There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 164 H-059 Secret Realm Broken Conditions!

After separating from Lei Huo, Xu Jue and Chen Ting, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi walked around the Imperial Capital Elf Academy together.

This university is located in the northern part of the imperial capital. The location may sound a bit remote, but in fact it is one of the most prosperous areas in the entire imperial capital.

After all, nearly 80% of China’s geniuses are gathered here. Those who can enter the Imperial City Elf Academy are either rich children with prominent family backgrounds or super geniuses with bright futures. Whether it is to build relationships or make investments, this is the place. A holy place for those who want to speculate.

The interior of the Imperial City Elf Academy is like a huge natural park. You can see green rockeries everywhere, and even several artificial lakes appear on both sides of the road from time to time. Some elves such as Carp King and Kodak will appear there. Playing and playing in the lake looks quite refreshing.

After wandering around the academy for a long time, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi randomly found a cafeteria to experience the food at the Imperial City Elf Academy. They used the point card issued by Lei Huo, which contained the remaining energy after purchasing energy gems. The points are enough for them to enjoy a delicious meal.

In the afternoon, Lei Huo had someone send him a high-quality combat treasure, the black belt. This was his reward for asking Fang Che to take action. The 100,000 points in the morning were Fang Che's trophies and could not be generalized.

Looking at the black belt in his hand, Fang Che put it away helplessly. He had no use for this thing.

What Dora brings now is high-quality hard stone. For Swampert, you can bring soft sand right away, or you can find a mysterious water drop for it. What Giant Pincer Mantis and Lucario bring are both from the Little Penguin Mall. A secret treasure of perfect quality, this high-level black belt really feels like it is tasteless and a pity to throw away.

Otherwise, find an Eevee and let him take it with him. Maybe he can evolve a unique fighting elf.

Fang Che patted his belt. He had no intention of collecting any more fighting elves for the time being. He already had quite a few elves in his hands. When Iron Dumbbell and Childhood Tit arrived, he would already have more than one main force. .

After leaving the Imperial Capital Elf Academy, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi embarked on a trip to the Whirlpool Islands.

It's not that they don't want to rest for two more days, the key is that the Transnational Exchange Conference for Advanced Breeders will be held in about two weeks. If they don't go to the secret realm of the Whirlpool Islands, it will be too late.

Fortunately, both families are from a family of trainers. For this kind of family to go on wild adventures and not be able to reunite all the time, it feels normal, and there is no sadness at all.



The seaside town is the seaside scenic town closest to the secret realm of the Whirlpool Islands. This town is small in size, but it is well-equipped. Not only does it have a unique tourist reception, but it also has all the elf-related facilities.

There are Alliance Elf Shops, Elf Centers, and Elf Training Houses.

Late at night, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were walking on the brightly lit road. They felt quite weird looking at the endless stream of pedestrians on both sides of the street.

Two:03 in the morning, this is indeed the middle of the night, right?

Zhao Wanxi looked at the watch on her wrist. It was now 2:03. It took them half an afternoon to arrive at this seaside town from the imperial capital.

When they came out of the station, they thought that the town should have rested. After all, even in the imperial capital, you wouldn't see too many pedestrians on the road at two o'clock in the morning.

However, what is completely different from what they imagined is that this place seems to be a city that never sleeps. The stars and the bright moon in the sky are not as shining as the street lights on the ground.

It seems that the liveliness here is much better than we imagined.

Fang Che shrugged, took out his phone and started navigating, and then the two of them arrived at the Elf Center.

The elf center in any city has the function of a hotel. With the alliance's identity card, you can stay here for three days for free. If you exceed the time, you will have to pay some basic living expenses.

For Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, neither of them are the kind of people who pursue luxury and enjoyment, so there is no need to go to a high-end hotel. The elf center can also help them check the physical condition of the elf so that they can get Better rest······

Well, it's just that this seaside town doesn't have any high-end hotels. As for the express hotels, who knows if there is a dream-eating tapir boss there, or the Elf Center is reassuring.

