There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah the newest chapter, Chapter 123 is amazing! Encounter the emperor broadcast! Want to catch Wang Mang to perform snake drilling? ,Piao Astronomy At this moment, behind the bushes.

pretty face Happy Xiao Su, after this is done, he lifts the skirt.

After she stood up, she looked all around somewhat guilty.

Then, Xiao Su inadvertently saw the silhouettes of Pingtou and Wang Mang.

"Ah! There are snakes!!"

In panic, Xiao Su's pretty face was pale, and he ran out of the jungle in a panic.

This is her already. I don't know how many times I have seen snakes.

More didn't expect, when she was urinating, there was a snake staring behind her.

Following this beauty away from sight.

Wang Mang came back to his senses.

I’m afraid I’ve seen something that shouldn’t be seen, right? m.

After he came back to his senses, Wang Mang stared at the snake, stunned!

Vaguely, Wang Mang didn't know what he saw.

Oh, no, he didn't see anything!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang is also a little speechless.

He didn't expect that he had just come out of the waves when he saw beautiful women.

Wang Mang would still be very happy if he changed to a python before he became a python.

Because, under such circumstances, it proves that I have been lucky recently!

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang was in a good mood, and moved towards the bank of the reservoir.

But what makes Wang Mang even more speechless is.

This little puzzled thing unexpectedly got to the place where the beauty was squatting before.

After sniffing for a while, the little thing hurriedly continued to follow Wang Mang's ass.

Just as Wang Mang is about to reach the shore of Huan Mountain Reservoir.

He saw a man and a woman again, looking for something in the jungle.

Among the men and women, the girls are very sexy, with heavy makeup.

The man is a little thin, as if he was squeezed dry.

At this time, the girl wearing high heels couldn't help complaining: "Is there anything wrong, what snakes are here?"

hearing this, the man helplessly said:" There must be some, and it’s not easy to buy!"

"Also, buying a non-venomous snake is so expensive, are you willing?"

"It's okay, let's take care of it."

It’s fine to find it for a while."

"The ghosts know that the current bosses are so perverted that they have to watch snakes drill holes!"

"Also, they should be thick enough, at least You have to have a thick fist."

The girl with heavy makeup couldn't help but yelled: "These people are simply perverted!"

"Last time I let my old lady perform a stuffed wine Bottle, this time let my old lady perform snake drilling holes!"

The young boy couldn’t help being comforted: "Okay, okay, let’s bear it for the money!"

It’s not for money. Who wants to serve these perverted Boss!"

"Now these Boss don’t like watching dramas anymore. It is difficult to make money without a new trick."

Hearing this, the girl with heavy makeup became even more angry: "Are you a man! If you are a little capable, would my old lady be so mean?"

The man's heart sank, secretly Thought: Had it not been for your slut to help Lao Tzu make money, Lao Tzu would have dumped you a long time ago.

Of course, the man thought so in his heart, but he said in a gentle manner: "Don't worry, I will marry you in the future. I don't care about those things at all."

"When we finish performing [Snake Drilling Hole], it is estimated that we will be able to collect enough money for a house. When the time comes, I am sure to marry you."

While speaking, However, this man inadvertently saw Wang Mang and his eyes lit up.

"Yes! I have! Just this python!"

While speaking, the young man hurriedly moved towards Wang Mang and ran over.

When he watched Wang Mang closely for a while, he was even more excited: "It's you!"

At the same time, the man had already taken out his snakeskin pocket and was ready to Wang Mang started.

At the same time, Wang Mang has listened for so long, and of course he has also heard the content of their chat.

Wang Mang was already very speechless when he learned that the identity of the two of them turned out to be Queen.

But when he saw this man actually moved towards himself, Wang Mang was even more annoyed!


Let Lao Tzu cooperate with you in performing snake drilling holes?

Fuck! Your uncle!

How dare you tm!

Do you know how big Lao Tzu is?

Wang Mang was so angry in his heart!

He absolutely didn't expect this bastard to hit his idea!

Besides, do you want to use him to do something indescribable?

Of course, although Wang Mang in the heart is very angry.

But this man suddenly didn't realize it!

He looked at Wang Mang excitedly, the more he watched, the happier he was.

He has already regarded Wang Mang as the actor in his live broadcast tonight!

Because the size of Wang Mang just satisfies the habit of those perverted bosses!

In the same way, her girlfriend can also manage to live!

Just as he was about to reach out to grab, the flat-headed brother on the side was roar rushing up.

Seeing the flat-headed brother rushing up, the young man suddenly panicked.

His previous attention was focused on Wang Mang. He didn't expect Wang Mang to be followed by a flat-headed brother.

"get out of my sight!"

The man yelled, and quickly backed away, kicking the flathead brother away.

But under this foot, he immediately angered Brother Flathead.

Then, the flat-headed brother started chasing him frantically and biting him.

Suddenly, the man screamed and fled in embarrassment.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang is secretly satisfied with nodded.

This kid is still good.

Now you don’t have to do it yourself.

His little brother solved this guy.

Under broad daylight, Wang Mang doesn't want to kill people!

Otherwise, Wang Mang would kill this guy with no difficulty.

He corroded and became poisonous, and the man screamed and turned into a pool of pus and blood!

After the harassment of the abnormal couple, Wang Mang finally came to the shore reservoir.

At this moment, the people on the shore of the reservoir are a vast crowd!

Therefore, Wang Mang hid in the bushes and quietly looked at the people on the bank of the reservoir.

At this time, a group of spirit boys dressed up in suits and shoes attracted Wang Mang's attention.

I saw it, not far from the shore.

There are more than a dozen spiritual guys dressed up as poker bags, and there are quite a lot of cards.

Among them, a young guy with a little handsome face shouted at the live camera of his mobile phone:

"Old irons, today I just want to prove that there are no monsters at all, I will go down in person later. Swim in a circle!"

"What? There are a few monsters, shit python! I will watch it with my own eyes later! I swim in the reservoir and absolutely nothing!"

"Come on, the old irons take a little gift and live to be ninety-nine!"

"Emma! Thanks to Lao Tie for his cloud-piercing arrow, Lao Tie is fine... …"

"Big brothers, let’s do a little more! Gifts broke one million! I immediately went down to the reservoir to swim around, and I did what I said!"

At this time, many come People who are watching or fishing can't help saying with a big smile:

"Young man, if you dare to go into the water and swim one hundred meters offshore and come back, I will give you 20,000 yuan!"

"haha! young man, I will also give you 20,000 yuan! As long as you dare to dive and swim around!"

Hearing this, the young guy's eyes lit up immediately , Said: "All the big brothers present, do you really do what you say?"

"Of course, I have nothing to do fishing every day, so I don’t need money when I open a Land Rover to live in a villa!"


"Young man, as long as you are not afraid of death and dare to go down, swim around and come back, I will give you twenty thousand!"

"There is still me! haha! count me!"


Suddenly, many middle-aged man phishing laughed and mocked.

But the spirited guy immediately said: "The old guys in the live broadcast have heard it! I'm going into the water! You look forward to it! The big brothers who will be here later, don't renege on a debt. !"

After that, this guy really started to take off his clothes!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang is almost speechless.

He has also seen a man who kills him, but he has never seen him, such a man who kills him!

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