Chapter 572 Lingquan

“If you have unneeded items or equipment, you can sell the ordinary ones directly to the trading bank, but the price they charge is very low. If you don’t want to sell them directly to the trading bank, you can put them on consignment. Similarly, if you want to purchase precious items or equipment that the trading bank does not have, you can also publish the purchase information at the consignment bank.”

This consignment shop is a very wide hall, divided into three floors, each floor is built with a large number of opaque grids, and each grid is hung with a huge crystal.

Mo Liudao took them to one of the grids and said, “These grids are to protect the privacy of customers. You can enter and post purchase information or consignment information. These are all free to use, and the consignment line is equivalent to providing them. A trading platform does not intervene in the specific transaction between the seller and the buyer, but if the transaction is successful, the consignment bank will automatically deduct 5% of the fee.”

While talking, Mo Liudao opened one of the unmanned grids. The inside was not big, so only one person could stand in. Everyone saw a large crystal floating inside.

“A variety of consignment and purchase information will be included in this crystal, you only need to reach out and sense, you can check all kinds of information.”

After that, he backed out, so that interested people could try to operate it.

“It’s amazing, there are so many good things in it, it’s just too expensive.” The king Celestial Immortals was utterly utterly excited.

When it was Su Li’s turn, according to what Mo Liudao said, he stretched out a hand and placed it on this large crystal. Immediately, in his mind, it seemed like a screen appeared out of thin air. There were various messages on the screen. His will is rolling.

Then he saw two message boxes: consignment and purchase. Because everyone only has one minute to try, Zuli probably took a look at the consignment items. As Wang Celestial Immortals said, there are indeed many good things. , All kinds of top treasures, monarch-level equipment, all kinds of weird-purpose treasures or all kinds of crystals are available, and the price is marked at the back, but he doesn’t even have a dragon coin now, so he can only sigh with excitement.

I glanced casually, then switched to the buying information box and took a look.

“Broken Boundary Fruit?”

Su Li’s heart shook slightly, but there were hundreds of broken fruits in his own mirage. Unexpectedly, a large number of people in this consignment shop were posting news to buy the broken fruits.

According to the ranking of the purchase amount, the first purchase amount is 10,000 dragon coins, followed by nine thousand five hundred dragon coins, and then there are nine thousand, eight thousand five or eight thousand and so on.

Su Li doesn’t have much idea about this dragon coin. I don’t know the purchasing power of the dragon coin, let alone whether the million dragon coin is more or less.

With a heart move, I hurriedly turned to the consignment information box and saw that there were treasures on consignment. Most of the consignment prices were around dozens of dragon coins. Of course, some of them were slightly higher, reaching one or two hundred dragon coins. These are some of the more special top treasures.

Because the one-minute browsing time was up, Su Li retired and replaced him with someone else, but his heart was thumping.

Judging from the fact that most treasures can only sell dozens of dragon coins on consignment, the purchasing power of this dragon coin should be quite astonishing. Based on this, it can be speculated that this million dragon coin is very valuable.”Then my hundreds of breakthrough fruits, isn’t it an amazing wealth?”

Su Li was very excited, but it was not easy to show it on his face, and barely suppressed the excitement in his heart. Thinking that he still had a tree of broken realm, he could continue to bear fruit of broken realm in the future, this is simply an endless wealth.

“It makes sense to think about it. Even the beautiful girl wants to get the Boundary Fruit. It seems that the Boundary Fruit should be a treasure that can not be found. The demand is as great as the supply. After all, there are many residents in the base. All of them are stuck in the level of breaking through. A breaking fruit can completely change their lives. As for treasures or monarch equipment, as long as there is enough time to hunt down monarch-level monsters, they will get it sooner or later. ,Just a matter of time.”

After thinking about it, he can understand why treasures can only be sold for dozens of Dragon Coins, but it takes tens of thousands of Dragon Coins to buy Boundary Fruit.

Su Limingbai’s purchase of this breakthrough fruit must be someone who is trapped in the breakthrough level and cannot rely on his own breakthrough. Perhaps the dragon coins they took out were all the savings they could take out, otherwise if They can get more, and it is estimated that many people are willing to go bankrupt to buy.

