There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 229 H124 Return with a full load!

Chapter 229 H-124 returns with a full load!

Because of Larulas' cuteness, Zhuge Yiyi could forgive its dirtyness, but he just pitied the coyote dog. He lost so miserably in the first battle after being subdued by Zhuge Yiyi. It was really disappointing. It's unbearable for people to look at.

Zhuge took out the wound medicine one by one and applied it to the coyote dog, and then took out some tree fruits to comfort the somewhat lost coyote dog.

Larulus has the champion-level Gardevoir as his godmother and the fantasy beast and dream god Cresselia to deliver the baby. We can't compare to normal, so there is no need to be sad.

Zhuge's consolation not only did not make the coyote happy, but made it even more sad. After all, no little cutie would want its owner to praise other people's cuties!

Although the coyote dog looks a bit fierce, Zhuge Yiyi’s coyote dog still has a bit of Erha’s temperament, so its personality is also slightly cute. It can indeed be kept as a cute pet before it evolves. .

Yiyi, your coyote dog is doing well too.

Dongfang Xue glanced at the coyote dog thoughtfully. Although it seemed that Larulas had completely crushed the coyote dog just now, in fact the coyote dog had already done it when Larulas launched the attack. Complete preparation.

However, just like his master Zhuge Yiyi, Coyote Dog had no idea that La Rulas had so many skills.

Otherwise, with the qualifications of the coyote dog and its inherited moves of fright and surprise, it will definitely not be a problem to capture Larulas.

It can only be said that although the Coyote Dog lost, it is not considered a loss.

Fang Che curiously walked to Zhao Wanxi. Zhao Wanxi was happily wiping Lalulas' face with a small handkerchief. Although Lalulas looked calm and calm in the battle just now, he defeated the coyote. It is a dog, but using skills one after another is a certain burden for the newborn, and it still sweats.

Wanxi, is this coyote the elf that Zhuge Yiyi just collected? Why did you suddenly start a fight?

Listening to Fang Che's inquiry, Zhao Wanxi raised her head and smiled, Dakrai asked Zhuge to take care of the coyote one by one. Its father is the general Great Wolfdog under Darkrai. I hope my children can leave this space and go out into the world to make a living.”

Fang Che nodded clearly, and looked thoughtfully at the coyote dog nestled in Zhuge Yiyi's arms, which was constantly licking Zhuge Yi's chin.

Why do you want to see the outside world? This coyote might not have inherited the antibodies against the space-time virus, so the big wolf dog asked Darkrai to come forward and hand over its children to humans. To raise.

At least, after being subdued by a human trainer, the coyote dog will never have to worry about the danger of space-time viruses.

Moreover, Zhuge Yi's family is also very wealthy. The coyote dog follows her and her life is absolutely happy. In addition, she can go out and see the colorful world of the world. For the coyote dog, becoming Zhuge Yiyi's elf is a great thing. A good deed that brings no harm at all.

The only thing to consider is that after the father and son are separated, they may not be able to see each other for a long time. However, this is not a big deal. This situation is common in the elven world.

After adulthood, elves will basically be separated from their parents for the rest of their lives. Even elves like marsupials are similar and will only take care of children until they reach adulthood.

Hey, there's something wrong. I remember, isn't the Great Wolf Dog evolved to level 18? Why hasn't this Coyote Dog evolved yet?

Suddenly, Fang Che discovered another blind spot, that is, the coyote dog's level could be completely evolved.

If it is an evolved giant wolfdog, then Larulas has absolutely no chance of winning. Is there anything special about this coyote?

Fang Che carefully investigated and finally found a black medal around the Coyote Dog's neck. It was a medal that gathered pure evil energy, which could help the Coyote Dog continuously improve its control over the evil energy.

And there is an immutable stone hidden in that medal. Obviously, I don't know whether it is the Great Wolf Dog or Zhuge Yiyi. I hope that the Coyote Dog will fully tap its potential at this stage before evolving.

Anyway, with the coyote dog's talent, it is absolutely no problem to become Zhuge Yiyi's ace elf. Now Zhuge Yiyi doesn't need the coyote dog's immediate combat power at all. What she wants is the coyote dog's future.

Zhuge subdued the coyote dogs one by one, others should also gain something, right?

