There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 124, some people swim and disappear! Tree Demon Great King is occupied? ,Piaotian Literature To be honest, if this guy really dares to go to the reservoir.

Wang Mang can't guarantee that this guy can come up alive.

At first, he was just fishing on the shore, but it became cold.

I hope this guy has some good luck!

Of course, Wang Mang doesn't care about this little thing either.

If someone wants to die, he can't stop him. What can he do?

At this moment, the spiritual guy who was preparing to go into the water was persuaded by many kind reminders to pull it up:

"young man, don't go down, just go fishing in this reservoir!"

"Yes! Don't go down, the professional people were afraid to go into the water when the TV station came last time!"

"Young man! You can make money anytime, but you don't have a life."

It’s gone!"

"Yes! This reservoir is not that simple. I don’t even know how many rods have been pulled away!" m.

heard At this, the mental boy disdainfully said: "Damn, I don't believe that there really is a water monster!"

"If there is a water monster in the reservoir, I have the ability to eat it later!"

Seeing that the guy did not listen to persuasion, many fishermen present shook their heads secretly and said:

"Just don't ask for help later!"

"Okay It’s hard to persuade courting death, ghost! I hope you can come back!"

"Follow him, don’t let him fall, death has nothing to do with us!"

Hearing this, the young guy who took off only his boxer shorts, didn't take it at all.

He looked at the camera in the live broadcast room of his mobile phone and said: "Old guys, look forward to it! I'm ready to go down!"

As the man tone barely fell, the comments in the live broadcast room scrolled. Get up:

Qianyue: Good old iron! The wreath is ready, Lao Tie, let's go with peace of mind!

Envy Teddy: Lao Tie is fine. When he comes back alive, everyone will gather gifts to invite you to dinner, but the whole village will go to your house for dinner without coming back!

Grow to the waist: Don’t worry, Lao Tie, I’m long enough to bring you up even in an accident.

This is what Cao Mengde is: Lao Tie is fine! If you are really dead, I will raise your wife!

One middle school carries a handle: Lao Tie, hurry up! I will start school tomorrow, and I want to go to your house for a meal!

Xiu Xiu Xiu: Every big brother upstairs, please be yours! It’s not easy to broadcast a patriarch! What's wrong with making some gifts every day to perform for you? at worst I went to the feast that day to get my money back!


Faced with the comments in the live broadcast room, the mental guy didn't care at all, because he didn't think there was any monster at all.

After all, he didn't hear how many people died in the Huan Mountain Reservoir, and Boss's own son drowned.

Therefore, under everyone's regretful eyes, he snorted arrogantly, and then gracefully does a warm-up exercise.

Then, with a plop, he jumped into the water, and then, under everyone’s attention, he swam proudly: "Did you see it? Nothing!"

After that, He even more confidently moved towards the deep water area.

It didn't take long for him to swim a distance of 100 meters.

Satisfied, this guy is about to return.

He suddenly felt something was wrong.

When he looked back, he almost didn't get scared to death.

I saw that in the water behind, a black shadow was moving towards him quickly approaching.

Seeing this scene, the anchor was even more scared to face deathly pale, and screamed in horror: "Quick! Help me!"

"Everyone, help me!" There is something in the water!"

While speaking, he desperately moved towards the shore and swam.

Moreover, under the dangerous outbreak, the swimming speed is very fast.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than the Spirit Opening big fish in the water!

Next moment, countless people on the shore saw that a huge black shadow emerged from the water.

After that, this huge black shadow swallowed the spirit boy in one bite.

Seeing this scene, countless people on the shore were stunned.

They seem to hear the call for help?

Then? Then there seems to be no more?

Suddenly, the entire Huan Mountain Reservoir crowd completely boiled.

Similarly, in the live broadcast rooms that recorded all this, the comment area has also exploded.

Because, they all saw it with their own eyes, and the anchor was cold?

Suddenly, the comments rolled frantically:

Yizhong carried the handle: Fuck! Is it really going to be a table this time?

懦づ崌洌He Yuanjiao≌饣卣Xian Mu Gu Si Chu

Momo has long legs: call the police! It seems something really happened this time!

Xiuxiu Xiuxiu: Xiuer! Is it gone after swimming? oh!

Tourist 358: There is nothing wrong with the old iron, you can carry it away!

At the same time.

Wang Mang also saw it naturally.

To be honest, Wang Mang was not surprised at all.

This guy is so dead, I am sorry if I don't accept it!

Of course, Wang Mang also discovered that someone had started calling the police.

As for whether compensation will be made, Wang Mang does not know.

Although this is in our own reservoir, it is estimated that the compensation should not be too much.

Because the opponent is completely killed by himself, there are warning signs in the reservoir.

And, according to Wang Mang's understanding of Dad.

It is estimated that I would rather spend money to hire a lawyer than lose money.

Who let this guy die by himself?

It's okay if you only fish in shallow waters within fifty meters.

Sure enough, the old saying goes well: good words are hard to persuade damn it!

Wang Mang left after watching it for a while.

After leaving.

Wang Mang wandered around his home happily.

Wait until after dark.

Wang Mang is about to eat pigs after patrolling the site.

As a result, Wang Mang once again caught a wave of Monster Qi in the air.

Yes, definitely Monster Qi.

Because Wang Mang already has a set of methods for judging monsters and predators.

After feeling this Monster Qi, Wang Mang's heart suddenly moved, and his body instantly changed to 15 meters.

Not long after.

Wang Mang saw that in the jungle ahead, there was a black bear with a head and body height of 15 meters.

This black bear is definitely Great Demon!

Wang Mang judged it from his breath.

And, after Wang Mang performed information detection.

The message of this black bear Great Demon is even more apparent.

Target: Black Bear Demon.

Cultivation: 1200 years.

realm: Great Demon primary level.

Skill: Fight in anger!


After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang suddenly darkened dao fruit.

At this time, the black bear Great Demon also saw Wang Mang.

He quickly moved his body, came not far in front of Wang Mang, and said proudly: "Where is the Great Demon on this site?"

"You are on this site Great Demon’s men, right?"

"Remember to inform your Great King."

"Now we Hei Shan Monster King has occupied the site of the Tree Demon Great King."

"In other words, in the future, your Great King will bow down to my Great King!"

"Three days later, the Tree Demon Great King once ruled all the Great Demon, All must be there!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly realized that the site of Tree Demon was occupied by other Monster Kings.

I don’t know, what is the strength of this Monster King who occupies the Tree Demon Great King site?

While Wang Mang was secretly guessing in his heart, the brown bear Great Demon suddenly furiously said:

"Impudent! What did I say to you, did you little demon hear? !?"

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