Chapter 569

When Mo Liudao said this, there was a look of reminiscence in his eyes, as if he was thinking of the beauty of the past.

Su Li was completely stunned, and couldn’t help but said, “Who is she?”

“She was named Gu Ling and she was my former leader. At that time, under her leadership, we created many miracles. I had to ask her for her help several times to get a chance to survive. She has a very cheerful personality. She will never be discouraged when it comes to how dangerous and difficult it is. To us, she is like a beacon in the dark. As long as she is there, there is nothing that can scare us.”

Mo Liudao’s voice became softer as he spoke, his eyes glowing with tenderness.

Su Li’s heart moved slightly. A man spoke of a woman with such a tone and eyes. There is no doubt that he must admire and adore this woman.

He saw that this woman named Gu Ling should be the woman Mo Liudao admired, and hearing what he said, it could be seen that this woman was very good.

But, how could this Mo Liudao suddenly call himself up to the top of this building and talk to himself about the woman he admired in his heart?

Do you see yourself as the person he wants to talk to?

Some Su Li Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

He couldn’t understand Mo Liudao more and more.

“This girl Gu Ling is so good, how is she doing now?” Su Li really didn’t know what to say, so she could only ask according to Mo Liudao’s words.

Mo Liudao heard Su Li’s question, and he shuddered, as if he had awakened from the recollection just now. Then he raised his head slightly, looked at the sky, and muttered: “She is too good. She was taken by the high-level staff of the base. , She was taken away and was keyed in cultivation from the base.”

Hearing what he said, Su Li’s heart moved slightly, faintly feeling that Mo Liudao suddenly came to him today and talked about Gu Ling. He was definitely not just looking for someone to talk to him. He must have other intentions.

Gu Ling was taken away by the high-level base for key cultivation. Xuanhua and Luo Zhanjian were also taken away now. Listening to Mo Liudao’s tone, he would report it to the top if he wanted to, relying on his experience in the dark military training ground. The performance should also be favored by the upper class, and focus on cultivation.

Under such circumstances, he suddenly mentioned Gu Ling, and his intention was somewhat subtle.

Su Li is not stupid. Hearing this, thoughtfully, she couldn’t help but said: “Did you see this girl Gu Ling later?”

He didn’t know why he suddenly asked this sentence, but a vague premonition came out.”I still remember the day when Gu Ling was picked up…All of us were reluctant to leave her, but we can’t affect her future. After all, being able to get the cultivation of the base is a golden opportunity. From then on, she It will fly into the sky…”

Mo Liudao’s eyes were a little blurred, and he murmured: “When she left, she used to encourage me with a smile, let me work hard, and enter the base early, so that we can fight together again, huh, huh…”

Mo Liudao’s laughter was a bit weird and unspeakable, faintly filled with sadness.

Su Li silently looked at the stalwart man in front of him. Compared to himself, he is a superior guide, a super power of level 20, who can destroy a powerful existence in a town with his fingers. Now he is even about to break the border and enter more The unpredictable Realm.

But at this moment, he was like a sentimental ordinary person, confiding his past and venting his own emotions. Listening to his words and tone, Su Li had a vague thought in his heart. Could it be that this Gu Ling had been cultivated by his superiors? Accidentally died? That’s why Mo Liudao felt this sense of sadness?

However, even so, he is not familiar with him, and if he needs someone to talk to, he shouldn’t be looking for himself.

Although Su Li didn’t understand at all in her heart, she still asked cautiously: “Then, after the adult entered the base, did he meet her again?”

Mo Liudao didn’t care what Su Li was asking about, and just continued on his own: “Later, I desperately hunted monsters and continued to strengthen myself, just to be able to enter the base earlier and be able to meet her again.”

Su Li didn’t speak any more this time, just being a loyal listener, listening silently.

“Later, I finally got the approval of the base and successfully entered the base and became a member of it.”

