That Wu Hao, although a little naive, is pretty good to his own elf.

After coming out of the battle center, Zhao Wanxi looked at Xu Lei and his group who left in despair. She had seen the eye-to-eye contact between Xu Lei and Wu Hao before.

Moreover, before today's anticlimactic arena battle began, Zhao Wanxi had investigated Wu Hao's relevant information, and naturally knew what the trump cards in Wu Hao's hands were.

After the defeat of the strongest ace, the Needle Bee, Wu Hao immediately made up his mind not to let his other two aces play even if he offended Xu Lei, because he had already seen that Fang Che was letting out anger. Since he was letting out anger, then You can send anyone out as you like, there is no need to let your main force suffer.

As long as he retains his main force, he can still participate in various activities in the school. Once all three of his main elves fall, he will not be able to keep up with the progress of others.

Moreover, Wu Hao knew that as long as he expelled some weak elves, Fang Che would not be able to kill them. After all, he had surrendered on the spot.

The result was just as Wu Hao expected. Fang Che did not let Cordora do too much. The next two battles only made Rainwing Moth and Hu Hu lose their fighting ability. It was not like the first battle at all. The sting wasp in the field was almost beaten to death.

You must know that although this world is protected by the power of Arceus, and every elf has the absolute talent of dying, which can be called life-saving, the dying state cannot be triggered casually.

According to unscientific research conducted by the Shadow Group, elves in the growth stage can only trigger near-death once at most. Elite level can be upgraded to three times, and gym level and above are a constant five times.

No one can test the legendary master level, but it is not too far-fetched, so if the trainer can prevent the elf from being too seriously injured, it is best not to force the elf too hard.

Okay, the annoying guy is gone, Ah Che, let's go visit the school's [Treasure House] together.

Lei Huo put his hands on the back of his head and casually approached Fang Che.

He is a fighting maniac himself, and the fighting prowess Fang Che showed just now was enough to make him feel excited.

However, today is the first time he and Fang Che meet, so it is not suitable for fighting. Moreover, Fang Che is still a new trainer. He cannot bully the small with the big, so Lei Huo can only keep this desire to fight. It's time for Fang Che to take the exam at the Elf Academy in the City of God.

The most important thing now is to take Fang Che “shopping”!

The 100,000 points sent by Xu Lei were earned by Fang Che. Although Fang Che did not enter the Imperial City Elf Academy, nor did he have a student ID card from the Imperial City Elf Academy, so he could not receive the points, but this did not prevent him from visiting the Imperial City Elf Academy. The college’s public “mall”.

Give me all these 100,000 points?

Looking at the points card handed over by Lei Huo, Fang Che was quite surprised. After all, Xu Lei was gambling with Lei Huo, so Lei Huo didn't want anything?

Facing Fang Che's doubts, Lei Huo patted his chest and said, One hundred thousand points is nothing. Only people like Xu Lei will take it seriously. When you enter the academy and join our team, you will know what It’s called endless points!”

Xu Jue and Chen Ting looked at each other, and they couldn't help but turn around and start complaining.

I didn't expect Lei Huo to have a talent for telling lies. Isn't he afraid that Fang Che will quit after joining our team and feeling cheated?

Xu Jue muttered softly, for them, one hundred thousand points is indeed not too precious, it is just a matter of a few high-quality secret treasures.

However, for ordinary people, it is impossible to collect 100,000 points in an entire college career. After all, those high-paying tasks simply cannot fall into their hands.

Even in their small team, the only ones who can score 100,000 points in one go are the team leader Long Xingyuan and the two of them who don't spend money much.

Lei Huo is from the Moonlight Clan, and he never keeps more than 10,000 points in his pocket.

Under the leadership of Lei Huo, Fang Che came to what he called the mall, which was an office area similar to the Academic Affairs Office. Looking around, the entire floor was filled with small rooms.

There is a computer in each room, and the computer is connected to the school's central database. If you want something, just click on it, and a super elf will deliver it directly to the room you opened.

Lei Huo received a number, and then took Fang Che to the room marked with the number.

