There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 162 H-057 My surname is Fang, from Fang Tianyang!

Fang Che stood aside and said nothing. He looked at Xu Lei with a stiff look on his face, wondering whether the 100,000 points mentioned by Lei Huo was too much or too much.

Zhao Wanxi approached him as if she and Fang Che were connected, and then explained to Fang Che in a voice that only two people could hear.

The so-called points are the common currency within the Imperial City Elf Academy. Points are used everywhere in the academy.

Whether it is life, training elves, or even taking lessons from some famous teachers, you need to spend points.

The way to obtain points is very simple. You can get points by performing well in various activities organized by the school. However, the way to get the most points is to take on various tasks issued by the Imperial City Elf Academy.

Points cannot be bought with money. Of course, you can exchange them with others. The school does not object to this.

Fang Che nodded. It was similar to what he thought. It was similar to the mercenary association system in the novel. It could greatly prevent students who were admitted to the Imperial City Elf Academy from becoming lazy. At the same time, it could also stimulate students to maintain their positive wildness. .

Based on the market value, one point from the Imperial City Elf Academy is equivalent to one hundred Xia Yuan from the outside world. However, you can't buy a single point for one hundred Xia Yuan.

Zhao Wanxi added that the 100,000 points Lei Huo said were worth at least 40 to 50 million Xia Yuan. This was really not something that ordinary people could accept casually.

However, Xu Lei dared to come to trouble Lei Huo because he was confident that Lei Huo and the others would not be able to settle the score openly. He had already prepared 100,000 points.

After confirming that Xu Lei was ready with 100,000 points, Lei Huo also openly revealed his bet. The same 100,000 points, which was quite painful for Xu Lei, was nothing in front of Lei Huo. After all, There were more than ten people in their small group, and one person didn't even blink when he came up with 10,000 points.

Unlike Xu Lei, who raises a lot of trash and has to pay them wages and resources, Lei Huo and the others are more like brothers and sisters who play in a group. Everyone faces things together, and they will naturally share the resources as equally as possible.

Moreover, from Lei Huo's point of view, these 100,000 points are just for show. Is it possible that there are still people who think that the newcomer Xu Lei has found can compare to Fang Che?

After confirming that the bet was correct, Lei Huo led the people into the battlefield. When passing by Fang Che, he looked Fang Che up and down provocatively, as if to see what Fang Che could say about him. attack.

A young man with yellow hair who was following Lei Huo touched his head, and then he stretched out his hand to Fang Che with a smile on his face, This classmate looks a little strange, are you from our Imperial City Elf Academy?

Fang Che lowered his head and glanced at the yellow-haired young man's hand. He had no intention of extending his hand at all.

Tsk, Lei Huo, this little brother of yours doesn't seem to know much about etiquette. Could it be that his surname is Gao?

Xu Lei stood aside and taunted Lei Huo, his words also meant to threaten Fang Che.

The surname is Gao. Why is the surname Gao?

Art masters are brave!

If you dare to get involved in their grudges, you shouldn't think that you will have any peaceful life in the future.

At least, Xu Lei went through it in his mind and didn't think that Fang Che was on the list of people he couldn't offend given by his father.

Seeing Xu Lei's particularly needy look, Fang Che just put his hands in his pockets very relaxedly, I'm sorry, my surname is not Gao, my surname is Fang, Fang Tianyang's Fang.

After the words fell, everyone present fell silent.

Lei Huo, Xu Jue and Chen Ting didn't expect Fang Che to reveal his identity directly. They planned to wait for Fang Che to kill his opponent and then prod Xu Lei when he wanted to regret it or jump over the wall in a hurry. There is no good show now. .

Xu Lei on the other side felt cold in his hands and feet. Fang Tianyang's side?

The guy in front of me who looks like a sunny and cheerful boy is actually a member of the Steel King family?


Only with this identity can he stand calmly beside Lei Huo and the others. Why didn't he think of this!

What kind of Fang Tianyang does he just give out the name of a cat or a dog and try to bluff people?

The yellow-haired young man standing next to Xu Lei suddenly sneered. His words made Xu Lei beside him unable to hold back the corners of his eyes twitching.

