There would be no complete version of [Human Body Destruction], and Dekan had already expected it.

But what Dekan wants is not [human body destruction].

But dismantle it and analyze it!

Dekan wants to make a sunnier forbidden spell card with his own characteristics based on [Human Body Destruction]!

As for the second epic card, there was nothing to discuss, so it was given directly to Croix.

Only he can use it.

【Illusory Stone Pendant】

[Category: Equipment Card]

[Level: Orange Epic]

[Level: 7]

[Effect: After equipped, 70% of all damage received by oneself will be transformed into illusion. All the damage caused by illusion will gradually become real damage and borne by oneself in the next 10 seconds. 】

[Remarks: Illusionary Karst’s supreme work. 】

The False Bishop also has a similar ability, except that the False Bishop can consume mana to erase the damage caused by the illusion.

Of course, this card is not bad if Croix has it in his hand. Croix can milk himself back in the most direct way.

As for the last card, it was one that Dekan was already familiar with.

【Blood Mimicry】

[Category: Spell Card]

[Level: Orange Epic]

[Level: 5]

[Effect: After use, you can mimic yourself into a certain race that the user knows, and you can choose a gender of that race to mimic. After mimicking, your true race and attributes will not change, as will your own appearance. Races whose volume deviation exceeds 30% cannot be mimicked and cannot be lifted by themselves. The cooling time is 14 days. 】

[Note: The lost vampire power. 】

This is another vampire spell card with unknown meaning.

Dekan couldn't help but start complaining.

The power of you ※blood clan is really outrageous.

Originally, these powers were only possessed by the birth of high-level vampires.

But later on, it can be used as a magic card and used by other races.

This is a divine card comparable to Morion's [Contact Mimicry].

But after some experiences in the shadow world this time.

Dekan has some psychological shadow over the state of [Blood Mimicry].

It doesn't matter just looking at this card.

But once he thought of [Three Corpses Rampage] again, Dekan just wanted to throw away this card in his hand.

"Which of you wants it?"

Dekan asked as he glanced at his teammates.

"It has to be you (meow)." x3

Dekan: "..."

Volume 5: Throne of Thorns and Snow: 280 Dekan’s Shadow World Report

"Cornelia, look, you didn't get a single card this time. Otherwise, this [Blood Mimicry] would still be..."

Dekan reluctantly handed this [Blood Mimicry] to Cornelia.

"No, it's yours."

But Nelia had no intention of reaching out to pick it up.

"I think……"


Kenelia interrupted Dekan again.

Looking at Cornelia's firm eyes, Dekan felt that he could only swallow back whatever he wanted to say.

"It's a pity that the red and black dress you wore in the demon world can't be brought out, otherwise, tsk tsk tsk..."

Teacher Cat seemed to have finally found the opportunity to laugh at Ichiban Dekan.

"Let me say it first! I can never turn into a little succubus again!"

Dekan said righteously.

Even if he died, he would never be like that again.

When he thought about the time he was in the state of a little succubus on the first day in the Demon World Prison, the first thing he thought of was the dangerous experience of being killed by a girl in his arms and unable to escape no matter what.

This was the first real overturn in his life.

Memories of shame.

Dekan accepted the card with mixed emotions.

[Blood Mimicry] is very strategic for Dekan, but the risk is equally high.

The scary thing about it is that once it changes, it can’t be changed back temporarily.

Unless someone helps him [forcibly disperse].

Or wait until the 14-day cooling time is over, and then return to your original appearance to offset the effect of the mimicry.

Use with caution.

So the three people and one cat who completed the assignment left the critical space.

When they first came out.

Although it is a holiday.

But there were still many students watching outside.

There are reporters waiting to interview them.

Look at this scene.

Dekan and Cornelia were used to it, but Croix was still a little dazed.

This was his first time clearing the Shadow World, and it was level seven.

I recall that I had to repeat a grade a year ago because I couldn’t clear Shadow World.

Think again about now.

Like a dream.

"How about, let me just say that together we can do anything, right?"

Durkan patted Croix on the back.

Croix turned his head blankly to look at Durcan's grinning face.

He also showed a relieved smile.

After the film world ends successfully.

Dekan took a good rest for a day first.

Then he started writing the report.

This time it was originally intended to be written by Croix.

After all, Croix is ​​the most normal person to write.

But this time there was no way, only Dekan fought all the way from the first floor to the ninth floor of the Demon World Prison.

Croix also said that he could not write the report.

So it can only be done by Dekan.

The format of the report is actually very free.

In addition to filling out paper reports, you can also make them into lecture courseware or make them into videos.

Just a paper report is easiest.

De Canti wrote several reports.

Nothing feels right.

If I wanted to be more documentary, it would become a thriller and horror novel combined with the autobiography of a criminal.

I wanted it to have a sense of heroic epicness, but it turned out to be a demonic declaration.

So this time.

Dekan decided to use Kaixin Group's magic equipment to edit the video, and coupled with his own post-production, he put aside words and presented his experience in the film world in the most authentic way.

The next day, Durkan came to Professor Arnold's office early.

Although the college is now on summer vacation.

But Professor Arnold still has some business to deal with, so he can still be found in the office for the time being this week.

Durkan walked to the desk without saying a word and handed the video crystal to Professor Arnold.

Professor Arnold raised his eyebrows, and the hand that took the video stone couldn't help but tremble a few times.

He puts it on the device and plays it.

Unexpectedly, Dekan would choose to use video format this time.

But if it’s video recording, Dekan should also know where to cut.

A lot of self-reporting could be reduced.

A good choice indeed.

Professor Arnold felt a little relieved.

But he still didn't dare to let down his guard and watched the images that were about to begin with all his attention.

"Produced by Beautiful Minds Team"

After the slogan on the black screen ends.

The picture appeared on the first floor of the Demon World Prison.

Various shots move slowly, as if to show its most impressive sculptures and porches in all directions.

It has a sense of epic grandeur.

Professor Arnold swallowed nervously.

He didn't know what kind of demon mythology Dekan wanted to show.

This is starting to feel a little bad.


As the picture moves, deep and somewhat healing music sounds.

At the same time, a gentle and healing male voice also began to speak:

[Black, how can you feel it? 】

[It's hard to describe, but it's there. 】

The screen began to switch, gradually passing through several floors of the Demon World Prison.

Each level ignores its strategy process and only displays its dynamic scenery with a sense of devilish art.

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