Chapter 570 Arriving at the base (second more seeking subscription)

If the truth is as terrible as Mo Liudao said, he is taking a huge risk to cover up for himself, then he has unknowingly inherited his great kindness, Zu Li thought while respecting him. Said: “If there is anything I can help in the future, even if you speak up, I will do my best.”

“Okay.” Mo Liudao took a deep look at Zu Li and nodded slightly. He liked Zu Li. On the one hand, it was because of the amazing potential that Zu Li possessed. On the other hand, he had observed Zu Li’s treatment of those brothers and friends. He is more benevolent, is a person of affection, and is worthy of trust.

On the contrary, if Su Li is a man of cool nature and ungrateful nature, even if he has great potential and future, Mo Liudao would never say what he said today.

“Go on, I came to you today, I actually came with a task, and I made them wait for a long time. It’s time to meet with everyone.” Mo Liudao waved his hand slightly.

Su Li bowed again, and then jumped down from the top of the building.

Su Li returned to the lobby again. Wang Celestial Immortals and the ten others were already impatient, but they didn’t dare to attack. They were all guessing what Mo Liudao and Zu Li would talk about. Most likely, Zu Li would be cultivated by the base. Everyone was envious and jealous.

Seeing that Su Li was finally back, everyone’s eyes immediately fell on him.

The expression on Su Li’s face showed no happiness or anger, but walked in calmly.

Behind him, a red light flashed, and suddenly, Mo Liudao also appeared.

“grown ups!”

Seeing that Mo Liudao finally appeared, everyone was busy saluting Mo Liudao together.

Mo Liudao waved his hand and said, “Last time Nanjiang City was over, I once said, let you prepare well these few days, and you may enter the base next. Coming today, I want to ask you, are you all ready? ?”

As soon as this was said, everyone was surprised at first, followed by surprise expressions. King Celestial Immortals was the first to call out, “My lord, are we able to enter the base?”

Mo Liudao nodded and said: “According to the regulations of the base, anyone who reaches the advanced level 10 and possesses the’superior’ combat power in the same level is eligible to become a peripheral member of the base and enjoy certain benefits. Of course, I want to To truly become a member of the base, you must reach level 20.”

“So, we are all outside members of the base now?” Wang Celestial Immortals looked excited.

Mo Liudao nodded and said, “Yes, you are welcome to officially become a peripheral member of the base.”

Everyone was a little excited when they heard this. Only Su Li had different ideas from them. He was also full of expectations for the base before, but after learning about the incident of Gu Ling mentioned by Mo Liudao, he poured it down like a basin of cold water. , I felt cold in my heart, and my feeling for the base was as if myth in my heart had shattered.

“My lord, you just said that after we become peripheral members, we will enjoy certain benefits. I don’t know what benefits will be available?” Wang Celestial Immortals is more courageous. Almost all she is asking about Mo Liudao, and she asked about this. It is also what everyone is interested in wanting to know.

Mo Liudao said: “There are many, for example, you can use some facilities on the base, you can trade various items, sell your extra equipment, in exchange for what you want, trade, auction, rewards, tasks, etc. You all have it. The qualifications for participation, it can be said that compared with full members, apart from not being able to settle in the base, other aspects of treatment are almost the same.”

Hearing what Mo Liudao said, everyone’s eyes showed excitement, including Su Li also showed a hint of curiosity. Can the base trade items?

If this is the case, you can sell the unnecessary items and equipment you don’t need in the future, and then buy the items you need.”And you are lucky, just in time for an auction tomorrow.”

There is one thing Mo Liudao didn’t say, that is, after this mission is over, a new guide will take over for him, and he will leave here.

“Auction? It’s exciting to hear the name.”

“It’s just that we don’t seem to have money, so we can only look at it when we go.”

“Even if I can only watch, I feel excited.”

Everyone finally couldn’t help whispering in whispers.

Mo Liudao waved his hand and said, “Alright, you guys will prepare and arrange things here by the way, because this trip to the base will take about three days back and forth.”

“After you’re done, look for me in the south.”

Mo Liudao left after speaking.

After he left, everyone dispersed, and then prepared and explained various matters as quickly as possible.