When you open the door, you will see white walls. There are not too many decorations in the room. Only a small hole was dug out in one of the walls to put a touchable computer screen.

The room was about five square meters in size, and Fang Che felt a little crowded after the others entered.

Xu Jue looked at Fang Che's confused expression and immediately explained, This is a place where ordinary students exchange things. Generally speaking, everyone comes alone. It's rare for the five of us to come together.

In addition, the school will issue a mobile terminal to students with good academic performance and good ability. We can use the mobile terminal to shop remotely, and then the school's super elf courier can deliver it to the designated place.

Listening to Xu Jue talking about how good the school's express delivery business was, Fang Che felt like he wanted to complain but didn't know where to start.

Needless to say, although the exchange office and the exchange method are a bit crude, the resources released by the Imperial City Elf Academy are nothing to say.

Turning on the computer, Fang Che inserted the points card into the card slot on the wall, and then Lei Huo's avatar appeared on the screen. This point card was issued in the name of Lei Huo.

After skipping the initial interface, what appeared in front of Fang Che were categories of several major categories, and there was a search bar above the categories.

Amplifying treasures, carrying treasures, tree fruits, evolution stones, essences, gems, sundries...there are many kinds. There are even MEGA evolution stones?

Fang Che was quite surprised when he saw the MEGA Evolution Stone that was classified among the Evolution Stones. After all, even he had not been able to obtain a MEGA Evolution Stone so far.

He can't get the MEGA bracelet yet, but if he can get the MEGA evolution stone in advance, he has an idea.

Fang Che thought about it and searched for Lucario's super evolution stone, but the big screen showed that it was out of stock, which meant that even the Imperial Capital Elf Academy did not have Lucario's evolution stone.

I'm sorry, Ah Che. I exchanged the only Lucario Evolution Stone in the school.

Lei Huo stood aside and shrugged helplessly, My father tamed a Riolu, but it was difficult for him to obtain the super evolution stone through channels, so I helped him exchange one from school.

Lei Huo's father is a fighting master. His ace elf has the same strange power as Lei Huo. Later, he cultivated a Riolu. The super evolution stone resources were prepared for him by Lei Huo. This can be regarded as a different kind of nugget. .

It's okay, I'll take a look at Cordora's.

Fang Che re-entered Boscodora's name, and then Boscodora's super evolutionary stone appeared in front of Fang Che, with the inventory showing 3!

The price is 70,000 points. Is this expensive or cheap?

Fang Che wasn't sure how difficult it would be to obtain points at the Imperial City Elf Academy. He had 100,000 points in his hand, so he could easily obtain this super evolution stone, but he was worried that it would be too expensive.

Zhao Wanxi came over and gave some advice, Seventy thousand points to buy a super evolution stone is not a big loss. After all, the quality of the resources provided by the Imperial City Elf Academy is guaranteed, and they cannot be of inferior quality. .”

There is also a quality gap between the super evolution stones. The higher the quality of the super evolution stone, the less burden the elf will have after super evolution, which means the longer it can maintain the super evolution state.

Generally, a complete Mega Evolution Stone is enough to keep an elf in the Mega Evolution state for five minutes, which is enough to end most battles.

After hearing Zhao Wanxi's suggestion, Fang Che didn't hesitate any longer. He directly took one of Boscodora's super evolution stones.

Although the elves he currently has that can undergo mega evolution include Lucario, Swamp Monster and Giant Claw Mantis, he does not have an MGEA bracelet, so it is useless to prepare mega evolution stones for them, not to mention that he has no plans to do so for the time being. Revealing Swampert's presence.

After placing the order, before Fang Che had time to look at other products, a Casey appeared in front of everyone, with a small yellow package floating next to it.


Casey looked at the people in front of him, feeling extremely surprised.

After working as a courier for so long, this is the first time he has seen so many people gathered in a small room. Is this some special game being played?

Although he was very curious, the shy Casey delivered the package to Fang Che, and then he teleported away.

Is the transportation speed so fast?

Fang Che smacked his lips. With super elves as couriers, human couriers might not be able to work at all.