With the help of the night shift staff at the Elf Center, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi quickly moved into a double room with a suite.

Because the space in the Elf Center is still very valuable, some people who have an ambiguous relationship but are not suitable for living in the same room will be arranged into a double room with a suite, which saves money. If we have enough space, we might even be able to form a marriage.

However, this is not a point of concern for Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. After all, based on their progress, even if they do nothing, they will be able to obtain the certificate in a few years.

The whole afternoon's ride in the car was still a bit tiring. After a simple wash, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi went back to their rooms to rest. Of course, they did not forget to release the elves to keep vigil.

When you go out, be careful.

Fortunately, almost no one would take action in the elf center, and Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi had a good rest.

Early the next morning, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi got on the ferry to Island No. 7, Yaoguang, after drinking two bowls of millet porridge.

Yes, there are seven islands and an unexplored sea area inside the secret realm of the Whirlpool Islands, and there are also seven islands outside. The names are also named after the Big Dipper. Each island has an entrance and exit for people to enter and exit the whirlpool. The secret realm of the archipelago.

Of course, this entrance and exit is guarded by the alliance. If you don't have a pass, you are not eligible to enter.

After taking the ferry to Island No. 7 - Yaoguang Island, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi went through three rounds of interrogations, confirmed that their identities were correct, and had passes before they were put into the secret realm of the Whirlpool Islands.

After passing through the twisted entrance to the secret realm and finally entering the secret realm of the Whirlpool Islands, Fang Che couldn't help but complain, This inspection is really strict enough. If there is any problem, you will not be able to get in. It seems that the alliance has The secret realm of the Whirlpool Islands is very important.

Zhao Wanxi rubbed her ears with some discomfort. She seemed to hear something when she was traveling through the secret realm, but she felt it was an illusion during space transformation, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

After feeling a little more comfortable, Zhao Wanxi responded to Fang Che's complaint, I can't help it. There are not many large-scale secret places in the country. In some places, there is not even a large-scale secret place in a city. In order to prevent someone from causing damage in the secret place. , naturally the inspection needs to be stricter.”

The secret realm cannot be transferred. Wherever it comes, it will always be there.

But the secret realm can be destroyed. If the number of elves in the secret realm is less than one-tenth of the number at the time of arrival, and the internal environment is severely damaged, the secret realm space will be in an unstable state. In serious cases, it is not impossible to completely disappear. things.

More than 130 years ago, several countries in the distant Black State had a dispute. They ignored the mediation of the alliance headquarters and directly started a war between countries.

That war really wiped out all the avenues. As long as they were trainers, they had to go to the battlefield. Even a seventeen-year-old child would have to go to a neighboring country to release two bites of a green caterpillar. Poison will do.

At the end of the battle, two small countries found that they could no longer hold on. They directly bet their national fortunes and let the only two king-level trainers sneak into the enemy's territory, and then carried out an indiscriminate attack on the enemy's secret realm, destroying it all at once. There are more than ten small secret realms and three medium-sized secret realms, which is shocking even in the Elf Alliance.

Since then, all countries have become stricter about the supervision of their own secret realms, and no one has chosen to conquer the powerful lord elves in the secret realms whether they can or not.

After all, as long as the secret realm exists, elves with extraordinary talents will continue to appear, and even resources will continue to regenerate. If the secret realm disappears, the country will have no future at all.

As a mysterious large-scale secret realm, the Whirlpool Islands consists of seven islands and a vast sea area. It contains so many elven resources and product resources. Once it is targeted by people with evil intentions, even if they are difficult to completely destroy the secret realm, But even if there is a little trouble, it will be a loss for the China Alliance.

Fang Che looked around and saw that the place where he and Zhao Wanxi appeared was on the edge of Yaoguang Island. Not far behind him were cliffs, and a little further away was the vast sea.