“However, she is so good. Even if I enter the base, it will only be the grassroots level. She is already a great figure above all else, and I will never see her at all.”

Su Li frowned slightly. Originally, he looked at Mo Liudao’s expression and tone, and thought that Gu Ling was dead, so he was sad. Now it seems that just because Gu Ling is so good, even if he enters the base, he is still at the bottom. , Even if I wanted to see Gu Ling, I couldn’t see it.

Hearing this, Su Li had nothing to say, but could only listen in silence, thinking that according to this Mo Liudao, once he was cultivated in the base, he could soar into the sky, so this time, no matter what, he must fight for it.

“Later by chance, I finally met Gu Ling again.”

When Mo Liudao said this, he suddenly trembled sharply, as if he was awake from the memories he had just seen, his eyes, with terrible lights, staring at Su Li.

Su Li felt that his eyes were terrible, and his scalp was tingling when he stared at him.

“I am ecstatic to see her again, but she has changed. She just looked at me with very cold eyes. I still remember the way she looked at me…” Mo Liudao said. , Took a deep breath, and slowly calmed down the violent fluctuations in his emotions.

Su Li looked at Mo Liudao and looked terrifying, and smiled secretly, but could only comfort him: “When people’s status and status are different, their feelings will also change. There are too many such situations, so why should adults keep cherishing this? .”

Mo Liudao shook his head and said, “Su Li, you still don’t understand what I mean. I said she has changed, not that her feelings for me have changed…”

When he said this, he paused slightly, his pupils contracted slightly, and said each word, “What I said has changed…I mean, except for her body or her, everything else… is not her anymore.”

Su Li’s heart shuddered, and suddenly he felt a cold chill coming up his back.

He finally understood the meaning of Mo Liudao’s words, and there was a sudden horror.

Could it be said that the cultivation on the base selects some rare talents, named cultivation, actually…

Su Li finally understood why Mo Liudao would say this to himself today.

“I know Gu Ling too well. Her smiles and frowns seem to be engraved in my mind. I can’t forget it in my life. They can deceive everyone, and they can’t deceive me. It’s not her, I know it at a glance.”

When Mo Liudao said this, his eyes were faintly blood-red, and his hands had been clasped together unknowingly.

“Although everyone says she is Gu Ling, only I understand… Although she uses Gu Ling’s body and appears in front of everyone as Gu Ling, but… But, only I know that she is not at all. The real Gu Ling.”

When Mo Liudao said this, his eyes showed an expression of uncontrollable pain. He couldn’t help closing his eyes and raising his head slightly. Even so, at this moment, Su Li still faintly saw a faint glow from the corner of his eye. A drop of crystal clear liquid.

The 20th-level super power, who was about to break the boundary, cried.

Su Li was silent. The shock in his heart was unimaginable. He just wanted to fight for it, hoping to get the cultivation of the base, and even considered that Xuanhua was only a dual talent, so he got the attention of the high-level base of the base. If you say that it is the three talents, you will definitely be even more sensational, and you will definitely be sheltered by the base, then you don’t have to worry about that beautiful woman looking for her revenge.

At this moment, he heard Mo Liudao’s words, his heart was cold, if what Mo Liudao said was true, it would be terrible.

Su Li slowly said: “What is the purpose of the high-level base? Do you want to completely control these geniuses? No, this is not control, but completely replaced.”

He didn’t believe Mo Liudao’s words. He just listened to his ears and felt incredible. The base wants to develop and focuses on cultivating some geniuses, and then there are people who will succeed him. He can understand that he will do the same when he changes to the top of the base. He also understands that he wants to control these geniuses. After all, no one wants to cultivate the geniuses with all their strength, but they are not controlled by the owner.

But as Mo Liudao just said, apart from her body, Gu Ling has been completely replaced internally, which is incredible.

After all, true genius is hard to find. Some people can become unique geniuses, not just because of their talents or treasures, but the most important thing is their inner fighting consciousness. This is irreplaceable. Once the inside is replaced Now, maybe this genius will no longer exist. If the base does this, it is not killing chickens and getting eggs?

