Chapter 568 Mo Liudao’s past

As long as we persist, the changes in the future will become more and more obvious.

Afterwards, Zuri gathered some core members, took out a batch of ground berries, washed them and used them to entertain the crowd.

From the Great Flood to the present, although there is no shortage of food, after all, there are many monsters whose meat is edible, but fruits are rare and almost never eaten. I am tired of eating all kinds of meat every day. Now I see these fruits, This allure and excitement is beyond words.

“Haha, this batch of ground berries are ripe, everyone comes to taste it.”

Although hundreds of berry trees bear tens of thousands of fruits, there are tens of thousands of people in the entire ancient city. If you really want to average one point, each person will only have one or two.

So Zurich can only take out a batch and use it to entertain some core members first.

There are ground berry trees on the floating islands. It is not a secret that there are ground berries. Everyone has seen them, so Zuri did not hide them.

Everyone picked up the cleaned ground berries and ate them, only to feel the fragrance of their teeth and cheeks.

After eating a lot of meat with almost the same taste, and now tasting the fruit, everyone only feels that the legendary Queen Mother’s flat peach is nothing more than that.

The berries here have a variety of magical functions, which can strengthen the body, and regular consumption can slowly improve people’s physique.

“Brother Su, if the stinky woman with an asshole on top of her head knows that we are all eating fruits here, she will probably be angry again, haha.” Zhang Haohao ate three ground berries in a row, only feeling comfortable. Can’t help laughing.

Su Li smiled slightly, knowing that he was talking about King Celestial Immortals.

The arrogant appearance of Wang Celestial Immortals has long aroused the dissatisfaction of many people. Zhang Haohao and others often make fun of her behind their backs, making her unsightly.

Seeing Zhang Haohao, Su Li’s heart moved and said, “By the way, where is Luo Zhanjian?”

He remembered that Zhang Haohao and Luo Zhanjian had a good relationship, and they often appeared. They were both together. Now that he saw Zhang Haohao, he suddenly realized that Luo Zhanjian was not there.

“Luo Zhanjian? He is amazing now. Yesterday, he was taken away by that Mo Liudao…no, Lord Eagle.” Zhang Haohao was taken aback, and then he realized that Su Li didn’t even know about it.

“Is there something?” Su Li really didn’t know about it. When he returned to Shoude City, it was already dark, and then monsters attacked. He was busy using the mirage to swallow the floating island and then collect the corpses, but he didn’t care at all. It’s something else.

Su Li looked at Xu Haihai who was sitting on the other side.

Xu Haihai said: “Brother Su, I wanted to tell you about this, but you were too busy yesterday, and I didn’t dare to disturb you. Actually, shortly after we returned to Shoude, the Eagle Lord was riding the Fire Feather God. The eagle came, and then they found Luo Zhanjian. It is said that they believed that Luo Zhanjian performed well in the dark military training ground and will now receive key cultivation from the base.”

Xu Haihai said a little bit angrily at this point: “In fact, it’s Brother Su who performed the best. I can’t figure out what the people at the base think?”Zhang Haohao glared at him and said: “They thought that Brother Su had an accident, and it was normal to choose Luo Zhanjian.” Luo Zhanjian is his brother, and he was a little unhappy with Xu Haihai’s words.

Xu Haihai glanced at Zhang Haohao and didn’t say a word. He thought that even if he believed that Su Li was dead, it would be the turn of Xuanhua and Wei Bingying. How could Luo Zhanjian fall in favor of Luo Zhanjian?

They can’t understand, but Su Li somewhat understands that Luo Zhanjian is only a “medium” combat strength, but being able to stay in the dark military training ground to the fourth level is indeed an extraordinary performance. Even now, he has some doubts. clear.

The only explanation was that Luo Zhanjian’s luck was too good. He thought of Zhang Haohao once said that Luo Zhanjian possessed a special ability, which was said to be particularly lucky.

Su Li doesn’t care if he gets the key cultivation of the base. He has too many secrets now. He is really staring at him, but he is uncomfortable. With Xu Xuehui, with her ability, maybe he will follow her, and the opportunities will be even greater. More than being cultivated by the base.

Regarding this opportunity to go to the base to obtain key cultivation, Zuli is not particularly concerned.

It is good to have it, but it is not, and he is not particularly regretful.

