Chapter 571 Base Residents

“This is the second defense?” King Celestial Immortals was taken aback, and everyone was taken aback to look at the huge pillars in the distance, and then at Mo Liudao.

“Of course, this is the truly terrifying part of the base. The twelve heavenly pillars are engraved with spells. Together, they form a large array of twelve universes, which can emit twelve divine rays of extinguishing the world, but they need to be used. When they arrive, it also means that when the base is in danger of demise, the twelve universes will be activated, and twelve extinguishing lights will be emitted for one second. It is said that the energy lost is equivalent to the amount of energy that can maintain the base for a hundred years. run.”

When everyone heard this, they all took a breath.

“So, if it weren’t for the special circumstances that are about to fall, these twelve sky-traveling pillars would not be activated.”

Mo Liudao said with a faint smile: “At least I haven’t seen it so far.”

Speaking of this, he has arrived at the city gate with Zu Li and his party.

After hearing Mo Liudao’s introduction, everyone felt the strength of the base. With these thousands of spiritual source cannons, plus these twelve pillars of the sky, it is simply indestructible.

Before arriving at the city gate, there was a group of soldiers guarding the city gate. They did not show the spirit source equipment, but wore a uniform standard of pure white clothing to represent their identity.

Above this city gate, a large crystal is hung. Everyone who enters will show a small crystal, which can only enter after being approved by the large crystal above.

Su Li and the others are all looking curiously, guessing that the small crystals that everyone is holding should be equivalent to the pass certificate for entering and leaving the base. Only if they have the pass certificate can they enter.

Mo Liudao flipped his right hand, and a crystal also appeared. A light was released from his crystal and hit the large crystal above. Immediately, the surface of the large crystal showed the identity information about Mo Liudao.

The soldiers guarding the city gate saw it and immediately saluted Mo Liudao respectfully.

When Su Li and the others saw it, they realized that it seemed that the status of guides like Mo Liudao in the base was not low, at least much higher than the status of the soldiers guarding the city gate, otherwise they would not be so respectful.

“These eleven are all newcomers who have just obtained peripheral membership. Here is information about them.”

Mo Liudao said while flipping his hands again, took out another crystal and handed it to the other party.

In this crystal, the identity information of 11 people including Su Li was recorded.

The other party took the crystal, seemed to be reading the information in the crystal, and then looked at the eleven people including Su Li and King Celestial Immortals one by one.

Su Li saw it and thought that these people were very strict in interrogation. It seemed that it would not be easy for anyone to get into this base.

The identities of the eleven people including Su Li were determined one by one, and the other party respectfully offered the crystal with both hands and returned it to Mo Liudao again.

Mo Liudao put away the crystal, and then said to Su Li and the others: “Let’s go.”

After that, they were released and walked into the base.

The king Celestial Immortals followed Mo Liudao closely, and couldn’t help but muttered, “It’s very strict here. Do you have to check it every time you come? Even adults, you have to show your identity certificate?”

Mo Liudao said lightly: “It is normal, but if there are special circumstances, we can enter directly.”

The special situation he said refers to the fact that they can directly use the teleport crystal to enter when they are summoned by the executive. Of course, under normal circumstances, if they want to return to the base, they cannot use the teleport crystal casually, let alone bring them this time. These eleven peripheral members.

Entering the city, there is a wide road facing you. The surface is covered with white jade bricks. There are pedestrians on it. There are not too many people and it is not crowded, but there are not too many, which seems to be quite lively.

Like Mo Liudao said, these people almost did not show the spirit source equipment, but wore a variety of different costumes, including suits and cowboys, cheongsam and skirts, and even more robes and Hanfu. They looked like ancient and modern Chinese and foreign. Yes, there are many strange costumes among them, and everyone is dazzled.

As if he knew the surprise of everyone, Mo Liudao smiled and said: “The residents of the base are usually relatively leisurely. There is nowhere to vent their extra energy, and most of their thoughts are spent on food and dressing.”

“So there are all kinds of exquisite food, and all kinds of fancy clothes.”

Fulong finally couldn’t help it, and said, “The residents of the base are very leisurely?” He thought, only if he was promoted to level 20, he was qualified to become an official resident of the base and could live here.

Shouldn’t the super powers who have been promoted to level 20 think about how to become stronger? How can you study food and clothing every day?

Most of the people are the same as Fulong, a little hard to understand.

Su Li looked at these people, everyone seemed very leisurely, and there were men, women, and children in the base. In just a short time, he had already seen three children who were younger than Xu Xuehui.

Outside, he only saw a child Xu Xuehui, but the child was not uncommon here. He finally understood why it was not strange for Mo Liudao and others to see a child like Xu Xuehui.

“Except for Xuehui, I have hardly seen children under the age of 16, and no old people over the age of 60, but here, there are people of all ages…”

Su Li looked at an old man who came not far away, and looked at his wrinkled appearance. He was 60 or 70 years old, not to mention. Although he is not young, he is still refreshed and looks good.

Everyone looks at the pedestrians on this street. When these people pass by, they will also look at them. Because they don’t use the peeping ability casually, these people don’t know the details of Zuli and others, just look at them as a group. When you gather together, you will pay attention to one or two eyes.

Mo Liudao looked at these people walking on the street, and heard Fulong’s doubts, he said lightly: “After being promoted to level 20, you can become a resident of the base, but many of them are not up to the superior combat power. People will stop at break for life. Most of these residents take on the daily logistics of the base. Except for special circumstances, generally speaking, they are relatively leisurely.”

Hearing what Mo Liudao said, everyone understood a little. Those of them who had reached the “superior” combat power had hope of breaking through in the future.

However, compared with the more than 30,000 people in Shoude City, they only account for a very small part of them, and more than 30,000 talents out of these ten people.