Fang Che glanced at the friends around him who all had smiles on their faces. Because of Gardevoir's tragedy first, the elven parents in the secret realm obviously didn't want to bet on whether their children would inherit antibodies to the space-time virus. Raising them by humans is the easiest and best option.

Zhao Wanxi nodded. Except for the two of them, everyone else got a good elf, especially Xu Jue. She actually conquered a shining single egg cell ball. This elf evolved to have super strength. Artificial cell eggs with attack capabilities.

With the single egg cell ball, Xu Jue can even compete for her father's position as king in the future.

Ache, won't you tame an elf you like?

Zhao Wanxi was a little confused. There must be elves in this world that Fang Che liked.

Fang Che shook his head. Although Darkrai had an elf with evil and steel attributes like Commander Cleaver under his command, Fang Che had no intention of subduing Commander Cleaver.

Originally, it would be good to subdue a small soldier with a small sword to replenish the team's attack surface, but Fang Che now has Tai Jinghua, who can almost freely change attributes, plus the steel insect god Genesek who can use all attributes to attack. Special, there is no position for the commander of the army in his team.

In fact, Fang Che's team is no longer entirely a steel-type team. The appearance of the giant swamp monster and the undulating water directly led Fang Che's team in another direction.

That's the Rainy Day Team!

Under the rain, the power of fire skills is halved, which is a good thing for Fang Che's elves.

At the same time, Fang Che's two generals, Bo Dang Shui and Giant Swamp Monster, can exert greater strength in rainy weather. The only one who may feel uncomfortable in rainy weather is probably Boscodora.

However, with Boss Cordora's physique, a short period of rain will not affect it at all. Even the electric attacks mastered by Boss Cordora have good impact in rainy weather.

Tsk, if I switch to the rainy day team, I'm afraid the old man will be pissed to death. Besides, I don't have an elf with rainfall characteristics in my hand right now, so I'd better not think about it for now.

Fang Che chuckled inwardly. He greeted everyone who was still chatting excitedly, and then discussed the matter of leaving.

Although they didn't explore this world too much in the past two days, with the cooperation of Darkrai and Cresselia, they still explored this space to a great extent.

If it were an ordinary secret world, they would open up all its land and take a look. Of course, the first batch of pioneers would get the most harvest.

However, this is the territory of gods and the realm of legends. Even after they leave, the alliance cannot open it up.

And with Darkrai and Cresselia all present, the elves in the secret realm will not have the idea of ​​following humans. This secret realm will probably be blocked by the alliance, and only a handful of people can pass through the alliance and the two Enter it with the approval of a mythical beast.

Lei Huo nodded. They were leaving. If he stayed in this secret realm any longer, he might not even want to go out and fight.

After some discussion, everyone decided to leave after one more day of fun. Cresselia and Darkrai also entertained them very warmly.

However, the two mythical beasts unanimously rejected Dongfang Xue's proposal to establish contact with the alliance and open the secret realm to the outside world.

Just as Fang Che thought, the divine beasts would not mind if the gods and elves under their command recognized humans as their partners, but they would not let go of their own territory and allow humans to enter.

If Darkrai hadn't needed humans to unlock Cresselia's seal, even if Fang Che and the others found the entrance to this secret realm, they would basically not be able to enter.

Dongfang Xue was a little disappointed, but she didn't try to persuade her too much. Let her old man talk about the follow-up matters.

[Don’t worry, if it’s you, you can come in and play at any time. 】

Cresselia gently comforted everyone who was slightly disappointed. They had more or less conquered the elves in the secret realm, and there would be no problem in coming back to visit relatives occasionally in the future.

Cresselia's words obviously shocked everyone.

Well, it doesn't matter whether it's open or not. They can freely enter and exit the legendary realm, and that's more important than anything else.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi shrugged. Counting this legendary realm, they must have too many secret realms to explore.

I feel that in the next, your future college career will be spent in a secret realm with you.

Zhao Wanxi leaned against Fang Che and stuck out her tongue. She knew that Fang Che had the special ability to increase the strength of elves through fighting. If he wanted to maximize this ability, he would definitely need to live in a secret realm for a long time.

She has decided that Fang Che, the one who marries a chicken and a dog, will also settle in the secret realm. From the looks of it, the days ahead will definitely be exciting.

