[What you see in the Demon World will be different. The air here seems to be richer and more vibrant. 】

The background male voice continues under the music.

【Here, all kinds of sounds embrace you. 】

[The light illuminates you in a strange way, as if it is touching you and lingering on you. 】

The scene has reached the Demon Realm outside the Demon Realm Prison.

I saw only a few young men and women, like a tour group, with free smiles on their faces, even contentment.

As if feeling the happiness of life.

【It is a place that is with you. 】

[Sometimes, if you're lucky, it stays with you forever. 】

The music gradually becomes more intense.

"It's like love! Cleanse your soul! Feel it in your veins~?"

[This is why there is no other place in the world as beautiful as the devil's realm. 】

[Because the devil world is not a place to see with your eyes. 】

[It is a place where you can feel it with your heart. 】


The next scenes mostly show the team running on the beach of the Demon Realm, walking through the jungle covered in rain and dew, having a barbecue on the empty mountain, and lying on the lawn admiring the starry sky of the Demon Realm.

Finally, the music comes to an end and the scene freezes.

[The devil world is full of extraordinary things. 】

As the male voice in the background finished the last sentence, this slogan and the words Beautiful Mind Squad also appeared on the screen.

The promotional video is over.


Professor Arnold covered his eyes and turned off the projection equipment.

He didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

He just felt like he was going crazy.

Although I had expected that this time Dekan's report would not be too normal.

But I didn't expect that this guy Dekan himself knew that the report couldn't write anything that could be written.

So I made one...

Demonic travel promotion advertisement?

Is the devil world such a warm and healing place in your paintings? !

You don't dare to expose the bad things you did, right? !


"Professor Arnold? Please tell me."

"I sincerely hope you can challenge the eighth-level shadow world next time."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because the report of the Eighth-Level Shadow World does not need to go through my hands and can be submitted directly to the Kingdom Federation..."

Professor Arnold seemed very tired and closed his eyes in relief.


## Author's Note:

ps1: The following chapter is Deco Candy. This kind of chapter is really difficult to code. I can’t finish it.

ps2: Recommended book "I, the Rancher, Became a Friend from Britain"

ps3: There is a vertical painting of Cornelia at the end of this chapter. The set of vertical paintings previously agreed will be completed according to the schedule. However, the current various illustrations and vertical paintings have obvious deviations in style, but you don’t need to worry about this problem. After Mr. Cui is free, I will ask Mr. Cui to redraw all the characters according to Mr. Cui's style. From now on, all the illustrations in this book will be unified into only Mr. Cui's version. The dog's heart has been painted by Mr. Cui. Take away the paintings, and there may be no more joy or sorrow in this life...

Volume 5: Throne of Thorns and Snow: [Standing Painting-Cornelia]

Picture: "[Standing Painting-Cornelia]", Location: "Images/1664136237-100315868-109397042.jpg"

You need to write at least 100 words before you can publish a chapter. Here is a small advertisement.

The upper limit of 5 monthly tickets has been lifted, and there is a double monthly ticket activity, [every 500 monthly votes received + 1 update, no upper limit], because the double monthly ticket activity is equivalent to readers and fathers [every 250 monthly votes, I will add 1 update]

I have received 18,600 votes so far. I can confirm that I won’t finish it until it is finished. So I can only continue to write free extras after the completion and talk about extending the book in the future... According to the outline, this book is seven Volume, you can’t let me write a free eighth volume after finishing it...

Volume 5: Throne of Snow and Thorns: 281 Exploded Shura Field (8,000 words, 47 \u0026 48/68 updated)

In the season when the gentle breeze blowing in your face can make people feel unbearably hot, the sun is hot and dazzling.

The place near this building, which we had walked for more than half an hour along the ancient roads of the royal capital, was no exception.

It was an afternoon in July.

Mie took Alice to the door of Happy Group.

"Alice, this is not a party place, this is a company, you have to follow me!"

Mie put his hand on the door and turned around to tell Alice.

"I know, Mie!"

Alice seems to be too bored in the palace.

So much so that Mie wanted to come to Kaixin Group to make some potions, and Alice also wanted to come with him.

Mie pushed open the heavy solid mahogany door.


She saw the scene in the hall.

The next second the door was slammed shut.

Mie held the doorknob with both hands, and seemed to be processing complicated information.

"What's wrong Mie?"

Alice asked doubtfully.

"I remembered that my mission has been completed. Let's go back today."

Mie began to sweat on his head.

"It's all here..."

"Alice, listen to me, I will take you to other fun places."

"All right."

Hear Alice's honest response.

Mie breathed a sigh of relief.

The moment she opened the door just now, she saw such a strange scene that she decisively judged that this was a taboo area that she must not break into.

"What the hell is that..."

Mie muttered in an inaudible voice, pinching his brows as he walked on the road.

She only remembered that there were six prominent protagonists in the hall just now.

Staircase leading from the second floor to the first floor.

Cornelia was holding Dekan lovingly.

And Durkan was trembling with fear.

In the lobby on the first floor.

Croix was sweating crazily on his forehead at this time, and kept asking Dekan for help with his eyes.

Beside Croix, his childhood sweetheart Claire was standing with her head raised and crying, heartbroken.

Bingxue Ji is singing on the second floor. No one knows what she is thinking and why there is someone singing now.

Judith, the former paladin captain, stood in the center of the storm, looking confused.

The scene was extremely chaotic.

Everyone was going crazy.


Mie confidently deduced from the state of several people that this was not the effect of [Three Corpses Rampage].

But she couldn't figure out what happened and turned into this.

She only knew that taking the best option was the best option.

curiosity kills the cat……

Let’s go back and ask Tata...


Specifically why this happened, we have to start from the afternoon of the previous day.

Let's first rewind time to twenty-four hours ago.


During the holidays, the college library was much emptier than usual.

Just like any other ordinary day.

Seated at the small round table were Dekan and Cornelia.

Occasionally, there will be Croix and Mie.

But none of them came today.

Croix, who finally graduated successfully, is now busy with his company affairs wholeheartedly.

After all, the previously agreed Kingdom Federation Hero Festival is about to take place.

The girl group of Kaixin Group will also participate in the show, so a lot of work is waiting for Croix.

Mie is almost inseparable from Princess Alice.

Alice seems to be very bored after her vacation.

Mie had to be with her every day.

In a few days.

Everyone will set off together to the Kingdom of Philoven in the south, which is also the venue of the [Kingdom Federation Hero Festival].

But now, Dekan and Cornelia have one more thing to prepare.

After Durkan finished the report, they had to face the final exam they had missed because of Shadow World.

In the event of such absence, the school will arrange special examination time for students.

When the exam ends tomorrow, Dekan and Cornelia will have a real vacation.

Cornelia had a good review before joining the Shadow World.

Now for an extra review.

Dekan observed that Cornelia had almost finished turning the pages of the notebook, waited for a few seconds, and asked:

"Cornelia, are you free after the exam tomorrow?"

Cornelia raised her eyes and looked at him:


"Can you come with me?"

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