After all, everyone knows how to choose if you lose all your property. As long as you lose all your property, according to Mo Liudao, that’s the big man in the base, so why don’t you worry about losing money? Those property.

The more Su Li thinks about it, the more he understands that the price of 10,000 Dragon Coins for the Breakthrough Fruit is not high, and it can even be sold even higher. It is a pity that most of the people who buy this Breakthrough Fruit are people who have no hope of breakthrough. With their strength, Their financial resources are estimated to be at this level, and even if they want to go higher, they are still powerless.

Just after looking at these buying information, he couldn’t help but want to sell a few Boundary Fruits and obtain Dragon Coins to buy what he needed. It was just that he was with everyone now, it was not suitable, he could only endure it. Secretly remembering the road in his heart, thinking about when to sneak into this consignment shop by himself.

After everyone tried it, Mo Liudao took everyone away from the consignment shop, and then took everyone to the mission shop where rewards and tasks were released, the antiquities market and other places.

There are a lot of missions released in the mission line. You can get rewards for completing the missions. Most of them are official missions issued by the base, and there are also some private missions with a variety of strange contents. It is necessary to hunt a special type of monarch-level monsters, and there are also searches. The whereabouts of the fourth type of life, there is even someone who has lost a pet civet and needs someone to help find the civet. If it is retrieved, he will be rewarded with one hundred dragon coins, which is already more expensive than ordinary treasures.

As for the antiquities market, it is a long street, full of dilapidated antiquities on both sides, and every opening is relics from the ancient times of XX. Many people are shopping, and it looks very lively.

According to Mo Liudao, these people all wanted to pick up the leak, and it is said that some people did succeed in picking up the leak. They bought an ancient relic at a small price and auctioned it. The result was a sky-high price, and the return was equivalent to five of the price he bought at the time. Thousand times.

However, in Mo Liudao’s words, these similar rumors are almost always made up by the bosses of the antiquities market in order to attract people to be fooled.

“So, all the antiquities here are fake?” Fu Long couldn’t help asking quietly.

Mo Liudao: “I dare not say that all of them are false. In all likelihood, they must be false. Even if one or two of them are true, without sufficient insight, it is impossible to see them. I want to pick them up? It is almost impossible. Thing.”

The king Celestial Immortals curiously asked: “My lord, if someone secretly peeks at the information of these antiquities by special means, isn’t it impossible to see it at a glance?”

Mo Liudao shook his head and said: “People you can think of have already thought of it. Have you seen the giant crystals placed all around? It is a special interference crystal, no matter how powerful it is, here it is. Don’t even want to peek at these antiquities.”

When everyone heard this, they came to understand. They just saw a lot of antiquities, and everyone couldn’t help their hearts. After all, they were ancient relics, and now they know that most of these things are fake.

Su Li heard Mo Liudao say so, and tried the “peep rune pattern”. Sure enough, it was suppressed by an invisible force and could not be used.

He couldn’t use the “peep rune”. To him, each of these antiquities seemed to look like antiquities, so he couldn’t help but turned his head and took a look at Xu Xuehui. She and Jiang Shuijue had been closely following him all the time.

Su Li thought of the invalidity of own “peep rune”, but she didn’t know whether Xu Xuehui’s eyes could see which were real antiquities and which were fake antiquities.

But now there are too many people to let her try. She can only find a reason later and sneak out.

After everyone finished shopping, it was already three o’clock in the afternoon, and everyone hadn’t eaten for a day. Fortunately, with everyone’s current body, even if they didn’t eat for a day or two, they weren’t particularly hungry.

After that, Mo Liudao took everyone to the resting place.

It was a row of tall buildings, similar to a hotel in a city before the flood. For those newcomers who entered for the first time, the base has long arranged a place to stay. Each room has two beds and can accommodate two people.

Except for the siblings of the Ding family who are in a rather special situation, the remaining ten people, six men and four women, live in five rooms. However, whether the Ding family’s siblings and brothers share a room with a man or a woman, it is not suitable. Mo Liudao gave it to him. They arranged a room separately.

Su Li and Fulong share a room, and next to them is the same room as Jiang Shuijue and Xu Xuehui.