Fang Che rubbed Zhao Wanxi's hair, and he couldn't put it down for the soft touch.

Laluras leaned in Zhao Wanxi's arms. He raised his head and looked at Fang Che curiously, then stretched out his little hand and waved at Fang Che expectantly.

Fang Che immediately took Larulus from Zhao Wanxi's arms, and then played with Larulus three times, making Larulus smile very sweetly.

As an elf who can sense human emotions, Larulas likes his trainer very much because Zhao Wanxi loves and loves him without any other emotions. Similarly, Lalulas also likes to be positive and confident. Fang Che.

In addition, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi are not boring, but reveal warm emotions in every aspect, which makes La Rulas yearn for it.

After playing with Larulas for a while, Fang Che looked back in the direction of the Dream City. He made no further request to enter to view the murals, because he knew that he would not get any useful information even if he looked further.

He already knew a lot of secrets, which were enough for him to digest within a few years.

One day later, Fang Che and others arrived at the exit of the secret realm under the personal escort of Darkrai. What surprised Fang Che and others was that there was a white sea lion at the exit that had been waiting eagerly for a long time.

Good guy, the white sea lion was guiding you when you came in, but the white sea lion was still there when you went out?

Is this white sea lion so strange?

Fang Che was very curious and threw a piece of data power onto the White Sea Lion. When he used the power of data before, he could only see that the potential of the White Sea Lion was at the gym level.

But now it seems that there is definitely something wrong with this white sea lion.

However, this time the power of data only fed back to Fang Che the same data as before. The white sea lion was the white sea lion, there was nothing unusual about it.

Everyone was sent out of the secret realm by the white sea lion in confusion. The moment they left the secret realm, Fang Che turned his head and saw the green streak on the tail of the white sea lion that had faded away from the white.

Gee, these mythical beasts really know how to play!



The Imperial Capital, the headquarters of the Elf Alliance.

Dongfang Su, the president of the Eastern Alliance, is making tea. The person who can make tea for him personally is not an ordinary person.

Zhao Weimin, Fang Tianyang, Xu You, and several other alliance kings who often appear on TV shows all gathered in Dongfang Su's teahouse.

Xiaoxue and the others mistakenly entered the legendary secret realm of Cresselia and Darkrai. From their descriptions, it seems that the two gods do not intend to establish diplomatic relations with humans. What do you think?

Dongfang Su put down the teapot in his hand, with a gentle smile on his face.

Even when he was talking about the superior beasts, the calmness in his eyes did not waver at all.

Fang Tianyang and Zhao Weimin looked at each other, and then shook their heads in unison.

What can they say?

How can mortals like them force themselves to do something that the mythical beast is unwilling to do?

Even though they are the supreme kings of the alliance and the vice-presidents of the alliance, in the eyes of the mythical beasts, they are just a group of walking rookies.

In addition, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi told them that as long as they are willing, they can enter the legendary realm at any time. This is a great progress in the career of human trainers!

I think we can try to use those little guys as a link to make friends with Darkrai and Cresselia. Even if they can't interfere in the real world because of Zygarde, they can just flow out of their hands. The resources are enough for our Eastern Alliance to [squander] for a long time.”

Hua Wuhen, the evil king of the Eastern Alliance, answered Dongfang Su's words with a chuckle. He is Zhuge Yiyi's uncle and can be considered half of the Zhuge family. Naturally, he will support Zhuge Yiyi.

The alliance had always wanted to train Fang Che with all its strength before, but now maybe it could also include people from other families?

Speaking of which, after subduing the coyote dogs, Zhuge Yiyi's team felt quite amazing.

There are the ghost-type main force prepared by the family, as well as the special super-type Slowpoke that she has conquered, plus the coyote dog she has just conquered, the entire food chain with one attribute.



Nowadays, my coding hands are all soft...

It was late at night, just as I was about to write an enthusiastic code word, my operation suddenly said something, and a big boss rewarded me with silver.

I thought he was making fun of me, but when I turned on my phone, I knelt down to the boss, three pieces of silver!

Thanks to 20230503202907881 for the reward!

Starting from today...tomorrow, 10,000 words will be updated for a month. As long as the code is not dead, I will code to death!

Let me kneel down to you again and thank you for your love!


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