Of course, he didn’t care, but the king Celestial Immortals was completely upset about this matter.

If Xuanhua is to be chosen, she is convinced. Own is indeed not as good as others, but why is Luo Zhanjian?

When she knew the news yesterday, she almost wanted to ask questions, but seeing that Mo Liudao’s eyes were a little scary at the time, she seemed to be worried.

She didn’t dare to ask more, she felt uncomfortable like a piece of leadstone in her heart. Originally, she thought that because of her relationship with Mo Liudao, she should have some advantages. If you want to choose someone other than Xuanhua, since Luo Zhan Jian can go, why can’t she?

In addition, knowing that Su Li had come back from death at night, she was in a worse mood. She didn’t sleep well all night, and she didn’t want to get up after lying in bed for a long time.

After lying on three poles in the sun, she woke up lazily. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice.

“Gather all the people who have entered the dark refining field yesterday.”

Hearing this sound, the king Celestial Immortals shuddered cleverly, and looked up busy, but noticed that a red figure flashed outside the window and disappeared again.

She understands, Lord Eagle is here.

He got up in a hurry, and sent someone to notify those who had entered the dark refining field yesterday. The Lord Eagle summoned him and asked everyone to come to her to gather.

Su Li and the others, who were gathering together, also received the notice, and they stood up one after another when they heard that Lord Eagle had come to the summoning.

All the people who entered the Dark Refinery Field yesterday have a share. The people from their ancient city include Su Li, Jiang Shuijue, Xu Xuehui, Fulong, and the Ding brothers and sisters. There was originally Luo Zhanjian, but Luo Zhanjian I was picked up yesterday.

When the five of them arrived at the hall where King Celestial Immortals was, they saw King Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, Shi Dalong, Yu Chengcheng, Lu Xiaojie, and Li Chao all gathered here.

Except for Luo Zhanjian, eleven people gathered together. Among these eleven people, except for Xu Xuehui, the other ten people all reached “superior” combat power or above.

Eleven people waited quietly in the hall. About two minutes later, Mo Liudao did not appear, but the voice came in from outside.

“Su Li, come out for a while.”

Hearing this sound, Su Li’s heart moved slightly, and he answered, then turned and walked out.

The other ten people were still waiting in the hall, looking at each other, they were all guessing that Mo Liudao would summon them, and now they suddenly called out Su Li. Could it be that there is something good about Su Li? Now that he is not dead, he will also be cultivated by the base?

King Celestial Immortals also had this idea, and his heart was immediately full of jealousy.

Su Li walked out of the hall, Mo Liudao’s voice rang from his ears again.

“Go up to the top.”

“Yes.” Su Li replied and stood up. It stretched more than ten meters. With the help of the windows of the outer wall, he stretched out his hand towards the window sill, and continued to move up. On the roof of a building with several floors.

On the roof of the entire building, there was only Mo Liudao alone. He was still covered in a layer of fiery red armor, with his back facing him, standing on the edge of the facing building, condescending, looking out at the water in the distance.

Su Li went up to the top of the building, walked over, and saluted respectfully.

Mo Liudao didn’t turn around, just said, “Tell me about your past in the dark military refining field yesterday.”

Su Li did not hesitate at all, and immediately began to tell.

Since he learned that he was mistaken for Death, he was already prepared. Once Mo Liudao knew that he was not dead, he would most likely come to him to ask the reason. Therefore, he had long thought of how to answer.

In the first few levels, everyone participated together, so naturally you can’t hide it, but in the next few levels, if you are alone, then you can make up with yourself.

“There were hundreds of dark tentacles at the time, and each of these dark tentacles was even more powerful than a ‘superior’ powerhouse. I saw Xuanhua and the three of them also fled back one after another.”

Su Li continued: “Fortunately, I have a special ability called’Sacred Power’, which can be immune to various attacks in a short period of time.”

Zuli did not lie completely, but half-truth, so that it is more difficult to tell the truth.

He has the special ability to be immune to all attacks, and it is not a secret now, at least it can’t be concealed from Mo Liudao. He had used it in the face of that beautiful woman that day, and Mo Liudao was also in his eyes.

What he really needs to hide is the stone tool, and it is most reasonable to put all the credit to the “power of Sacred”.