Mo Liudao only let them rest for half an hour, and then gathered in the lobby to prepare to go to Lingquan.

When he arrived at the lodging place, Su Li accidentally saw an acquaintance.

On the same floor, he saw Liu Jie and a group of people. He had seen all these people when they entered the dark refining field. The two sides suddenly met together and said hello to each other, and then they all understood that each other It should have followed the owner’s guide and entered the base.

This time, it is not only their group of newcomers who went to the base, but the three leaders of “Jiangdong Province” may have brought a group of newcomers.

Liu Jie came here a while earlier than them, and knew more news than them. Seeing Su Li, he looked a little excited and said, “I just met Xuanhua in Lingquan, and your name… is Luo…”

Su Li said, “Luo Zhanjian?”

“Yes, Luo Zhanjian, I ran into them in Lingquan.” Liu Jie said, with a look of envy on her face.

Su Li thought of Mo Liudao asking them to gather in the lobby in half an hour and head to Lingquan. Will they be able to meet them too?

“Did you see them, have you noticed what are the differences between them?” Su Li couldn’t help asking, thinking that Mo Liudao once said that the so-called cultivation above is actually not the case at all. He didn’t know Xuanhua and Luo. What is Zhan Jian’s current situation, and whether he has also changed a person.

Liu Jie didn’t know what Su Li’s question really meant, but just nodded and said: “Very well, I really envy them. They can be soaked in the spring every day, but we only have one chance.”

“By the way, I heard that it’s not just us here, it seems that several new people from the provinces are here.”

At this moment, someone on the other side called Liu Jie’s name.

Liu Jie said to Su Li: “I’m sorry, we have made an appointment to go out and go shopping, and we will talk later.”

Su Li nodded towards her, and saw Liu Jie and several people walking in the direction of the exit. At the exit, several others were waiting for them.

Seeing Liu Jie’s departure, Su Li fell into contemplation. It seems that Liu Jie did not notice the changes in Xuanhua. It is possible that the two parties are not so familiar. Even if Xuanhua has changed, Liu Jie would not notice.

If I run into Xuanhua and Luo Zhanjian, will I find out what’s wrong with them?

After half an hour, the eleven people from Zurich came to the lobby and met Mo Liudao.

Mo Liudao took them away from this lodging place.

“Being members of the base, the first benefit you will enjoy is that each person has a chance to enter Lingquan.”

Wang Celestial Immortals said: “What is Spirit Spring?”

“Lingquan is the most special and precious place in the base. Even if ordinary people are soaked in it, they can strengthen their health. As for you soak in it, you can wash your marrow, ease your muscles, reborn, change your bones, and harvest spiritual sources. , In short, there are various magical benefits. The higher the talent, the greater the harvest, but the limit is that you can only soak for one hour every day, and only the first time will change the most, and then the effect will become smaller and smaller.”

“Today you all have a chance. You can soak for up to an hour. As for how much you gain, it depends on your good fortune.”

When Mo Liudao said this, everyone was a little excited.

After that, eleven people followed Mo Liudao to Lingquan. On the way, the king Celestial Immortals asked curiously: “My lord, why does Lingquan have such a magical effect? ​​Just soaking in it can you gain all kinds of benefits?”

“It is said that this spiritual spring is not a product of this world. The bottom of the spring leads to the origin of another world. It can be said that this spring contains the power of the origin of a world. Of course, these are just legends. The only certainty is that the spiritual spring is indeed It’s amazing. Even with ordinary aptitudes, you can get huge gains. As for people with good talents, it’s not uncommon for people with good talents to have a level of Ascension after soaking for one hour. Of course, the effect will not be so good afterwards.”

Upon arriving at Lingquan, everyone found that there was a magnificent-looking rockery deep in the base. The interior of the rockery was hollow, and the spiritual spring was inside the rockery.

The guards around the rockery were tightly guarded, and Mo Liudao took them with them. After intensive investigation and identification, they were allowed to pass.

The so-called Lingquan is actually a huge hot spring-like pool, which can hold hundreds of people to soak in it at the same time. The surface of the pool water is steaming hot. At this moment, they are in the steaming steam and saw a few people immersed in it. Only his head was exposed.

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