As if understanding Su Li’s doubts, Mo Liudao said: “I also can’t understand the purpose of this high-level management. Only when I break through the border and go further, I can find out. I think there must be some kind of us. The reason is not yet known.”

Su Li sighed secretly. No matter whether what Mo Liudao said was true or false, he has completely lost interest in obtaining the base cultivation, and he is even afraid of being paid attention to by the base high-level officials.”I asked you to say something today, just because… Your performance is very eye-catching these days. If this continues, even if I deliberately help you cover up, I’m afraid I will soon receive high-level attention, and I will not soon It’s your leader again, and the base will send another person to take over my work. If you want to live a long time, remember, you must keep a low profile.”

Su Li suddenly understood what Mo Liudao said.

He has been able to develop steadily until now and has not been paid attention to by the high-level base of the base. It is most likely the credit of Mo Liudao, and he is deliberately covering it up for himself.

He also finally understood. For the strength of own, I am afraid that Mo Liudao had already seen it. Thinking carefully, maybe he could deceive everyone, but for secretly observing the leader of own, trying to deceive him completely, almost Impossible.

He had also wondered before that Xuanhua was a dual talent and a hidden profession. As a result, everyone knew that even the high level of the base paid attention to him. Even though he had gained special information shielding ability, he had already been there before that. The dual talents and hidden professions like Xuanhua’s, but why are they unknown? It seems that the base seniors don’t even know.

At that time, his self-explanation was that between the time he acquired his second talent and possessed the information shielding ability, it was possible that Mo Liudao had not paid much attention to himself or spied on own information, so this was the case.

Now everything can be explained, and all of this is because Mo Liudao deliberately concealed it for himself.

If this is true, then Mo Liudao concealed all this for himself, there is actually a huge risk, if the base knows about it, the consequences will be disastrous.

“My lord, if the base knows all this…” Su Li is now not only worried about own affairs, but also worried about Mo Liudao.

“I will successfully break through the border in the next few days, and then I will leave here. Even if the base knows something, it will not deliberately embarrass me. After all, those who rely on their own to break through the border have to pay attention to it.”

Although Mo Liudao’s words were an understatement, Su Li still faintly heard a hint of confidence and domineering.

Moreover, he also heard some flavors. It seems that people who break the border by themselves and those who break the border by eating the fruit should be different. That’s why Mo Liudao emphasized those who succeeded in breaking the border by themselves.

“You don’t have to worry too much. Except for extremely rare geniuses or some special circumstances, the above will not use this kind of ‘cultivation’ for every genius.”

Mo Liudao paused, and continued: “Even if Xuanhua is a hidden job with dual talents, the most important thing is to pay more attention to him, and he will not deliberately’cultivation’, otherwise he would have been moved long ago. Until now, this time because of some special circumstances involving Jiangdong Province, I can only say that Xuanhua and Luo Zhanjian…”

When he said this, he shook his head slightly, and said: “Actually, there are several geniuses with dual talents like Xuanhua, but not everyone will have this encounter, so you don’t have to worry too much, just get over. This time this level, there shouldn’t be much problem afterwards.”

Hearing what he said, Su Li let out a sigh of relief. At the same time, he also knew that even if it is a hidden job with dual talents, it is just to let the boss pay attention to it. To put it bluntly, just these things are not worth it. Go ahead.

“If they knew that I was a three-talented person, I don’t know what attitude they would have…” Su Li thought silently, and finally understood that Mo Liudao came to find the real intention of the owner. He is about to leave, and other guides will take over. And all he needs to do is try to keep a low profile.

“You are a person who has hope to break the border, as long as you can successfully break the border, no one will want to make your idea.”

When Mo Liudao said this, he let out a sigh of relief and said: “Suri, you have a great future. One day in the future, maybe I still need your help.”

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