Looking up, a few Bobo were hovering leisurely above their heads. Because people often come in and out of Fluolight Island, the elves here are no strangers to humans.

The kinder Bobo even often enjoys being fed by alliance trainers. After all, Bobo is a kind flying elf, and it is very convenient to get some information from them.

These Bobo just wanted to wait for Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi to feed them, but unfortunately Fang Che did not intend to ask Bobo for information. He had a complete map of the seven islands of the Whirlpool Islands in his hand.

It is true that the alliance has not been able to explore the sea area clearly, but the seven islands with a limited area have been clearly explored by the alliance.

There are Bobo here, which means that it is the virgin forest in the southwest. If we want to go to Island No. 6, we have to cross the virgin forest, bypass the Gobi Desert from the edge of the grassland and enter the coast.

Fang Che recalled the map in his mind, and then selected the most suitable plan.

They both looked down upon the elf resources and product resources on Island No. 7. There was a small alienated fire horse on Kaiyang Island on Island No. 6, also known as the Galar Little Fire Horse. This was their main goal this time. .

Fang Che also plans to take a look at the rock mountain veins on Island No. 5, and maybe he can tame a big rock snake or other rock-type elves. After that, he will wander around the sea to see if he can meet any elves that suit his eyes.

There are some problems with this route. If we take the Flying Elf, we only need to go around the virgin forest from here to reach the coastline.

Zhao Wanxi put forward a different view. She believed that since there was not much time, there was no need to waste time crossing the virgin forest and hiking through the Gobi grassland.

Take the flying elf directly to the coastline, and then take the water elf to Island No. 6. It only takes a day at most.

If they followed Fang Che's route, they would have to waste at least three to four days to reach the coastline, and it might be the fifth day before they reached Kaiyang Island.

Fang Che thought about it for a while, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with what Zhao Wanxi said. Most of the resources on Island No. 7 were tree fruit resources, and some herbal resources on the grassland. As for the elves, most of them were grass, insect, and poisonous. Fang Che doesn't want any elves with these attributes.

Then I'll listen to you.

Fang Che nodded. He stretched out his hand and took out a light cyan elf ball. This elf ball was much better in terms of touch and appearance than the high-end ball used by Fang Che.


After Fang Che opened the elf ball, a voice like the sound of nature rang in the ears of the two of them. The elf coming out of the elf ball gently touched Fang Che with its white cloud-like body. Fang Che only felt that he I touched a ball of soft, warm cotton.

Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird!

This is the elf borrowed by Fang Che and Fang Tianyang, and it is also the main force of the three teams of elves that Fang Tianyang has been training recently. Its strength has reached the peak of the quasi-king, and it is no problem to use it as Fang Che's guardian elf and flying mount.

Zhao Wanxi also released a gym-level Togekis, which is Lan Ying's main force.

Let's go.

The two climbed onto the backs of their respective elves, and then the Tanabata Blue Bird and Togekis soared directly into the sky. The air waves they caused made several hovering BoBos unable to control their bodies and almost fell down.

The good-tempered Bobo couldn't help but curse, but after feeling the pressure from the Tanabata Bluebird and Togekis, they could only swallow their resentment.

What are you doing!

If you have such strong strength to challenge the old gangsters in the forest, why should you bully these cute Bobo?

When they go back and tell their parents, they will kill you two weird guys sooner or later!

The Bobos cursed inwardly and rushed home. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, who were on Qixi Blue Bird and Pokkisi's backs, had no idea that they had provoked a group of Bobos who were yelling at each other. The two of them had already taken out a special The headband is placed on the head. This thing is a flying helmet made by the alliance based on the super barrier principle of super elves. It can effectively resist the strong wind brought by the elves during their flight.

This kind of prop was sold out as soon as it was developed. After all, no one wants to be slapped in the face by the cold wind in the sky.

With this prop, they can also enjoy a bird's-eye view of the earth from the sky and watch the blue sky and white clouds up close.



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