Mo Liudao did know that as a Sacred knight of a hidden class, Su Li should possess a special power of a hidden class. At this moment, he knew that this ability was called the power of Sacred.

He nodded slightly. This Sacred power can be immune to various attacks in a short period of time. No matter how strong these dark tentacles are, they will not be able to injure Zuli in a short period of time. It is no surprise for Zuli to pass this level.

“At that time, I rushed over. When I passed through the iron gate, I don’t know why, as if I felt a terrifying force of darkness. At that time, I was holding the teleportation crystal in my hand. It was terrible. I used the teleport crystal to escape, but I didn’t want this dark power to come surging through the iron gate. I was not injured because I was in the Sacred power state, but the teleport crystal in my hand couldn’t stand it. It broke.”

Su Li said with a wry smile: “Unexpectedly, everyone mistakenly thought I was dead and made such a big oolong.”Mo Liudao was noncommittal and said, “What about after?”

Su Li did not lie about the monsters encountered in the later levels, but changed the condition of winning to the victory as long as he passed through the iron gate. With the special ability of Sacred’s power, he can ignore these monsters and let these monsters go again. Powerful, he only needs a breath of energy to rush into the iron gate to be considered victory, and then he broke into a dilapidated room and saw the dark magic stone.

“The dark magic stone seems to have been on, I jumped in, and then I was teleported back.”

Most of what Su Li said was true, but he concealed everything about the stone tool and replaced it with the power of Sacred. He believed that even if Mo Liudao was more powerful, it was impossible to hear the flaw.

After listening to him, Mo Liudao’s eyes were erratic, as if he didn’t know what he was thinking.

After a long while, Mo Liudao said, “This is our mistake. We all thought you were dead, so after comprehensive consideration this time, two people were selected for key cultivation, one is Xuanhua and the other is Luo Zhanjian.”

Su Li knew that Mo Liudao came to Shoude City yesterday to pick up Luo Zhanjian, but didn’t know that there were two people, in addition to Luo Zhanjian, Xuanhua was one of them.

“Zuli, do you feel a little disappointed or have complaints? In principle, your performance is better than them. If you want to choose a winner, it should be you.”

Su Li replied respectfully: “Since the superior has chosen the two of them, there is a reason for the superior, and I dare not complain.”

“Don’t dare to complain, that means disappointment.” Mo Liudao smiled faintly.

Su Li did not speak, it is a lie to say that there is no disappointment in his heart. After all, he has been keyed in cultivation by the base, and he can definitely become strong in a short time. For him who is threatened by a beautiful woman, this is his most important thing. needs.

Mo Liudao looked at Su Li, and suddenly said, “Actually, you want to get the cultivation from the top. It’s not difficult. I just need to go back and report your situation to the top. In all likelihood, the top will focus on cultivating you.”

Su Li felt that there was something weird in Mo Liudao’s words that could not be said.

He just couldn’t tell what was weird.

Logically speaking, this should be his duty. He knew that he was actually alive, and his performance yesterday was definitely better than Xuanhua. Since even Xuanhua was selected, and he was not dead, He should report up immediately, but he ran to tell himself this, but why?

Doesn’t he want to be favored by himself?

There was a trace of confusion on Su Li’s face, but he didn’t know how to respond, so he could only look at Mo Liudao.

“Actually, I used to be like you, evolving and growing step by step… From the 1st-level spiritual source to the 10th, and then advanced, I chose the paladin, and then continued to evolve from the 1st-level paladin, and finally became 20 A paladin of rank, trapped in a broken boundary, unable to break through anymore, until today.”

Mo Liudao let out a sigh of relief, and suddenly talked about own past.

Su Li was a little surprised. He didn’t understand what Mo Liudao suddenly meant. He always felt that Mo Liudao today is weird, but he didn’t ask much, so he could only listen silently.

When Mo Liudao said this, he smiled faintly, and said: “Actually, my talents are not very good. It is neither a hidden profession, but also a talent. The combat consciousness is not top-notch. I have always performed fairly well, not a genius. It’s not too bad, just average.”

When he said this, his eyes were shining slightly, he looked up at the water in the distance, and said: “Compared with the mediocre me, she was the best of our group at that time, no matter how dangerous she was. No matter what kind of difficulties it encounters, as long as she is there, it will surely be able to solve the monster’s monster.”

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