Good guy, there are still people who haven’t gotten to know the eighteen current kings after being admitted to the Imperial City Elf Academy?

Fang Che and others were also shocked by the yellow-haired young man. They never thought that they would see a mentally retarded person.


Zhao Wanxi tugged on Fang Che's sleeve. She knew that Fang Che was very protective of his family members. Although the guy opposite may have made rude remarks because of some intellectual problems, he did insult Fang Che. Che's grandfather.

Don't worry, I know what's going on.

Fang Che had a smile on his lips and even a hint of smile in his eyes. He patted Zhao Wanxi's hand, and then touched the elf ball on his belt.

Trainers, if there is any problem, use the elves to solve it. There is no use in talking fast.

In this weird atmosphere, the younger brother Xu Lei sent to negotiate with the person in charge of the battlefield came back. He also brought a referee teacher from the school with him.

In this kind of competition, only teachers within the school serve as referees, so both sides will not have any doubts about fairness. Of course, unless both sides are injured and fall down at the same time in the elf battle, it will be difficult for the referee to blow a black whistle.

Before taking the stage, the yellow-haired young man walked to Xu Lei hesitantly, Brother Lei, why do they look at me so strangely? Did I say something wrong?

He found that both his opponents and the people on his side looked at him as if they were an alien, which made him very unhappy.

But he was not a fool, and he immediately thought of what he said before. Is that Fang Tianyang really a famous figure?

Ah Hao, after the fight is over, stop worrying about the group of rouge fans behind you. Get to know more about the people at the top of the alliance.

Don't call me brother either. I didn't call the King of Steel the younger brother of Cat and Dog.

Xu Lei patted Wu Hao on the shoulder and then exited the fighting venue directly.

Wu Hao stood there unable to move, as if he had been paralyzed by the elf, and his whole body was about to shake.

The King of Steel?

Did he just say that the King of Steel is a cat or a dog?

Wu Hao, whose family runs a plantation farm in Haicheng, usually comes into contact with a group of businessmen. In his opinion, Xu Lei is a big shot that is difficult to reach, so Xu Lei approached him, hoping that he could help him. At that time, Wu Hao agreed immediately.

However, Wu Hao never thought about what kind of person Xu Lei wanted to deal with.

Player Wu Hao, please release your elf.

While Wu Hao was still in a daze, the referee reminded Wu Hao for the third time. Fang Che, who was standing opposite Wu Hao, had already released his elf. He chose the Kodora he had decided before. .

Looking at the huge Kodora standing in the field, Wu Hao's movement towards the elf ball froze slightly. How could he hit it?

His trump card is a giant sting wasp. Whether it is an insect or poison skill, if it falls on Cordora, it will be as painless and itchy as a mosquito bite.

Go ahead, Needle Bee!

Although there was some resistance in his heart, Wu Hao still released his Big Needle Bee. This was a game that he absolutely could not lose.

At this time, Wu Hao had already reacted. According to the bet between Xu Lei and Lei Huo, the two sides could only use newcomers for the duel, which meant that the guy in front of him might be the descendant of the King of Steel, and he must be a little younger.

After all, if he were his age, he would have made a splash in the U18 Poké Ball Cup last year.

To be honest, if he hadn't been the champion last year and severely injured the difficult opponent's elves, he wouldn't have been able to become fifth.

Big Needle Bee, quick attack, high movement, double needle attack!

After releasing the Needle Bee, Wu Hao immediately gave orders to the Needle Bee, but Dora released his skills faster than Wu Hao gave the order verbally!

Electromagnetic levitation!

Lighten your body!

Rock polish!

The three-piece set of floating speed was completed in the blink of an eye by others, but the Dora-brand guided missile was already in place, targeting the Needle Bee, and the double-edged hammer was ready for launch!

Double-edged mace.

Fang Che gave the order very calmly, and he didn't even intend to say another word. In his opinion, the Needle Bee could already declare the end.

But Dora rushed towards the giant needle bee with yellow light like a cannonball. The momentum of the attack made the faces of the surrounding audience change.

Lei Huo poked Xu Jue with his elbow, but because of the height difference and the upward angle, he almost hit Xu Jue's neck.

Isn't our future junior brother a bit awesome? I remember that it took him more than two months to conquer Kokodora, right?