After all, when sorting goods, super-powered elves can accurately separate them with just one sweep of their mental power, and transportation can also be done by instantaneous movement, which is convenient and safe.

Human couriers or other elf couriers have not been completely banned. I am afraid that there are not many super elves who can master long-distance and precise teleportation.

After opening the package, a silver-white spherical stone fell into Fang Che's hands. There was a strange-looking crescent moon pattern in the center of the stone. The feeling of holding the super evolutionary stone was not cold, but rather unique. The warmth feels like touching the body of an elf.

Because it was not convenient to release Cordora in the room, Fang Che put the super evolution stone into his pocket.

When outside, Fang Che usually does not use the Twenty-Four Bridges of Bright Moon Night. After all, this kind of space storage prop only exists in legends, and the most high-end ones now are just space pockets that compress space.

Fang Che still understands this little thing of not showing off his wealth.

There were still 30,000 points left in the score card. Fang Che glanced at Zhao Wanxi, and then began to search for elf eggs. He wanted to see if he could prepare an Eevee or Jigglypuff for Zhao Wanxi.

After all, Zhao Wanxi's personality and capital are very suitable for raising such a cute pet.

In addition, both Ibrahimovic and Jigglypuff can be of great help to Zhao Wanxi.

However, when Fang Che opened the elf egg panel, Zhao Wanxi directly held down his hand. She didn't want to cultivate new elves yet. After all, she had to take care of Fang Che's elf and cultivate a relationship with the little lucky egg. , if another elf comes, it will be a bit too much.

Looking at Zhao Wanxi's determined expression, Fang Che was a little helpless. He really didn't have anything missing for the time being, and it was impossible to buy any perfect quality secret treasure with the remaining 30,000 points. Fang Che looked around at the miscellaneous items. After there was nothing he wanted in it, he simply exchanged all 30,000 points for attribute gems.

Anyway, now his elves consume a lot of attribute gems for every meal, so there is no problem in buying more.

This time the delivery was the same Casey as before. It dropped a huge package and did not leave directly.

When it was given the super evolution stone before, it didn't know what was inside, so it didn't take it seriously, but this time it was given attribute gems, and Fang Che also bought a batch of super gems when choosing. How could the fluctuations escape the perception of a super elf?

After realizing that the batch of goods he was responsible for contained a large number of attribute gems, Casey was keenly aware that Fang Che might be a rich man.

However, this has nothing to do with Casey. He is an employee of the Imperial City Elf Academy. It is impossible to flatter a student just because he is rich, but if someone takes the initiative to give a tip, Casey will not Rejected.

Fang Che failed to understand what Casey meant by staying, but Zhao Wanxi understood it immediately. She smiled and took out a box of high-quality super energy cubes and put it in Casey's hand. Casey weighed it slightly. After a moment, he showed a shy fox smile, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

Hey guys, this is the first time I see a courier asking for a tip. This Casey must have just arrived.

Chen Ting looked at Zhao Wanxi in surprise. It was Casey's responsibility to transport goods. She had never heard of a courier who shamelessly stayed just for tips.

The most important thing is that it is useless to give Casey a tip, because the next delivery may not be her.

Okay, now that you're done shopping, Wanxi, why don't you take Ah Che to visit our school? You don't need us to be your guides, right?

After leaving the exchange center, Xu Jue waved to Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. It would be better not to disturb the two of them for the rest of their time. After all, the light bulbs would be annoying wherever they were placed.

The most important thing is that Xu Jue is single and she doesn't want to eat the dog food spread by Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

How can it be repaired? She is obviously a senior sister who is two years older than Zhao Wanxi. Why doesn't anyone come to fall in love with her?

Seeing Xu Jue's somewhat sad and angry look, Chen Ting on the side patted Xu Jue's hair in a funny way.

Even if you don't look at the super king behind Xu Jue, Xu Jue's appearance and size alone, uninformed people simply don't want to risk breaking the alliance's laws to talk to him.

If you don't even have a conversation, where will the peach blossoms come from?



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