Ding Longyun was envious of hearing that Su Li, Jiang Shuijue and Xu Xuehui were eligible to go to the base.

Gong Xiao just watched silently, and her mood was a little depressed. She has always been used to being strong. She has always believed that she will not lose to Jiang Shuijue, even better than her. Now Jiang Shuijue has been selected as a peripheral member of the base and has the qualifications to go to the base. But she didn’t have a share, which made her a little bit shocked.

Su Li knew that Gong Xiao was feeling uncomfortable, but he didn’t know how to comfort her, so he could only wait for her return from the base this time to find a way to help her Ascension strength.

At present, it seems that one of the most basic requirements for becoming a member of the base is the need to have the “superior” combat power at the same level.

Both Gong Xiao and Ding Longyun were still a bit close.

Xu Xuehui didn’t actually reach it, but I don’t know if it is because she is a hidden career, Mo Liudao and the base also tacitly agreed to her becoming one of them.

After everyone confessed, they rushed to the south of Shoude City, and then they saw a giant tortoise with a length of ten meters floating on the southern water. On the back of the giant tortoise, some ropes of different lengths were tied.

Mo Liudao, who was covered in fiery red armor, stood on the back of this giant tortoise.

Seeing that eleven people had arrived, Mo Liudao asked everyone to board the giant tortoise.

This giant tortoise is so big that it can accommodate dozens of people on its back. Eleven people boarded one after another. Mo Liudao asked them to grasp the rope and sit firmly. With an order, the giant tortoise supported on all fours and its strength was surprisingly strong. With a sound, the huge body rushed out like an arrow from the string.

Su Li had already observed this giant tortoise. It was a twentieth-level chief beast general, Lixian Turtle.

Lihuo Turtle is a twentieth-level leader animal general. Its speed is completely raised, how amazing, it is almost like a Lixian arrow, in the water, it can travel thousands of miles every day.

Everyone felt the whistling of the wind on both sides, and they all grasped the rope wrapped around them tightly to avoid being thrown out.

Leaving Shoude City, heading southward, Zuri remembers that Shoude City belongs to the southernmost part of Jiangdong Province. Leaving Shoude City and heading south, less than 100 kilometers, it will leave the provincial boundary of Jiangdong Province. , Into the area of ​​Changning City, Tongzhou Province.

Looking at the speed and direction of the Lixian Turtle, Zuli guessed that the base might not be in Jiangdong Province, but in Tongzhou Province.

From the speed of the string turtle in the water, it can swim at least 150 kilometers to 180 kilometers in an hour. After leaving Shoude City, it enters the area of ​​Changning City.

It took two hours to swim from the string tortoise, and Zuli conservatively estimated that it swam a distance of 300 kilometers. After that, it began to slow down, and in front of everyone, a magnificent water giant appeared.

The eleven people on the back of Lixian Turtle all opened their eyes wide, looking at the approaching magnificent giant city in the distance, all showing incredible expressions.

Twelve huge pillars that opened up to the sky broke through the water, and each pillar was over 100 meters above the water, with a diameter of more than 20 meters. Everyone could not imagine how such a giant column was constructed.

The twelve huge pillars that are over 100 meters above the water surface form a polygon. They are connected to each other by columns, intertwined into a net, and rise above the water. Numerous columns support a huge white castle.

It hardly needs Mo Liudao to introduce it, everyone will understand that the huge castle surrounded and held up by these twelve huge pillars must be the legendary base.

“So magnificent, so spectacular.”

“How was this built?”

“Is this the base? It’s incredible!”

On the turtle’s back, everyone couldn’t help sighing.

The closer the tortoise is to the oncoming giant castle, the slower the speed.

At this moment, everyone can see the surroundings of the white castle. From time to time, people leave on some kind of mounts and return from time to time. It looks quite busy. It seems that there are many people living in this white castle, otherwise it would be impossible. There is such a busy scene.

And the mounts that are riding are not ordinary things. Picking one out at random looks almost no worse than the Lixian Turtle.

Everyone knew in their hearts that among the people who entered and exited here, it was possible to pick someone out at random, and they were all super-powerfuls that they couldn’t match.

The tortoise was carrying the crowd and approached the edge of the white castle.