Now in Shoude City, there are more people in the “medium”, “inferior” or even “weak” combat power level.

Compared with them, although these people are not strong, as long as they are given enough time, even if they are only dealing with the monster siege every night, they will naturally be able to slowly advance to level 20.

The hard standard for entering the base to become a resident is to be promoted to level 20, rather than having to be “superior” combat power.

The so-called “superior” combat power only refers to those who have not yet been promoted to level 20. Because they have the “superior” combat power, they are the best among the people, and they are considered as a priority to make them peripheral members of the base. Imagine that they will be promoted to level 20 in the future. After they become full members, they will also be superior to the base, at least much higher than the general resident status. If they may enter the base, they will be able to obtain leadership positions.

At this time they also understood why the soldiers guarding the city gate were so respectful to Mo Liudao.

Mo Liudao is a super power with “superior” combat power. Although they are both at level 20, those soldiers are estimated to be those who have reached level 20 but whose combat power is below the “superior” level.

“So that’s it.” Everyone understood at this moment. The vast majority of residents in this base are people whose combat effectiveness is not up to the “superior” rating. The usual task is to be responsible for the operation of the base, and they have been promoted to level 20. In terms of strength, this kind of work is quite easy, and the current base is very safe. As a result, their daily life becomes very easy, and they have a lot of time to relax and entertain, study various foods, and wear all kinds of clothes.

“In this way, their life is so comfortable. Unlike us, they have to fight for life every day. A little carelessness may lose their lives.” After knowing this situation, everyone couldn’t help sighing and envied such a life.

Su Li’s thinking was different from everyone else, and couldn’t help asking: “My lord just said that except for the special situation, I don’t know what this special situation is?”

He doesn’t believe that there is such a good thing in this world, especially in such a terrible world where monsters are rampant, will the base really raise such a group of people? So that they can Wu You worry-free, living leisurely every day, almost without paying anything?

Hearing Su Li’s question, other people also remembered. Just before Mo Liudao said that these people are very leisurely, he did say something except for special circumstances.

When asked by Zuli, Mo Liudao’s tone was still calm, saying: “Becoming a base resident is naturally very comfortable on weekdays, but… there are always some special circumstances that need to be used, and at this time, they need to be sacrificed. Spirit……”

When Mo Liudao said this, he didn’t say any more, but the people in Zurich listened to their ears, and they all understood something vaguely. After that, everyone didn’t ask any more.

Mo Liudao led everyone along the street, with white buildings standing on both sides.

On both sides of the street, there are some shops, the ones you can see most are all kinds of food and clothing.It seems that Mo Liudao is right. The people in this entire base are most particular about eating and dressing.

In addition to these food and clothing shops, there are also various shops for daily necessities, jewelry, handicrafts, but the number is not as large as food and clothing, and everyone is a little dazzled.

The situation of this base is completely different from what everyone imagined before is full of majesty, mystery, and nobility. It is like walking into a food street in a prosperous and developed city, plus a combination of various small commodity markets.

Everyone has eaten a decent meal in the past two months? Passing this street, everyone was swallowing saliva desperately.

“This is the periphery of the base, branching off from this main road, and there are many similar places.”

Mo Liudao introduced to everyone as he spoke. He was like a tour guide, leading the people who entered the base for the first time to familiarize themselves with this place.

“My lord, if we want to eat food, how should we spend it? I mean, do we also use money in this base? Or barter?” Fulong drooled, looking hungrily at the same time. The gourmet shop in the distance, smelling the scent of the food, completely drenched his appetite, and wished to rush in immediately.

He barely restrained this impulse with great concentration.

Mo Liudao tirelessly explained: “Yes, the base has a unified currency. It is made of a special keel. The dragon is not a product of this world. Therefore, the keel is quite precious and can hardly be imitated. It is made from this keel. The currency is called the Dragon Coin. It can be circulated not only in the base, but also in places such as the Holy Land and the Undead City.

Everyone understands that if you want to eat this delicacy, you need this dragon coin. They are now like a complete pauper, and no one has dragon coins.

Wang Celestial Immortals said: “My lord, where are you going to earn this dragon coin?”

“There are many ways and places to make money. You will become official residents in the future. You can learn more about it. I’m taking you into the core area of ​​the base. There are trading houses, consignment houses, auction houses, and rewards. Places, of course, there are also very famous antiquities markets. There are many antiquities or treasures there. It depends on whether you can find them. Of course, most of them are pitted.”

Mo Liudao shook his head and smiled when he talked about it, thinking that he had been pitted in the antiquities market and bought a so-called ancient relic at a high price, but it was actually an imitation at all.

The places mentioned by Mo Liudao aroused the interest of everyone. Following Mo Liudao, through this wide street, soon, in front of everyone, several very magnificent buildings appeared, each of which was relatively very large. Independence represents a different place.

Mo Liudao pointed to the most magnificent white palace-like building and said, “That is the auction house. The auction house of the base is quite famous, and there will be a large-scale auction there tomorrow, not just the many of the bases. The big people will come, including other places, there will be people coming, you are lucky, just in time for this event, you can come to see the world tomorrow.”

After that, Mo Liudao took them one by one to the trading houses, consignment houses, and rewarding missions, and guided them to familiarize themselves with the process.

The so-called trading house is actually a place that sells all kinds of groceries. It’s just different from the previous shops. The things sold here are a little special. They are not ordinary daily necessities, but sell all kinds of spiritual armor, jewelry, treasures, etc. Places for treasures and crystals for various uses.

“The items and equipment sold by the trading houses are relatively ordinary. Generally, the slightly more precious things are mostly placed in the consignment bank.”

After that, Mo Liudao took them to the consignment shop.

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