che scratched his head. What could be called a den should be the hiding place of some organizations.

Shadow group, also working part-time as a scavenger?

There is news that there is a Skeleton Group's lair in the southern plains. You should know about the Skeleton Group, right?

We know that the Skull Group originated from the northern ice field. It is a dark organization composed of the remnants of the dark forces that were crushed by the Eastern Alliance and the Sand Bear Alliance. They have been operating around the Sand Bear Alliance, but they dare not leave any behind. Clues. Why, did the Skeleton Group show its flaws?

Fang Che knew the Skull Group quite well. After all, it was a dark and mindless gang.

You know, even those as powerful as the Shadow Group would not dare to act openly.

He didn't even know about the Shadow Group's existence before he learned about it from Fang Xuan, Zhao Wanxi and Zhao Longhu.

But the Skull and Bones... can make the news from time to time, can you believe it?

However, even so, the Skeleton Group has never shown its flaws, so it can survive or survive safely.

Zhao Longhu chuckled, The Earth Speed ​​Star of the Disha Group mistakenly entered a mountain forest not long ago, and found an experimental base created by hollowing out the mountain. The experimental base had the mark of the Skeleton Corps.

After discussion among several of our Tiangang Star cadres, we decided to give him this experimental base.

Fang Che couldn't help but observe three seconds of silence for the Skeleton Regiment. They had done nothing, and they had not missed any tricks. It was just bad luck that they were met by the cadres of the Shadow Regiment, and then they were about to suffer disaster.

Then Uncle, what do I need to do? You should also know that I will have something to do in three days...

Fang Che had no intention of rejecting Zhao Longhu, but he only had two days left.

Zhao Longhu was not surprised by Fang Che's doubts. Compared with the Shadow Group's actions, the U18 Poké Ball Cup was naturally more important. Don't worry, this operation is a lightning operation. We will go to two Tiangang Stars and five Earth Evil Stars. Cadres, lead a group of elite members to raid the experimental base.

If it's done well, plus the time you have to go back and forth, one day will be enough.

The Tiangang Star cadres of the Shadow Regiment are almost all quasi-Kings or even King-level beings, and the Disha Star cadres are at least gym-level experts. It would be really easy for them to join forces to kill the Skull Regiment's experimental base. matter.

And what I want you to do... Zhao Longhu was silent on the other end of the phone, and then he lowered his voice, I need you to kill the Geospeed Star.

Get rid of it, Earthspeed Star?

If Fang Che thought correctly, the killing that Zhao Longhu said was to send the Earthspeed Star to see Giratina, right?

Fang Che has never done anything like killing.


Without asking why, Fang Che directly accepted the task.

He will definitely enter the core of the Shadow Group to harvest wool in the future, so it would be good to leave a little prestige in the Shadow Group now.

After discussing the specific matters of the operation with Zhao Longhu, Fang Che took out his mobile phone and booked a ticket to a small town in the southern plains. While booking the ticket, he returned to the living room where Zhao Wanxi and the others were.

Ache, does the second uncle have a mission for you?

Returning to the living room, Zhao Wanxi was the only one left here. Everyone else had gone to find their elders. The alliance's attitude towards the Secret Realm of Dreams was still somewhat conservative. The alliance's senior leaders planned to use Xu Jue and the others as an entry point to deepen the relationship. Communication with Darkrai and Cresselia.

Zhao Wanxi didn't leave, she stayed here waiting for Fang Che.

Fang Che nodded. He showed Zhao Wanxi the ticket warrior that had been booked on his phone. I need to go to the southern plains. The task is very simple, but it will take at least a day to go back and forth.

Zhao Wanxi was a little worried, If it's a mission over there, you definitely can't reveal your identity. In this case, your Swampert, Boss Cordora, and Lucario won't be able to use it. The Giant Pincer Mantis alone can To protect your safety?

Fang Che’s elves are all very recognizable, whether they are the extremely powerful Swampert, the Lucario that can switch places, the amazingly large Boss Cordora, the shining metal monster and the flaming horse. , are spirits that others cannot replicate.

Once these elves appear, it means that Fang Che's identity is exposed.

Not to mention Waves of Water and Genesect, these two elves are more difficult to expose than the other.

The only one that is relatively common is Fang Che's giant pincer mantis, but can a giant pincer mantis alone really protect Fang Che's safety?

Fang Che gently tapped Zhao Wanxi's forehead, Don't worry, besides those guys, I have a real trump card that I have never used.

Besides, my second uncle will also participate in this mission. With him here, do you still need to worry about my safety?



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