Fang Che's subjugation of Coco Dora was not a secret among the upper echelons of the imperial capital. Even Coco Dora's qualifications, which Zhao Qiansun and the others had not leaked at all, were speculated by many people.

However, no one went to trouble Fang Che. After all, a Kokodora with suspected championship talent was not worthy of the jealousy of the people in the Imperial City. They had not forgotten that Fang Tianyang was still alive and kicking, and even his strength had greatly increased.

Lei Huo never expected that in just over two months, Fang Che would cultivate Kodora into an elite-level Kodora. According to the strength that Kodora showed in the Imperial City Elf Alliance Battle Center, this This guy must be able to fight even against gym-level opponents.

In other words, even if he goes into battle in person, he may not be Fang Che's opponent.

Xu Jue was also very shocked. She thought she had lost to Fang Che's strongest Lucario yesterday, but she didn't expect that Fang Che still had a Cordora in his hand that was not weaker than Lucario. Who is the senior and senior sister!

Here Leihuo Xu Jue and the others were lost in thought, but the situation on the battlefield came to an instant.

The Needle Bee held up its two guns and prepared to attack Kodora, but before it could get close to Kodora, it was hit head-on by Kodora.

The giant needle bee turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the field. Not long after, a hole in the shape of a giant needle bee appeared on the wall of the battlefield.

The Great Needle Bee!

Wu Hao couldn't believe that his trump card was instantly killed by his opponent with one move!

Moreover, looking at the distance it flew and the force of the shock, the Needle Bee was definitely seriously injured.

After the referee determined the situation of the big needle bee, Fang Che won the first round.

This competition is three against three. The first one to lose the fighting ability of the three elves will lose. Xu Lei originally wanted to let Wu Hao, who has three elite elves, give full play to his greatest advantage, but he didn't expect that Wu Hao would still be able to fight now. Two elves are going to be released to take a beating!

After taking back the dying Needle Bee into the elf ball, Wu Hao clenched his fist tightly, and then he released a Rainwing Moth as if he gave up.

Although the Rainwing Moth can use water-type moves, and it also has intimidation properties and can restrain Kodora, Wu Hao's Rainwing Moth only has growth-level strength!

Seeing Wu Hao release the Rainwing Moth, Xu Lei couldn't stand his expression. In his opinion, Wu Hao was betraying him.

Even if he loses against three elite elves, he can't use non-ace elves on his own initiative!

Rainwing Moth, hold on!

Kedora, double-edged hammer.

Fang Che still chose the double-edged head hammer move. After all, this move was too smooth and lethal for Kodora in the floating state.

However, perhaps guessing Fang Che's thoughts, Wu Hao actually completed the pre-reading, allowing the Rainwing Moth to perform Hold.

Now, use hot water!

Seeing that the Rainwing Moth had blocked Cordora's blow, Wu Hao immediately thought of letting the Rainwing Moth counterattack, but the next moment Cordora's metal claws released by itself directly knocked the Rainwing Moth to the ground. .

Before Wu Hao and the referee could react, Dora rushed directly to the ground with a double-edged hammer.

The Rainwing Moth also lost its fighting ability after the Giant Needle Bee, and its injuries were more serious.

Wu Hao clenched his fists again. He ignored Xu Lei's gaze, and then threw out a Poké Ball again. This time he released a Hu Hu. With Hu Hu's tyrannical defense, he at least faced Kodora. He won't be seriously injured, but Wu Hao's Hu Hu is only in the growth stage.

But Dora defeated Huchu with just one sharp stone attack.

After taking the pot back, Wu Hao bowed slightly to Fang Che, and then trotted towards the Elf Clinic without looking back, leaving Xu Lei with an ugly look on his face behind him.

Okay, it's over. We will accept the 100,000 points. If you plan to give us points next time, remember to find someone who is a little more considerate.

Lei Huo accepted Xu Lei's 100,000 points, and then he didn't forget to ridicule Xu Lei for not knowing people, which made Xu Lei's face even more ugly, but he didn't dare to express the anger in his heart to Lei Huo and the others. After all, his family was just Just a businessman, if he really goes against someone from the Heavenly King family, he is looking for death.



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