Mo Liudao said: “When you enter the base, you must not be reckless. I will take you to familiarize yourself with this one by one. Yes, when you enter the base, there is a basic rule. Don’t show the spirit source equipment casually, especially not covering your face. It is necessary to show people in their true colors as much as possible, otherwise it will be troublesome and be subject to interrogation.”

As he spoke, he put away the fiery red armor that had been covering his whole body, revealing the true face of own.

Su Li, King Celestial Immortals and others all remembered one by one in their minds. In fact, they had already put away their spirit source equipment and revealed their true appearance.

After that, under the leadership of Mo Liudao, they dropped the tortoise from the string and boarded a steel platform cast from metal cylinders and steel plates.This steel platform is equivalent to a wharf. Whether you arrive here by a mount or a boat, you need to board the platform here.

At this moment, on this platform, some people are coming first. Like Mo Liudao, they did not reveal their equipment. Most of these people seemed to be in a hurry, but when Mo Liudao and the group appeared, they still showed up. A look of curiosity turned towards everyone.

However, they did not show any special means to peep and observe the information of the crowd.

Mo Liudao whispered: “Enter the base, the second rule, don’t use your peeping ability to observe others, otherwise, this will be regarded as a provocation. The other party can challenge you for this. If you kill the other party in the challenge , The base will not hold the other party responsible, so please remember this one and don’t just observe other people’s information.”

When everyone heard this, their hearts were stunned. Just now, Su Li almost couldn’t help but habitually turn on the “peep rune” to observe the situation of everyone around him. After Mo Liu Dao reminded him, he cried out that it is dangerous. This is not the case. Remind them in advance that they almost killed them.

“My lord, what else should I pay attention to? Just tell them all together. I almost watched people quietly just now.” The king Celestial Immortals curled his mouth, revealing a look of dissatisfaction.

Mo Liudao smiled slightly and said: “There are too many, I can’t remember it for a while, I will naturally remind you when I think about it.”

Hearing Mo Liudao’s words, everyone was speechless for a while.

“Yes, the third point is that the base can’t display weapons at will, and you can’t do it casually. Of course, you can initiate a challenge, but you must challenge the opponent, otherwise it would be a crime to do it in the base. Of course, out of the castle. No one will take care of it anymore.”

Wang Celestial Immortals curiously asked: “My lord, you just said that you can’t spy on people casually, otherwise they will be regarded as offensive and may initiate challenges. Then I shouldn’t fight and it will be fine?”

Mo Liudao said lightly: “No fight? Of course you can, but can you stay in the base for a lifetime? As long as you get out of the base, people can kill you in minutes.”

The king Celestial Immortals was dumb, thinking that they were still members of the periphery and had no right to a permanent residence base.

While talking, Mo Liudao led the people along the platform. Mo Liudao didn’t mind the eyes of everyone around him.

About a hundred meters in front of the platform, is a white city wall.

On the city wall, everyone saw soldiers patrolling. Every twenty meters, there was a white heavy weapon that looked like a cannon.

Although I don’t know what this weapon is, but looking at its appearance and heavy appearance, I guess it must be some kind of weapon with great lethality.

“That’s called the Spiritual Source Cannon. One shot of the Spiritual Source Cannon can easily blow up a 20th-level powerhouse to pieces. Thousands of doors are installed on the walls of the entire base, which is considered the first stage defense of the base.”

When Mo Liudao saw that everyone was paying attention to the white cannon on the wall, he pointed his finger and introduced it by the way.

Everyone was babbling in their ears. The power of this spirit source gun is so powerful that it can kill a level 20 superpower, and there are thousands of them, and it is only the first stage defense of the base. Imagine what level of defense the base has reached.

“My lord, these thousands of spiritual source cannons are only the first stage defense, what is the second stage defense?” Wang Celestial Immortals asked a little coquettishly.

Mo Liudao seemed to be in a good mood at the moment. As he led the crowd towards the city gate, he said, “The second defense is great. If the opponent can break through the first stage defense, it means that the opponent is strong and terrible, so this The second defense is the twelve pillars.”

While talking, Mo Liudao pointed to the twelve huge pillars that reached the sky and reached a hundred meters above the surface of the water.

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