
The two of them didn't stay in the library for long before leaving together.


Noon the next day.

The hill behind the school.

Under the sunlight, the flowers and plants glowed with bright colors as before.

Dekan and Cornelia sat on the grass, leaning against the familiar tree.

Dekan originally wanted to ask Cornelia how the exam went.

But think about it.

The moment he saw Cornelia's expression when he left the examination room, he knew that she had done well in the exam.

Asking these questions made it seem like he was shrinking from something.

After a long silence, Dekan spoke:



The whisper that came out of Dekan's mouth made Cornelia tilt her head naturally.

"Although, I haven't come to a conclusion yet..."


"But I slowly figured it out."

She waited quietly for him to continue.

He thought again and again and said intermittently:

"I think, I probably want to stay with you, only you."

Durkan knew.

Some words are like that.

When facing someone who is truly important to you.

Maybe something that was easy in your mind becomes extremely difficult when it comes to your throat, and then it feels like it's stuck.

Whenever he looked at Croix's love affair with a God's perspective, he always felt that it was extremely simple.

Now that I think about it, Croix seems to be much braver than him.

In fact, Dekan didn't really understand what changes he wanted to make in the relationship between himself and Cornelia after he said what he said.

Maybe he actually doesn't expect any change at all.

He just didn't want every day he spent with Cornelia to be ruined.

That's all.

The Church of Resurrection is also good.

The northern kingdoms and empires.

The tenth level shadow world is also good.

Dealing with them is just to protect yourself and your friends' peace every day.

And, the most important part of my daily life - the woman in front of me.

"That's it."

In Cornelia's eyes, Dekan looked like a dumb boy now.

She couldn't help laughing for a moment.

Because she finally felt what Durkan felt when he first saw her.

It turns out that at that time, in Dekan's eyes, this was what he looked like.

Even though he was hesitant to speak.

But he is surprisingly able to understand what the other person means.

But she is no longer the same as when she first came to Hevenlet College, and she is able to express her thoughts clearly.

"Okay, I will stay with you until you come to the final conclusion."

Cornelia's mood became very relaxed, light and full of joy.

Although Durkan's expression is vague.

But she had fully received Durkan's signal.

She would wait for Dekan to figure everything out, solve all the troubles, make all preparations, and then tell her the answer firmly and straightforwardly.

Dekan nodded quietly.

"...asking you, Dekan."

Cornelia's pulse was beating rapidly.

"……What's up."

"Is there anything else you want to tell me today?"

When she asked this, Dekan stopped talking.

Cornelia: "Ah, of course, if you don't want to say it, then forget it..."

"...Actually, I did something to deceive you."

Dekan slowly shook his head at Cornelia who added something, and said,

"But I didn't really mean to deceive you."

"My original motive was just not to let you be in a sluggish state before entering the shadow world and then get injured..."

"Later on, I gradually couldn't find the opportunity to confess to you. The more I looked at you, the more I didn't know where to start."

The reason is just that.

Durkan whispered.

Dekan remained silent, as if waiting for Cornelia's reaction.

Cornelia sighed.

"——Although I am very angry."

What are you talking about? I obviously won't blame you, she complained.

Although she was thinking secretly, she did not act so gently towards Dekan, but said in a scolding tone:

"But next time, and the next time, as long as you tell me, I will understand you."

The words still contain sincerity.

"——So, I won't hate you for this."

She couldn't help but smile shyly like a flower bud blooming.

"That's good……"

Durkan breathed a sigh of relief.

Dekan, who has suffered a loss, has an exceptionally gentle personality.

If Mr. Cat sees Dekan like this, he will definitely shout: "Where did you hide the real Dekan, meow?!"

It's a pity that Dekan sent Teacher Mao away early today.

"But - I haven't forgiven you."

Cornelia continued pretending to be angry,

"You have deceived a girl's feelings."


Like a harmless fist, Dekan couldn't dodge it.

But Nelia's reproachful words, which didn't sound angry at all, made Dekan feel even more wronged.

He looked at Cornelia.

Although no words were spoken.

But there was an expression of giving up resistance on his face, which seemed to say, "It's up to you whatever you want."

But when Nelia saw that Dekan was like this as Teacher Cat expected, she couldn't help showing a sly smile, took a deep breath, and said:

"I want you to turn into Xiao Hui and stay with me all day."

Dekan: "Huh???"

"No way..."

Seeing that Dekan was down, Kenelia shook her head in disappointment.

"If Dekan doesn't want to, just forget it..."

"Will you forgive me if you agree to this request?"

Dekan asked through gritted teeth.

He never expected that Cornelia would ask for this.

After the confession, the nature of Xiao Hui changed.

There is no doubt that this is his execution.

But Nelia would never come up with such a bad idea.

There must be one, no, even several kobold strategists giving her advice!

"Well, then this matter is wiped out."

Kenelia nodded affirmatively.

"All right."

Dekan had no choice but to turn into a gray elf cat using [Transformation: Elf Cat] in front of Cornelia and under her gaze.

This feeling of lowering the gaze and lightness of the body is actually like torture at this time.

But Nelia quickly hugged Xiao Hui happily.

"As promised, you will be my little Hui all day long, and you are not allowed to run away."

But the last four words Nelia added seemed to be brooding over the fact that Xiao Hui would run away every time before.

"Hmm, meow..."

Dekan replied helplessly.

Just become a cat.


There won't be any problems...

Dekan comforted himself in his heart.


So this afternoon.

But Nelia happily hugged Xiao Hui and left the campus, walking on the streets of the capital.

Much better than Durkan imagined.

All he needs to do is play the role of a gentle cat.

Well, more like a date.

It's just that even if he and Cornelia went out to play together before, they would never be so close.

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