There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 122, get the new skills you most want! Finally we can wave again! ,Piaotian Literature after a moment.

The system voice sounded again: [Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get a new skill: Become Smaller As One Wishes! ]

When the sound of system ends.

Wang Mang came back to his senses from the dumbfounded.

Wang Mang, who came back to his senses, was ecstatic.

He has actually acquired skills! And it's the skill of Become Smaller As One Wishes!

To be honest, this skill has appeared several times, and Wang Mang has always wanted to get it.

However, Wang Mang has never gotten it, and has passed this skill several times.

In addition, the skills of Become Smaller As One Wishes are so practical!

Imagine that if Tree Demon Great King had this skill, Wang Mang might have been lost.

Imagine that if he is hunted down, Wang Mang will instantly become a little python, how sour the picture is! Remember for a second

Moreover, once he has this skill, Wang Mang no longer has to worry about his huge size!

Because, as Wang Mang increased in size, he found it more and more difficult to hide.

Even, it can be said that Wang Mang normally hides in Tibet.

Ever since he got bigger and bigger, he has not dared to show up.

Because, once Wang Mang appeared, the sensation caused can be imagined.

But now it’s good, after possessing this skill, Wang Mang can play happily again!

He no longer has to worry about his huge size!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly feels happy.

He is very satisfied with this lottery!

Because of the skills, he most wants to get this stuff!

As for the invisibility skill, it is useless in Wang Mang's view.

What if he can be invisible?

Do you rely on being invisible when fighting?

But being invisible is not completely gone!

Everyone can see if he has any troubles!

Moreover, his size is still so big, invisibility is really useless!

Unless there are times, he can hide in the water, but his body temperature can't disappear too!

It can be said that even if he is invisible, some thermal sensors can still perceive the existence of Wang Mang!

Therefore, among the three skills, Wang Mang most wants to be Become Smaller As One Wishes.

In addition, among the three divine abilities, what he wants most is soar into the clouds and mount the mists!

Who doesn’t have a dream of flying after all?

This is a Divine Immortal method!

Wang Mang thinks but knows it is impossible!

Because according to his understanding of system.

The system impossible makes it easy for him to obtain, such a good Divine Ability.

After all, he is not even invincible on the ground, even more how is it in the sky?

So, although Wang Mang actually has ideas for divine ability, he was also mentally prepared for a long time, knowing that the probability he obtained was not great.

Well, it's like a lottery. The prizes for winning the jackpot, just look at it!

At the same time, the familiar voice of system sounded: [Ding! Become Smaller As One Wishes! Skills have been given! ]

【Become Smaller As One Wishes: After use, the host can be made smaller to 1/20 of the body! 】

After listening to system's explanation, Wang Mang couldn't help but feel happy.

Putting it that way, now his volume is 60 meters, and it can be as small as 3 meters.

If it is three meters, isn't it just a few months ago that he hadn't obtained the size of the system?

Wang Mang is very happy thinking of this, he feels that he can play freely.

Similarly, he can also be very free, and he can appear near his reservoir during the day.

After all, he is three meters long and doesn't worry about being noticed at all.

He lay down in the bush at will, and he can hide it!

The more excited Wang Mang thinks, the excitement in his heart is hard to describe.

At the same time, Wang Mang couldn't help but immediately used his skills, in the heart silently said: "Become Smaller As One Wishes!"

Next moment, Wang Mang was originally extremely large. It was larger than rare beast, and instantly turned into a three-meter-long little python.

In the cave, I was holding a small thing that was gnawing on by a silver ring snake, as if I saw a ghost, I jumped up immediately.

The little thing stared at all around blankly, even the spicy strips held by the paws fell to the ground.

Then, the little thing saw Wang Mang, who was only three meters in size, and scratched his head with his paw in confusion.

The little thing hurriedly moved up, and after smelling on Wang Mang for a while, he was sure that Little Brat was his companion.

It's just that the flat head brother is very puzzled is how his super huge partner has become so small?

Thought of this.

The puzzled little thing couldn't help scratching Wang Mang's head with his paw, but he was flew out by a tail.

The little thing was embarrassed on the ground. After rolling several times, the little thing got up.

At this point, the little thing has confirmed Wang Mang's identity and is undoubtedly his own partner.

Because, in the impression of small things, Wang Mang has always been very grumpy.

On the contrary, if Wang Mang is not grumpy, the little thing will be suspicious instead.

At the same time, Wang Mang ignored this little thing.

Wang Mang didn't care when it was dawn outside the lair.

He moved his body excitedly, moved towards the outside of the lair.

Obviously, Wang Mang is going out for a wave.

Now he can play freely in his current size.

I saw Wang Mang leaving the lair.

This little thing also followed quickly.

At this moment, outside the cave nest.

in the sky finally stopped the heavy rain.

You know, this heavy rain has been falling continuously for many days.

Fortunately, before dawn, the heavy rain for several consecutive days has stopped.

Therefore, the sky today is ten thousand li clear, the sun is shining, and the breeze is just right.

Wang Mang moved his body happily and moved towards his own reservoir.

After all, Wang Mang is still a person who likes lively.

However, after becoming python, he has no choice but that's all.

After all, a python will be lonely after a long time!

Perhaps, all powerhouses are destined to be lonely.

But Wang Mang still doesn't like it, and has been living a primordial life.

As for another lottery, Wang Mang is not in a hurry.

He said slowly, now he hasn't had a chance to test his strength yet.

Moreover, Wang Mang doesn't have to worry about evolution.

He now has a 20% off evolution card!

Just get 800 million evolution points.

When the time comes, the system rewards the task, just take it and you are done.

As for entering the bustling city again?

To be honest, Wang Mang still has no idea.

Maybe he can enter the bustling city with his father.

But what if you are bullied?

Moreover, in a prosperous city, it is not conducive to his development!

After all, in a prosperous city, where is there a pig farm dedicated to him?

The large and prosperous city is indeed lively, but it is not conducive to Wang Mang's free and active activities.

Right now, it can be said to be the best result. It is much more convenient to reduce the size again.

Although his strength has become much weaker since he became smaller, Wang Mang can change back anytime!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help being high-spirited and vigorous.

At the same time, Wang Mang also moved towards the shore of Huan Mountain Reservoir.

It didn't take long.

Wang Mang suddenly saw him in a jungle near the reservoir.

Actually... someone?

I saw a beautiful woman quietly squatting behind a bush.

To be honest, Wang Mang doesn't know what she is doing squatting.

As for why, can Wang Mang confirm that the other party is a female?

Mainly, the snow-white buttocks in the line of sight are a bit dazzling...

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